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minisvc - daemontools mini Service Configuration Tool
minisvc [ options ]
minisvc is a shell frontend for configuring supervise(8) services under svscan(8). For every service created, it also creates a supervised log service, that uses multilog(8), in /var/log/svc direcotry. You can install svscan(8) to be started by the system using the command
minisvc --config=add-boot.
Similarly, you can remove svscan(8) from startup by using the command
minisvc --config=rm-boot.
minisvc offers tiny subset of indimail-mta's svctool(8) config tool features.
svctool can be used to dump the entire configuration of indimail on stdou.
minisvc --servicedir=/service --dumpconfig --cntrldir=/etc/indimail/control
minisvc requires root privilege to run.
svctool primary function is for creating supervised services in /service. You can change the location of the service directory by specifying --servicedir option.
When you create any service, svctool stores the entire command line invocation wth arguments in /service/name/variables/.options. This allows svctool to recreate entire configuration for a service when you use the --refreshsvc option. Using envdir(8), supervise(8) services can be run with set of environment variables or a set of variables removed from the environment. The environment variables are those needed by applications run by supervise(8). These environment variables are stored as files in /service/name/variables directory. svctool can store all environment variables set for a service in /service/name/variables/.variables. This file can be created by running the command
svctool --servicedir=/service --save-variables --force
Once you have saved all environment variables as key=value lines in a file, svctool can restore all environment variables to original state by running the command
svctool --servicedir=/service --restore-all-variables --force
name refers to a supervised service name. See svscan(8), supervise(8).
Usage: minisvc [OPTION]
Known values for OPTION are:
--svscanlog --servicedir=service_path [--initcmd=cmmd --scanint=n --resolvconf]
service_path - Path where supervise service will be installed
cmmd - Program/Script to run instead of .svscan/run
n - Scan interval for svscan command
--resolvconf - mount /etc/indimail/resolv.conf as /etc/resolv.conf
Use if you have dnscache installed in $servicedir/dnscache
Use unshare to mount private /etc/resolv.conf for using local dns
Create supervisor services in down state
Disable supervise scripts for service
service_name - name of service with full path
e.g. (/service/qmail-smtpd.25)
(give multiple services enclosed in double quotes)
"/service/qmail-smtpd.25 /service/qmail-imapd.143"
Enable supervise scripts for service
service_name - name of service with full path
e.g. (/service/qmail-smtpd.25)
(give multiple services enclosed in double quotes)
"/service/qmail-smtpd.25 /service/qmail-imapd.143"
[--run-file-only] [--force]
Enable supervise scripts for service
service_name - name of service with full path
e.g. (/service/qmail-smtpd.25)
(give multiple services enclosed in double quotes)
"/service/qmail-smtpd.25 /service/qmail-imapd.143"
service_name can be "all" to act on all services
run-file-only - Recreate run files but not variables
force - Recreate service even if it has norefreshsvc flag
NOTE: if the file .norefreshsvc is present in the variable or the config
directory, refresh is skipped
--autorefresh="0|1 service_name"
Disable/Enable auto refresh of supervise scripts for service
0 - Disable autorefresh (create .norefreshsvc in variables directory)
1 - Enable autorefresh (delete .norefreshsvc in variables directory)
service_name - name of service with full path
e.g. (/service/qmail-smtpd.25)
service_name can be "all" to act on all services
--enable-service name1 name2 ..
Add a service to be started at system boot. The unit file for the service should exist
name1 name2 .. - name of a service or list of services to be added
This should be a SYSV style service, systemd, event.d unit file
--disable-service name1 name2 ..
Remove a service to be started at system boot. The unit file for the service should exist
name1 name2 .. - name of a service or list of services to be removed
This should be a SYSV style service, systemd, event.d unit file
add-boot - Add startup scripts for IndiMail to get started during boot
rm-boot - Remove Startup scripts to prevent IndiMail to get started after boot
users - Create Internal System Users needed by svscan
rmusers - Delete Internal System Users needed by svscan
inittab - Install svscan started by configuration in /etc/inittab
cert - Generate SSL Certificate
postmaster - name of the user who will recieve bounces on the local host.
This can also be a remote user i.e. &postmaster@indimail.org
common_name - Common Name (CN) for server
days - Number of days for which the Certificate should be valid
ca_path_dir - Directory having CA certificate
certdir - Directory in which new certificates will be placed
update-certs - Update CERTDIR, CERTFILE and TLSCACHE for services using them
--check-certs=[full path of certificate]
Check certificate given as argument or
Check IndiMail Certificates in /etc/indimail/certs without any arguments
--set-variable=n --variable-value=v
Set a new variable for a supervise service
n - variable name
v - variable value
service_path - Path where supervise service will be installed
service_name - Service name
force - Overwrite variable if it exists
--modify-variable=n --variable-value=v
Modify an existing variable for a supervise service
n - variable name
v - variable value
service_path - Path where supervise service will be installed
service_name - Service name
force - Set the variable even if does not exist
Unset any existing environment variable named 'n'
n - variable name
service_name - Service name
Remove an existing variable for a supervise service
n - variable name
service_path - Path where supervise service will be installed
service_name - Service name
Clean and Restore all variables to original state from
servicedir/service_name/variables/.variables file
service_path - Path where supervise service will be installed
service_name - name of supervise service without path
e.g. (qmail-smtpd.25)
Import new environment variables from a file having one more multiple
key=value pairs
file - File from which to import key=value environment variables
service_path - Path where supervise service will be installed
service_name - name of supervise service without path
e.g. (qmail-smtpd.25)
force - Set the variable if variable already exists
Export existing environment variables to a file
file - File in which to save key=value environment variables
service_path - Path where supervise service will be installed
service_name - name of supervise service without path
e.g. (qmail-smtpd.25)
force - overwrite service_path/service_name/variables/.variables
Export variables for all service in /service and
service_path - Path where supervise service will be installed
Restore all variables to orignal state for all service in
/service and /etc/indimail/control/defaultqueue
service_path - Path where supervise service will be installed
--service-name=service_name | --envdir=dir
Print environment variables for a service
service_path - Path where supervise service will be installed
service_name - name of supervise service without path
e.g. (qmail-smtpd.25)
dir - Environment variables directory
Print environment variables all services
service_path - Path where supervise service will be installed
--dumpconfig --servicedir=service_path --cntrldir=cntrl_path
Dumps all service configuration for Supervise Scripts, control files and software information
service_path - Path where supervise service will be installed
cntrl_path - Path where Qmail control files are stored
display this help and exit
output version information
svctool returns non-zero status on error.
IndiMail(7) initsvc(1), svscan(8), svstat(8), svc(8), supervise(8), multilog(8)