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magik edited this page Apr 23, 2011 · 5 revisions



  • LANDID - ID # of the land you want the command to act on
  • ADDON - the name of the addon ( announce, noenter, heal )
  • PERMTAGS - permission tags they are formatted like: <NAME>:<MODIFIER>, where <NAME> is the playername or the special tag "default", and <MODIFIER> is either "-" to remove a perm, or "t" or "f" to indicate granting or denying permission


  • /icl - shows /icl help
  • /icl help - help screen
  • /icl list - lists all properties
  • /icl select [cancel|fullheight] - land selection tool ( right click 2 corners ), or with optional parameters, cancel - cancels current selection, fullheight - modifies selection to be full height
  • /icl info [here|LANDID] - shows more specific info on a single land, with just /icl info it shows you info on the selected land ( or the land you are currently in if nothing selected ), /icl info here shows you info of the area you are standing in, /icl info <LANDID> will show you info on a specific land ID#
  • /icl buy land - this command buys the land currently selected for the price listed under /icl info
  • /icl buy addon <ADDON> <LANDID> - buys the specified <ADDON> for the specified <LANDID> - addon prices are listed under /icl info
  • /icl sell land <LANDID> - sells the land specified by <LANDID> ( price has a "salestax" % it will buyback the land at
  • /icl sell addon <ADDON> <LANDID> - sells the specified <ADDON> at the specified <LANDID>
  • /icl edit <LANDID> name <LOCATION NAME>
  • /icl edit <LANDID> perms <PERMTAGS>

Admin commands

  • /icl adminlist - shows all properties
  • /icl modify <LANDID> perms <PERMTAGS> - (admin) - modifies a <LANDID>' permissions
  • /icl modify <LANDID> addons <ADDONTAGS> - (admin) - modifies a <LANDID>'s addons
  • /icl modify <LANDID> owner <NEWOWNER> - (admin) - changes the owner of a <LANDID>
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