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686 lines (573 loc) · 28.5 KB

File metadata and controls

686 lines (573 loc) · 28.5 KB


The rule also simplifies:

  • Set.fromList [ a, a ] to Set.fromList [ a ]
  • Dict.fromList [ ( a, v0 ), ( a, v1 ) ] to Dict.fromList [ ( a, v1 ) ]

2.1.5 - 2024-06-28

The rule also simplifies (thanks to @morteako):

  • Set.isEmpty (Set.fromList list) to List.isEmpty list
  • Dict.isEmpty (Dict.fromList list) to List.isEmpty list
  • Array.isEmpty (Array.fromList list) to List.isEmpty list

Other improvements:

  • Improved the error message for the data |> (f >> g) simplification

2.1.4 - 2024-04-01

The rule now simplifies unnecessary wrapping of values evaluated by a case expression:

case Just value of
    Nothing -> a
    Just (Ok b) -> c
    Just (Err d) -> e

is simplified to

case value of
    Ok b -> c
    Err d -> e

(same with any variant, list or tuple containing either)

The rule also simplifies (thanks to @morteako):

  • Array.length (Array.fromList list) to List.length list
  • List.length (Array.toList array) to Array.length array (same for Array.toIndexedList)
  • List.isEmpty (Array.toList array) to Array.isEmpty array (same for Array.toIndexedList)
  • List.length (Set.toList set) to Set.size set
  • List.isEmpty (Set.toList set) to Set.isEmpty set
  • List.length (Dict.toList dict) to Dict.size dict (same for Dict.values and Dict.keys)
  • List.isEmpty (Dict.toList dict) to Dict.isEmpty dict (same for Dict.values and Dict.keys)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where String.words "" would incorrectly be fixed to []. Thanks @w0rm and @lue-bird! #300
  • Fixed an issue where String.lines "" would incorrectly be fixed to []. Thanks @w0rm and @lue-bird! #300

2.1.3 - 2023-10-23

The rule now simplifies:

