🚀 New Features and Enhancements
- Open experiments automatically once setup is done #2973 by @sroy3
- Adjust formatting on table cell long numbers #2983 by @julieg18
- Provide option to auto-install DVC if unavailable #2944 by @mattseddon
- Direct users to setup webview from warning popups #2990 by @mattseddon
- Patch CLI incompatible path for onboarding #2992 by @mattseddon
- Get closer to theme inside of code blocks shown on no experiments data screen #2988 by @mattseddon
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Initially expand commit entries in the experiments tree #2996 by @mattseddon
🔨 Maintenance
- Rename getStarted to setup #2982 by @sroy3
- Reinstate badges (with @vscode/vsce v2.16.0) #2987 by @renovate[bot]
- Update demo project and latest tested CLI version (2.38.1) #2989 by @mattseddon