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* 'main' of
  [Core] Follow RFC 3339 datetime formatting for AzureJSONEncoder (Azure#20346)
  [Key Vault] Add 7.3-preview support for certificates (Azure#20477)
  Use dummy values and correct code rendering in README (Azure#20322)
  Use CredScan-suppressed dummy password in sample (Azure#20468)
  Fix type annotation in (Azure#20084)
  Adding static checks (Azure#20457)
  release_iseus_status_auto_reply (Azure#20441)
  Clarify LogsQueryClient query parameter description (Azure#20467)
  Sync eng/common directory with azure-sdk-tools for PR 1953 (Azure#20466)
  Skip eng common workflow enforcer for private repos (Azure#20462)
  remove iter_text and iter_lines (Azure#20460)
  • Loading branch information
iscai-msft committed Aug 31, 2021
2 parents 599c15a + 6821987 commit 62dc845
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Showing 101 changed files with 31,073 additions and 731 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion eng/common/TestResources/New-TestResources.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -289,7 +289,8 @@ try {
} else {
Log "TestApplicationId was not specified; creating a new service principal in subscription '$SubscriptionId'"
$global:AzureTestPrincipal = New-AzADServicePrincipal -Role Owner -Scope "/subscriptions/$SubscriptionId" -DisplayName "test-resources-$($baseName)"
$suffix = (New-Guid).ToString('n').Substring(0, 4)
$global:AzureTestPrincipal = New-AzADServicePrincipal -Role Owner -Scope "/subscriptions/$SubscriptionId" -DisplayName "test-resources-$($baseName)$"
$global:AzureTestSubscription = $SubscriptionId

Log "Created service principal '$($AzureTestPrincipal.ApplicationId)'"
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ steps:
displayName: Prevent changes to eng/common outside of azure-sdk-tools repo
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.EngCommonWorkflowEnforcer'], 'true'))
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.EngCommonWorkflowEnforcer'], 'true'), not(endsWith(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], '-pr')))
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions eng/tox/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
Expand Down
108 changes: 88 additions & 20 deletions scripts/release_issue_status/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,12 +5,15 @@
from datetime import date, datetime
import subprocess as sp
from import BlobClient
import reply_generator as rg
from update_issue_body import update_issue_body, find_readme_link
import traceback

_NULL = ' '
_FILE_OUT = 'release_issue_status.csv'
_PYTHON_SDK_ADMINISTRATORS = {'msyyc', 'RAY-316', 'BigCat20196'}

def my_print(cmd):
print('==' + cmd + ' ==\n')

Expand All @@ -20,6 +23,20 @@ def print_check(cmd):
sp.check_call(cmd, shell=True)

def output_python_md(issue_status_python):
with open(_FILE_OUT_PYTHON, 'w') as file_out:
file_out.write('| issue | author | package | assignee | bot advice | created date of issue | delay from created date |\n')
file_out.write('| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | :-----: |\n')
file_out.writelines([item.output_python() for item in sorted(issue_status_python, key=_key_select)])

def output_csv(issue_status):
with open(_FILE_OUT, 'w') as file_out:
file_out.write('language,issue,author,package,created date,delay from created date,latest update time,'
'delay from latest update,status,bot advice\n')
file_out.writelines([item.output() for item in sorted(issue_status, key=_key_select)])

class IssueStatus:
link = _NULL
author = _NULL
Expand All @@ -36,6 +53,7 @@ class IssueStatus:
whether_author_comment = True
issue_object = _NULL
labels = _NULL
assignee = _NULL

def output(self):
return '{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format(self.language,,,
Expand All @@ -46,6 +64,13 @@ def output(self):
self.status, self.bot_advice)

def output_python(self):
return '| [#{}]({}) | {} | {} | {} | {} | {} | {} |\n'.format('/')[-1],,,
self.package, self.assignee, self.bot_advice,

def _extract(str_list, key_word):
for item in str_list:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,8 +111,7 @@ def _extract_author_latest_comment(comments):
def _whether_author_comment(comments):
q = set(comment.user.login for comment in comments)
diff = q.difference(_PYTHON_SDK_ADMINISTRATORS)

return len(diff) > 0
return len(diff) > 0

def _latest_comment_time(comments, delay_from_create_date):
q = [(comment.updated_at.timestamp(), comment.user.login)
Expand All @@ -96,13 +120,50 @@ def _latest_comment_time(comments, delay_from_create_date):