  • composition checks now also detect function pairs across nested compositions like (here << ...) >> (... << there)
  • List.sort (List.sort list) to List.sort list
  • List.sortBy f (List.sortBy f list) to List.sortBy f list
  • String.concat (List.repeat n str) to String.repeat n str
  • String.concat (List.intersperse str strings) to String.join str strings
  • Set.foldl/r f initial Set.empty to initial
  • Set.foldl/r (\_ soFar -> soFar) initial set to initial
  • Set.union set set to set
  • Set.intersect set set to set
  • String.foldl/r f initial "" to initial
  • String.foldl/r (\_ soFar -> soFar) initial string to initial
  • Result.fromMaybe x (Just a) to Ok a
  • Result.fromMaybe x Nothing to Err x
  • the same operations for as for e.g. and
  • the same operations for Json.Decode.map2-8 as for e.g. Task.mapN and Result.mapN
  • the same operations for Json.Decode.andThen as for e.g. Task.andThen and Result.andThen
  • Tuple.first (Tuple.mapSecond changeFirst tuple) to Tuple.first tuple
  • Tuple.first (Tuple.mapBoth changeFirst changeSecond tuple) to Tuple.first (Tuple.mapFirst changeFirst tuple)
  • Tuple.second (Tuple.mapFirst changeSecond tuple) to Tuple.second tuple
  • Tuple.second (Tuple.mapBoth changeFirst changeSecond tuple) to Tuple.second (Tuple.mapSecond changeSecond tuple)
  • Maybe.withDefault a << Just to identity
  • Result.withDefault a << Ok to identity
  • List.sum << List.singleton to identity
  • List.product << List.singleton to identity
  • List.concat << List.singleton to identity
  • Platform.Cmd.batch << List.singleton to identity
  • Platform.Sub.batch << List.singleton to identity
  • List.minimum << List.singleton to Just
  • List.maximum << List.singleton to Just
  • Maybe.map2 f firstMaybe Nothing to Nothing (same for all Maybe.mapN)
  • Maybe.map2 f (Just a) (Just b) to Just (f a b) (same for all Maybe.mapN)
  • Array.get 2 (Array.repeat 10 x) -> Just x
  • Array.get 100 (Array.repeat 10 x) -> Nothing
  • Array.get 2 (Array.initialize 10 f) -> Just (f 2)
  • Array.get 100 (Array.initialize 10 f) -> Nothing
  • Array.foldl f initial Array.empty to initial (same for Array.foldr)
  • Array.foldl (\_ soFar -> soFar) initial array to initial (same for Array.foldr)
  • Array.toList Array.empty to []
  • Array.toList (Array.repeat n a) to List.repeat n a
  • Array.toIndexedList Array.empty to []
  • Array.slice n n array to Array.empty
  • Array.slice n 0 array to Array.empty
  • Array.slice a z Array.empty to Array.empty
  • Array.slice 2 1 array to Array.empty
  • Array.slice -1 -2 array to Array.empty
  • Tuple.second (Array.toIndexedList array) to Array.toList array
  • f << Err to Err
  • Result.andThen f << Err to Err
  • f << to
  • Task.andThen f << to
  • Task.mapError f << Task.succeed to Task.succeed
  • Task.onError f << Task.succeed to Task.succeed
  • f << to
  • Json.Decode.andThen f << to
  • Maybe.andThen f << Just to f
  • Result.andThen f << Ok to f
  • Json.Decode.andThen f << Json.Decode.succeed to f
  • Random.andThen f << Random.constant to f
  • List.concatMap f << List.singleton to f
  • Task.andThen f << Task.succeed to f
  • Task.onError f << to f
  • f Dict.empty to Dict.empty
  • (\_ value -> value) dict to dict
  • Dict.filter f Dict.empty to Dict.empty
  • Dict.filter (\_ _ -> True) dict to dict
  • Dict.filter (\_ _ -> False) dict to Dict.empty
  • Dict.remove k Dict.empty to Dict.empty
  • Dict.foldl f initial Dict.empty to initial (same for Dict.foldr)
  • Dict.foldl (\_ soFar -> soFar) initial dict to initial (same for Dict.foldr)
  • Dict.union dict dict to dict
  • Dict.intersect dict dict to dict
  • Tuple.first (List.partition f list) to List.filter f list (same for Set.partition and Dict.partition)
  • List.sum [ a, 0, b ] to List.sum [ a, b ]
  • List.product [ a, 1, b ] to List.product [ a, b ]
  • List.product [ a, 0, b ] to 0 when expectNaN is not enabled
  • List.product [ a, 0 / 0, b ] to 0 / 0 when expectNaN is enabled
  • List.sum [ a, 0 / 0, b ] to 0 / 0 when expectNaN is enabled
  • List.all identity [ a, False, b ] to False
  • List.any identity [ a, True, b ] to True
  • List.all not [ a, True, b ] to False
  • List.any not [ a, False, b ] to True
  • List.any identity [ a, False, b ] to List.any identity [ a, b ]
  • List.any not [ a, True, b ] to List.any not [ a, b ]
  • List.all identity [ a, True, b ] to List.all identity [ a, b ]
  • List.all not [ a, False, b ] to List.all not [ a, b ]
  • toFloat 1 to 1
  • round 1 to 1
  • ceiling 1 to 1
  • floor 1 to 1
  • truncate 1 to 1
  • round (toFloat n) to n (and same for ceiling, floor, truncate)
  • where type alias Record = { first : Int, second : Int }:
    • all simplifications for (Record first second) that already exist for literal records, like (Record first second).first to first
    • .second << Record first to identity
    • .first << Record first to always first
  • List.drop -1 list to list
  • List.drop 3 [ a, b ] to [] (same for lists with determined size like List.singleton)
  • List.drop 2 [ a, b, c ] to [ c ]
  • Maybe.andThen (f << Just) maybe to f maybe (same for Result.andThen, List.concatMap, Task.andThen, Task.onError, Json.Decode.andThen, Random.andThen)
  • Test.concat [ test ] to test
  • Test.concat [ test0, Test.concat [ test1, test2 ], test3 ] to Test.concat [ test0, test1, test2, test3 ]
  • List.concat [ a, List.concat [ b, c ], d ] to List.concat [ a, b, c, d ]
  • Platform.Cmd.batch [ a, Platform.Cmd.batch [ b, c ], d ] to Platform.Cmd.batch [ a, b, c, d ]
  • Platform.Sub.batch [ a, Platform.Sub.batch [ b, c ], d ] to Platform.Sub.batch [ a, b, c, d ]
  • String.concat [ a, String.concat [ b, c ], d ] to String.concat [ a, b, c, d ]
  • String.concat [ string ] to string
  • String.concat [ string0, "", string1 ] to String.concat [ string0, string1 ]

