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Admin UI

Samantha Thueson edited this page Jun 12, 2023 · 8 revisions

DeepLynx ships with a self-contained administration and query UI in the form of a Vue Single Page Application (SPA). This application is experimental and is constantly undergoing changes. This does not constitute a feature full and complete environment, but rather a test bed for various functionalities of DeepLynx. It is hoped however, that this admin UI will eventually become the client-facing front of DeepLynx.

Setting up the UI

In order to run the UI some preliminary steps must be made

  1. In order for the UI's authentication and user management portion to work correctly it must first be registered with DeepLynx. Follow the instructions here for how to create your application. Once you have your application ID modify the UI's .env file (which you created by copying .env-sample so that the value of the variable VUE_APP_DEEP_LYNX_APP_ID is equal to your newly created application ID.


  1. Modify your .env file Verify that your .env file contains valid settings. To help you achieve this here are the required environment variables and a description.
VUE_APP_DEEP_LYNX_API_URL this is the URL for the DeepLynx api itself, defaults to http://localhost:8090
VUE_APP_DEEP_LYNX_API_AUTH_METHOD either token or basic. If basic include the additional parameters listed below this variable in the .env-sample file. Note:* The admin UI DOES NOT FUNCTION without authentication being present on DeepLynx.
VUE_APP_APP_URL the url of the UI application, defaults to http://localhost:8080
VUE_APP_DEEP_LYNX_APP_ID the application ID you received when registering the UI with your instance of DeepLynx


  1. Run npm install

  2. Build with `npm run build

  3. Use the built-in web server by using npm run serve

  4. Attempt to log-in. Below demonstrates the screen you will see if using the token log-in.


  1. Authorize Access


DeepLynx Wiki

Sections marked with ! are in progress.

Building DeepLynx

DeepLynx Overview

Getting Started

Building From Source

Admin Web App

Deploying DeepLynx

Integrating with DeepLynx

Using DeepLynx


Data Ingestion

Timeseries Data

Manual Path
Automated Path
File/Blob Storage

Data Querying

Event System

Data Targets

Developing DeepLynx

Developer Overview

Project Structure and Patterns

Data Access Layer

Development Process

Current Proposals

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