return delay_from_create_date if not q else int((time.time() - q[-1][0]) / 3600 / 24)

def auto_reply(item, sdk_repo, rest_repo, duplicated_issue):
print("==========new issue number: {}".format(item.issue_object.number))
if 'auto-link' not in item.labels:
package_name, readme_link = update_issue_body(sdk_repo, rest_repo, item.issue_object.number)
print("pkname, readme", package_name, readme_link)
item.package = package_name
key = ('Python', item.package)
duplicated_issue[key] = duplicated_issue.get(key, 0) + 1
except Exception as e:
item.bot_advice = 'failed to modify the body of the new issue. Please modify manually'
readme_link = find_readme_link(sdk_repo, item.issue_object.number)
except Exception as e:
print('Issue: {} updates body failed'.format(item.issue_object.number))
item.bot_advice = 'failed to find Readme link, Please check !!'
reply = rg.begin_reply_generate(item=item, rest_repo=rest_repo, readme_link=readme_link)
except Exception as e:
item.bot_advice = 'auto reply failed, Please intervene manually !!'
print('Error from auto reply ========================')

def main():
# get latest issue status
g = Github(os.getenv('TOKEN')) # please fill user_token
repo = g.get_repo('Azure/sdk-release-request')
label1 = repo.get_label('ManagementPlane')
open_issues = repo.get_issues(state='open', labels=[label1])
sdk_repo = g.get_repo('Azure/sdk-release-request')
rest_repo = g.get_repo('Azure/azure-rest-api-specs')
label1 = sdk_repo.get_label('ManagementPlane')
open_issues = sdk_repo.get_issues(state='open', labels=[label1])
issue_status = []
issue_status_python = []
duplicated_issue = dict()
start_time = time.time()
for item in open_issues:
Expand All @@ -124,7 +185,9 @@ def main():
issue.issue_object = item
issue.labels = [ for label in item.labels]
issue.days_from_latest_commit = _latest_comment_time(item.get_comments(), issue.delay_from_create_date)

if item.assignee:
issue.assignee = item.assignee.login

key = (issue.language, issue.package)
duplicated_issue[key] = duplicated_issue.get(key, 0) + 1
Expand All @@ -135,18 +198,23 @@ def main():
# rule2: if latest comment is from author, need response asap
# rule3: if comment num is 0, it is new issue, better to deal with it asap
# rule4: if delay from latest update is over 7 days, better to deal with it soon.
# rule5: if delay from created date is over 30 days and owner never reply, close it.
# rule6: if delay from created date is over 15 days and owner never reply, remind owner to handle it.
# rule5: if delay from created date is over 30 days, better to close.
# rule6: if delay from created date is over 30 days and owner never reply, close it.
# rule7: if delay from created date is over 15 days and owner never reply, remind owner to handle it.
for item in issue_status:
if item.status == 'release':
item.bot_advice = 'better to release asap.'
elif == item.author_latest_comment:
item.bot_advice = 'new comment for author.'
elif item.comment_num == 0:
elif item.comment_num == 0 and 'Python' in item.labels:
item.bot_advice = 'new issue and better to confirm quickly.'
auto_reply(item, sdk_repo, rest_repo, duplicated_issue)
except Exception as e:
elif not item.author_latest_comment in _PYTHON_SDK_ADMINISTRATORS:
item.bot_advice = 'new comment for author.'
elif item.delay_from_latest_update >= 7:
item.bot_advice = 'delay for a long time and better to handle now.'

if item.days_from_latest_commit >= 30 and item.language == 'Python' and '30days attention' not in item.labels:
item.labels.append('30days attention')
Expand All @@ -157,17 +225,17 @@ def main():
' please deal with it ASAP. We will close the issue if there is still no response after 15 days!')
item.labels.append('15days attention')

# judge whether there is duplicated issue for same package
if item.package != _NULL and duplicated_issue.get((item.language, item.package)) > 1:
item.bot_advice = f'Warning:There is duplicated issue for {item.package}. ' + item.bot_advice

if item.language == 'Python':

# output result
with open(_FILE_OUT, 'w') as file_out:
file_out.write('language,issue,author,package,created date,delay from created date,latest update time,'
'delay from latest update,status,bot advice\n')
file_out.writelines([item.output() for item in sorted(issue_status, key=_key_select)])