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where Dict.intersect Dict.empty would be fixed to Dict.empty
  • Fixed an issue where Set.intersect Set.empty would be fixed to Set.empty
  • Fixed an issue where (a |> not) == (b |> not) would be fixed to (a |> ) == (b |> )
  • Fixed an issue where List.intersperse << List.singleton would be fixed to List.singleton
  • Fixed an issue where e.g. List.sortBy f << g would be fixed to g
  • Fixed an issue where Dict.partition (always (always True/False)) dict would not be reported
  • Fixed an issue where List.filterMap f [ a, Nothing, b ] would be fixed to List.filterMap f [ a, b ]
  • Fixed an issue where << always would be fixed to Random.constant
  • Fixed an issue where List.any (\x -> x == (f x)) list would be fixed to List.member (f x) list

2.1.2 - 2023-09-28

Lots of new simplifications, especially for Array and Task.

The rule now simplifies:

  • Array.fromList [] to Array.empty

  • Array.fromList (Array.toList array) to array

  • Array.toList (Array.fromList list) to list

  • f Array.empty to Array.empty

  • identity array to array

  • Array.indexedMap (\_ value -> f value) array to (\value -> f value) array

  • the same operations for Array.filter as for List.filter and Set.filter

  • Array.isEmpty Array.empty to True

  • Array.isEmpty (Array.fromList [ x ]) to False

  • Array.repeat 0 n to Array.empty

  • Array.initialize 0 f to Array.empty

  • Array.length Array.empty to 0

  • Array.length (Array.fromList [ a, b, c ]) to 3

  • Array.length (Array.repeat 3 x) to 3

  • Array.length (Array.initialize 3 f) to 3

  • Array.length (Array.repeat n x) to max 0 n

  • Array.length (Array.initialize n f) to max 0 n

  • Array.append Array.empty array to array

  • Array.append (Array.fromList [ a, b ]) (Array.fromList [ c, d ]) to Array.fromList [ a, b, c, d ]

  • Array.get n Array.empty to Nothing

  • Array.get 1 (Array.fromList [ a, b, c ]) to Just b

  • Array.get 100 (Array.fromList [ a, b, c ]) to Nothing

  • Array.get -1 array to Nothing

  • Array.set n x Array.empty to Array.empty

  • Array.set -1 x array to array

  • Array.set 1 x (Array.fromList [ a, b, c ]) to Array.fromList [ a, x, c ]

  • Array.set 100 x (Array.fromList [ a, b, c ]) to Array.fromList [ a, b, c ]

  • Task.andThen f ( x) to x

  • Task.andThen f (Task.succeed a) to f a

  • Task.andThen Task.succeed task to task

  • Task.andThen (\a -> Task.succeed b) task to (\a -> b) x

  • Task.onError f (Task.succeed a) to Task.succeed a

  • Task.onError f ( x) to f x

  • Task.onError task to task

  • Task.onError (\x -> y) task to Task.mapError (\x -> y) x

  • Task.sequence [ Task.succeed a, Task.succeed b ] to Task.succeed [ a, b ]

  • Task.sequence [ Task.succeed a, x ] to x

  • Task.sequence [ a, x, b ] to Task.sequence [ a, x ]

  • Task.sequence [ task ] to List.singleton task

  • identity task to task

  • f ( x) to x

  • f (Task.succeed a) to Task.succeed (f a)

  • Task.map3 f (Task.succeed a) (Task.succeed b) (Task.succeed c) to Task.succeed (f a b c) (same for all Task.mapN functions)

  • Task.map3 f (Task.succeed a) ( x) thirdTask to x

  • Task.map3 f firstTask ( x) thirdTask to Task.map2 f firstTask ( x)

  • Task.mapError identity task to task

  • Task.mapError f (Task.succeed a) to Task.succeed a

  • Task.mapError f ( x) to (f x)

  • f [ a ] to [ f a ]

  • List.filterMap identity [ a, Nothing, b ] to List.filterMap identity [ a, b ]

  • List.singleton >> String.fromList to String.fromChar

  • Result.map3 f (Ok a) (Ok b) (Ok c) to Ok (f a b c) (same for all Result.mapN functions)

  • Result.map3 f (Ok a) (Err x) thirdResult to Err x

  • Result.map3 f firstResult (Err x) thirdResult to Result.map2 f firstResult (Err x)

  • String.append String.empty str to str

  • String.append (String.fromList [ a, b ]) (String.fromList [ c, d ]) to String.fromList [ a, b, c, d ]

