This is a workflow based on smsk to perform the Transdecoder/Trinotate workflow automaticaly.
Make sure you have conda and snakemake installed
Clone this repo
sh git clone cd smsk_trinotate
Execute the pipeline with test data:
snakemake --use-conda -j 4
Just paste the path of your transcriptome assembly in the second line
), and the gene-transcript mapping file (transcript.g2t.tsv
The hierarchy of the folder is the one described in Good enough practices in scientific computing:
The report you want will be in results/trinotate/trinotate.tsv
├── bin: external scripts/binaries
├── data: raw data or links to backup data.
├── download: downloaded files required for trinotate and transdecoder
└── db: processed databases for blast and hmmscan
├── doc: documentation.
├── results: processed data.
├── raw: links and auxiliary files
├── transdecoder: predicted cds and protein sequences, results from blast and hmmscan
└── trinotate: final report, sqlite database, blastx, blastp and hmmscan results.
├── Snakefile: driver script of the project. Mostly links to src/snakefiles.
└── src: project's source code, config.yaml, snakefiles tarballs, etc.
For performance reasons,
both in Transdecoder and Trinotate. -
Because RNAMMER, TmHMM and SignalP require a registrations, I do not provide rules to perform those analyses.
Update (2017-07-20): Rules for Rnammer, TmHMM and SignalP are provided but commented in the snakefiles. To run those analysis, uncomment rules trinotate_signalp
, trinotate_rnammer
, and trinotate_tmhmm
, and uncomment also the blocks in the rule trinotate_load
from file src/snakefiles/
. Finally, modify the config.yaml
file with the path to the rnammer