# commit to github
print_check('git add .')
Expand All @@ -179,7 +247,7 @@ def main():
with open(_FILE_OUT, 'rb') as data:
blob.upload_blob(data, overwrite=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions scripts/release_issue_status/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
import re

issue_object_rg = None

def weather_change_readme(rest_repo, link_dict, labels):
# to see whether need change readme
contents = str(rest_repo.get_contents(link_dict['readme_path']).decoded_content)
pattern_tag = re.compile(r'tag: package-[\w+-.]+')
package_tag =
package_tag = package_tag.split(':')[1].strip()
readme_python_contents = str(rest_repo.get_contents(link_dict['readme_python_path']).decoded_content)
whether_multi_api = 'multi-api' in readme_python_contents
whether_same_tag = package_tag == link_dict['readme_tag']
whether_change_readme = not whether_same_tag or whether_multi_api and not 'MultiAPI' in labels
return whether_change_readme

# parse owner's comment and get links
def get_links(readme_link):
link_dict = {}
comment_body = issue_object_rg.body
pattern_readme = re.compile(r'/specification/([\w-]+/)')
pattern_resource_manager = re.compile(r'/specification/([\w-]+/)+resource-manager')
pattern_tag = re.compile(r'package-[\w+-.]+')
readme_path =
readme_tag =
resource_manager =
link_dict['readme_path'] = readme_path
link_dict['readme_python_path'] = readme_path[:readme_path.rfind('/')] + '/'
link_dict['readme_tag'] = readme_tag
link_dict['resource_manager'] = resource_manager
return link_dict

def get_latest_pr_from_readme(rest_repo, link_dict):
commits = rest_repo.get_commits(path=link_dict['resource_manager'])
latest_commit = [commit for commit in commits][0]
latest_pr_brief = latest_commit.commit.message
latest_pr_number = re.findall('\(\#[0-9]+\)', latest_pr_brief)
latest_pr_number_int = []
for number in latest_pr_number:
number = int('\d+', number).group())

return latest_pr_number_int[-1]

def latest_pr_parse(rest_repo, latest_pr_number):
latest_pr = rest_repo.get_issue(latest_pr_number)
latest_pr_comments = latest_pr.get_comments()
b = [i for i in latest_pr_comments]
for comment in latest_pr_comments:
if '<h3>Swagger Generation Artifacts</h3>' in comment.body:
return swagger_generator_parse(comment.body, latest_pr_number)

def swagger_generator_parse(context, latest_pr_number):
track1_info_model = ''
if '<b> azure-sdk-for-python</b>' in context:
pattern_python_t1 = re.compile('<b> azure-sdk-for-python</b>.+?</details>', re.DOTALL)
python_t1 =, context).group()
prttern_python_track1 = re.compile('<ul>\s+?<li>\s+?<a.+</ul>', re.DOTALL)
python_track1_info =, python_t1).group()
track1_info_model = '<details open><summary><b> python-track1</b></summary>{} </details>'.format(
except Exception as e:
print('track1 generate error')
pattern_python = re.compile('<b> azure-sdk-for-python-track2</b>.+?</details>', re.DOTALL)
python =, context).group()
# the way that reply not contains [Release SDK Changes]
# pattern_python_track2 = re.compile('<ul>\s*?<li>\s*?<a.*</ul>', re.DOTALL)
pattern_python_track2 = re.compile('<b>track2_.*</ul>', re.DOTALL)
python_track2_info =, python).group()
track2_info_model = '<details open><summary><b> python-track2</b></summary>{} </details>'.format(
info_model = 'hi @{} Please check the package whether works well and the changelog info is as below:\n' \
'{}\n{}\n' \
'\n* (The version of the package is only a temporary version for testing)\n' \
'\n{}\n' \
.format(issue_object_rg.user.login, track1_info_model, track2_info_model, str(latest_pr_number))

return info_model

def reply_owner(reply_content):

def add_label(label_name, labels):
if label_name not in labels:

def begin_reply_generate(item, rest_repo, readme_link):
global issue_object_rg
issue_object_rg = item.issue_object
link_dict = get_links(readme_link)
labels = item.labels
whether_change_readme = weather_change_readme(rest_repo, link_dict, labels)

if not whether_change_readme:
latest_pr_number = get_latest_pr_from_readme(rest_repo,link_dict)
reply_content = latest_pr_parse(rest_repo, latest_pr_number)
add_label('auto-ask-check', labels)
print('issue {} need config readme***********'.format(issue_object_rg.number))

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