  • String.fromList [ a, b ] ++ String.fromList [ c, d ] to String.fromList [ a, b, c, d ]

  • String.fromList (String.toList str) to str

  • String.toList (String.fromList list) to list

  • String.reverse >> String.reverse to identity

  • List.reverse >> List.reverse to identity

  • Set.union (Set.fromList [ a, b ]) (Set.fromList [ c, d ]) to Set.fromList [ a, b, c, d ]

  • Set.fromList (Set.toList set) to set

  • Dict.fromList (Dict.toList dict) to dict

  • Dict.union (Dict.fromList [ a, b ]) (Dict.fromList [ c, d ]) to Dict.fromList [ c, d, a, b ]

2.1.1 - 2023-09-18

  • A very large number of error messages were reworded to be more consistent, precise and descriptive.
  • Checks that applied on [ a ] now also report for List.singleton a (ex: List.concatMap f (List.singleton 1) gets simplified to f 1)

The simplification (\x y -> x + y) n m introduced in 2.1.0 was removed (#147).

The rule now simplifies:

  • 0 // n to 0
  • n // 0 to 0
  • n // 1 to n
  • Tuple.first ( a, b ) to a
  • Tuple.second ( a, b ) to b
  • Tuple.pair a b to ( a, b )
  • List.repeat 1 x to List.singleton x
  • List.reverse [ x ] to [ x ]
  • List.intersperse s [ x ] to [ x ]
  • List.concatMap List.singleton x to x
  • String.reverse (String.fromChar a) to String.fromChar a
  • Dict.intersect Dict.empty dict to Dict.empty
  • Dict.diff Dict.empty dict to Dict.empty
  • Dict.diff dict Dict.empty to dict
  • Dict.union dict Dict.empty to dict
  • Random.andThen f (Random.constant x) to f x
  • Random.andThen Random.constant generator to generator
  • Random.andThen (\a -> Random.constant b) generator to (\a -> b) generator
  • Random.andThen (always thenGenerator) generator to thenGenerator
  • Result.mapError f (if x then Err a else Err b) to f (if x then a else b)
  • identity generator to generator
  • (always a) generator to Random.constant a
  • f (Random.constant x) to Random.constant (f x)
  • Random.list 0 generator to Random.constant []
  • Random.list -1/-2/-3/... generator to Random.constant []
  • Random.list 1 generator to List.singleton generator
  • Random.list n (Random.constant el) to Random.constant (List.repeat n el)
  • Random.uniform a [] to Random.constant a
  • Random.weighted ( weight, a ) [] to Random.constant a
  • Random.weighted tuple [] to Random.constant (Tuple.first tuple)
  • List.member (List.singleton b) b to b == b when expectNaN is enabled (and to True otherwise)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where Dict.size (Dict.fromList [...]) would be fixed to an incorrect value
  • Fixed an issue where Result.toMaybe (if c then Err a else Ok b) would be fixed to Nothing
  • Fixed an issue where Maybe.andThen (always (Just a)) maybe would be fixed to maybe

2.1.0 - 2023-08-15

New opt-in configuration option expectNaN which will disable some simplifications when the user indicates their project is likely to use NaN values. This disables the following simplifications:

  • x == x to True
  • List.member x [ x ] to True
  • n * 0 to 0
  • not (a < b) to a >= b (similarly for >, <=, >=, == and /=)

The rule now simplifies:

  • List.any ((==) x) list to List.member x list
  • List.any (\y -> x == y) list to List.member x list
  • n - n to 0
  • -n + n to 0
  • 0 / n to 0
  • n * 0 to 0 is now autofixed

The rule now reports:

  • Immediately invoked anonymous functions (\x y -> x + y) 1 2. This is very simplifiable but there is no autofix because there are varied ways to simplify it.
    • EDIT: This was removed in 2.1.1.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where [ [ 1 ], [ 2 ] ] |> List.concat would be incorrectly fixed and cause a compiler error


  • Improved error positioning and fixes for errors related to the usage of operators

2.0.33 - 2023-08-13

The rule now simplifies:

  • a |> f >> g to a |> f |> g

2.0.32 - 2023-07-11

The rule now simplifies:

  • List.concat [ a, [], b ] to List.concat [ a, b ]

2.0.31 - 2023-06-25

Now avoids simplifying String.replace when the pattern to find contains \r.

2.0.30 - 2023-06-25

Fixed an issue where String.replace would be fixed incorrectly (01d3ff)

2.0.29 - 2023-04-17

The rule now simplifies:

  • Html.Attributes.classList [ x, y, ( z, False ) ] to Html.Attributes.classList [ x, y ]
  • Html.Attributes.classList [ ( onlyOneThing, True ) ] to Html.Attributes.class onlyOneThing
  • Set.fromList [ a ] to Set.singleton a
  • Dict.partition f Dict.empty to ( Dict.empty, Dict.empty )
  • Dict.partition (always True) dict to ( dict, Dict.empty )
  • Dict.partition (always False) dict to ( Dict.empty, dict )
  • Result.toMaybe (Ok x) to Just x
  • Result.toMaybe (Err e) to Nothing
  • Result.mapError identity x to x
  • Result.mapError f (Ok x) to Ok x
  • Result.mapError f (Err x) to Err (f x)
  • Tuple.first (Dict.toList dict) to Dict.keys dict
  • Tuple.second (Dict.toList dict) to Dict.values dict

We now also do a better job at figuring what code is the same:

  • (f >> g) a == (g << f) a will now be replaced by True.
  • (\f -> f) is considered equivalent in all simplifications to (and similarly for a number of other functions).

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where List.append would be fixed incorrectly (#105)

2.0.28 - 2023-02-25

  • Fixed an issue where errors for List.foldl operations would be incorrectly fixed (#86)

2.0.27 - 2023-02-21

  • Fixed an issue where String.fromList [ f x ] would incorrectly be changed to String.fromChar f x (#85)

2.0.26 - 2023-02-06

The simplification String.slice 0 n str -> String.left n str has been removed because they were not necessarily equivalent. In the case where n is negative, then the behavior of the 2 functions differ.

The rule now simplifies:

  • List.member a [] to False
  • List.member a [ a, b, c ] to True

2.0.25 - 2023-02-02

The rule now simplifies:

  • String.fromList [] to ""
  • String.fromList [ a ] to String.fromChar a
  • List.append [] list to list
  • List.head [] to Nothing
  • List.head (a :: bToZ) to a
  • List.tail [] to Nothing
  • List.tail (a :: bToZ) to bToZ
  • List.sum [] to 0
  • List.sum [ a ] to a
  • List.product [] to 1
  • List.product [ a ] to a
  • List.minimum [] to Nothing
  • List.minimum [ a ] to Just a
  • List.maximum [] to Nothing
  • List.maximum [ a ] to Just a
  • List.map2 fn xs [] to [] (same for up to List.map5)
  • List.map2 fn [] ys to [] (same for up to List.map5)
  • List.unzip [] to ( [], [] )
  • List.foldl f x (Set.toList set) to Set.foldl f x set

All the changes in this release were contributed by @lue-bird.

2.0.24 - 2023-01-20

All the changes in this release were contributed by @lue-bird.

The rule now simplifies:

  • String.slice n n str to ""
  • String.slice 0 n str to String.left n str
  • String.slice n 0 str to ""
  • String.slice a z "" to ""
  • String.left 0 str to ""
  • String.left -1 str to ""
  • String.left n "" to ""
  • String.right 0 str to ""
  • String.right -1 str to ""
  • String.right n "" to ""
  • String.slice 2 1 str to ""
  • String.slice -1 -2 str to ""
  • List.sortBy (\_ -> a) list to list
  • List.sortBy identity list to List.sort list
  • List.sortWith (\_ _ -> LT) list to List.reverse list
  • List.sortWith (\_ _ -> EQ) list to list
  • List.sortWith (\_ _ -> GT) list to list

The following simplifications for List.sort also work for List.sortBy fn and List.sortWith fn:

  • List.sort [] to []
  • List.sort [ a ] to [ a ]

The following simplifications for List.foldl also work for List.foldr:

  • List.foldl fn x [] to x
  • List.foldl (\_ soFar -> soFar) x list to x
  • List.foldl (+) 0 list to List.sum list
  • List.foldl (+) initial list to initial + List.sum list
  • List.foldl (*) 1 list to List.product list
  • List.foldl (*) 0 list to 0
  • List.foldl (*) initial list to initial * List.product list
  • List.foldl (&&) True list to List.all identity list
  • List.foldl (&&) False list to False
  • List.foldl (||) False list to List.any identity list
  • List.foldl (||) True list to True

2.0.23 - 2022-11-08

Add better support for jfmengels/elm-review v2.10.0.

2.0.22 - 2022-11-03

Fixed an issue where 0 - f x would be simplified to -f x instead of -(f x) #52

2.0.21 - 2022-09-06

Fixed an issue in where let declarations would not be fused when there was only a single element in the first let declaration.

2.0.20 - 2022-09-06

The rule now simplifies:

  1. Applying record access simplification over if and case expressions.
(if condition then
   { record | a = 1 }
   { record | field = 2 }
 if condition then
   { record | a = 1 }.field
   { record | field = 2 }.field

when all patterns can later be simplified. In this example the final result will be

if condition then

This also applies to case expressions when all branches can be simplified. Thanks @miniBill! #40

  1. Simplify case expressions that can be simplified to let variables #48
a =
  case value of
    { x, y } ->
a =
    { x, y } =
  1. Merging multiple let declarations
    a = 1
    b = 1
a + b
    a = 1
    b = 1
a + b

2.0.19 - 2022-08-29

The rule now DOESN'T (it did before) simplify case of expressions where all the branches have the same code when one of the patterns references a custom type from your project. For example

case x of
  A -> 1
  B -> 1
  C -> 1

does not get simplified to 1 like before. But the simplification still happens if the patterns only reference custom types that come from dependencies or elm/core, like

case x of
  Just _ -> 1
  Nothing -> 1
--> 1

The reasoning is that often you want the compiler to give you a reminder when you introduce a new custom type, which this simplification made very hard. It also sometimes created some worse code when you pattern matched on a custom type with only a single constructor.

The configuration setting Simplify.ignoreCaseOfForTypes now only takes custom types from dependencies. Any type provided to this function that is not found in the dependencies will now trigger a global error. It is likely that you won't need this function anymore. If you do, please open an issue because I'd love to know.

A number of elm-review users didn't use Simplify because of the simplification above, so I'm hoping that this change will make you able to use the rule again.

The rule now simplifies:

  • { a = 1, b = 2 }.a to 1. Thanks @miniBill! #35
  • { foo | b = 1 }.a to foo.a. Thanks @miniBill! #37
  • if a == "a" then if a == "b" then 1 else 2 else 3 to if a == "a" then 2 else 3

2.0.18 - 2022-08-14

Improves the error message for some simplifications.

2.0.17 - 2022-08-14

Removal of unreachable if branches #31

Simplify now has the ability to infer values from if conditions, which it will use to simplify boolean expressions and even to remove some if branches.

if a && b then
  if a then -- we know this must be true
  else -- so we can remove this else

It should also be able to catch things like

if x == 1 then
  if x == 2 then -- we know this must be false

Note that this will (purposefully) only simplify boolean expressions by what has been inferred from conditions. Therefore, the following will not be simplified. The reasoning behind the decision is that you would not be able to write code like below, which can be useful if you want to rely on top-level constants that you may wish to change at a later point in time.

enableDevMode = False

value =
    if enableDevMode then


The rule now simplifies:

  • (a < b) == (b > a) to True
  • (a <= b) == (b >= a) to True
  • (a && b) == (b && a) to True
  • (a || b) == (b || a) to True
  • Dict.member x Dict.empty to False

2.0.16 - 2022-07-16

The rule now simplifies:

  • .field a == a.b to True
  • a |> fn == fn a to True
  • fn <| a == fn <| a to True

2.0.15 - 2022-05-05

The rule now simplifies:

  • List.member x [] to False
  • Set.member x Set.empty to False
  • List.intersperse x [] to []

2.0.14 - 2022-04-22

The rule now simplifies:

  • List.indexedMap f [] to []
  • List.indexedMap (\_ value -> f value) list to (\value -> f value) list
  • List.indexedMap (always f) list to f list

2.0.13 - 2022-04-21

The rule now simplifies:

  • Maybe.andThen (\b -> let y = 1 in Just y) maybe to (\b -> let y = 1 in y) maybe
  • Result.andThen (\b -> let y = 1 in Ok y) result to (\b -> let y = 1 in y) result

2.0.12 - 2022-04-09

The rule now simplifies:

  • List.concatMap (\a -> [ b ]) list to (\a -> b) list
  • Maybe.andThen (\a -> if condition a then Just b else Just c) maybe to (\a -> if condition a then b else c) maybe
  • List.filterMap (\a -> if condition a then Just b else Just c) maybe to (\a -> if condition a then b else c) maybe

Missing changelog

Help would be appreciated to fill the blanks!