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OTel-Go Composable Sampler prototype


This is a prototype in support of OTEP 250.

This is at a "proof-of-concept" maturity level. Testing coverage is good but intentionally not complete.

As described in the OTEP, the use of consistent probability sampling in complex scenarios can lead to inaccurate counting. The machinery needed to enforce consistent sampling so that it can be widely deployed with reliable results is necessarily more complex.

This prototype demonstrates a solution tailored to the OTel-Go Trace SDK. Pieces of this implementation are copied verbatim from that SDK to make the prototype useful in that context. In particular, the Sampler, SamplingParameters, SamplingResult, and SamplingDecision types are preserved and the AlwaysSample() and ParentBased() constructors are copied exactly, so the benchmarks can be faithful.

This prototype was initiated for several reasons, one of which being questions in the previous prototype PR about performance.

This implementation follows "Approach 2" described in the OTEP, which is designed to optimize the cost and structure of consistent sampling decision-making. Another prototype for the same in Java can be found here.

Key Contributions

The goal of this prototype is to establish a backwards-compatible API for Samplers, particularly for the existing ParentBased Sampler. This was not directly addressed in the OTEP. The reason this is somewhat challenging is that the ParentBased specification accepts Sampler instances to be called for unsampled contexts, and a consistent (and unbiased) sampler cannot condition on the sampled flag.

This prototype shows how ParentBased can be replaced by various combinations of Composite, Annotating, RuleBased, and ParentThreshold samplers.


This is a new ComposableSampler interface as described in the OTEP. This sampler returns an intent as opposed to a decision. Sampling intentions can be combined, for example in an AnyOf sampler.


CompositeSampler constructs a Sampler from a ComposableSampler. This is where the bulk of the logic involved in consistent sampling happens.

One key optimization that can be found here: the ComposableSampler does not have the ability to modify TraceState the way a Sampler can. This enables two optimizations:

  1. Information about the parsed input TraceState can be used to construct a modified output TraceState. There are situations where the CompositeSampler has to erase or modify the encoded threshold, and this can re-use the potision information from the parser if the ComposableSampler API prevents modifying TraceState.
  2. The AnnotatingSampler interface can potentially make use of the randomness value assuming it does not change as the result of a ComposableSampler. The example where this matters: a sampler, part of an AnyOf construction, wishes to insert an attribute specifically when it would sample, not necessarily when there is a global decision to sample. For a sampler to ask "would I sample?" the randomness value needs to be accessible in the parameters and cannot be mutated.

The upshot of this is that for a Root sampler to set the randomness value, it will have to be done outside of the composite samplerinterface.


The ComposableSamplingParameters type combines the original SamplingParameters with an optimization. The original SamplingParameters include the parent's context.Context, which forces Samplers to lookup the SpanContext. In a composite sampler, this could happen multiple times, so it makes sense to include SpanContext in the parameters directly.

This type includes non-exported copies of the effective incoming threshold and the computed randomness value, with the following rationale:

  1. The incoming threshold value is the one that ParentThreshold() sampler will use. It is the only sampler that uses this field, and its value is derived using inputs from the ConsistentSampler.
  2. The incoming randomness value can be used for a sampler to ask whether it iself would sampler, see the WouldSample(params ComposableSamplingParameters) bool API.


This aspect of the prototype is copied from the first prototype. See the related, pending OpenTelemetry specification work in PR 4166 and PR 4162.


This is as-described in the OTEP. This is differs slightly from the implementation found in the Java prototype in removing the SpanKind argument from the rule because it can be treated as an ordinary aspect of the predicate.

See potential optimizations discussed below.


This is a special built-in Sampler that makes the same decision the parent context did, which results in passing through consistent sampling thresholds correctly. As an example, the essential function of ParentBased can be replaced as follows:

func ComposableParentBased(root ComposableSampler) ComposableSampler {
	return RuleBased(
		WithRule(IsRootPredicate(), root),


This is a convenience implementation of ComposableSampler meant to support adding span attributes while using ComposableSampler APIs.


The benchmarks here are sufficient to identify the overhead introduced by composable samplers and enforcing consistent sampling. The original OTel-Go AlwaysOn and ParentBased samplers are included as a reference.

These benchmarks are not comprehensive, but the illusrate what can be achieved with this approach. Note that this code has a fast-path optimization for the AlwaysSample() case, which is the case where an empty TraceContext is modifed to include ot=th:0. All of the standard parent-based sampling configurations, therefore, do not modify TraceState and have zero memory allocations.

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
BenchmarkAlwaysOn-10                                                       	67102522	        19.96 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkConsistentAlwaysOn-10                                             	26184316	        45.24 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkComposableParentBasedUnknownThreshold-10                          	14998062	        72.46 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkComposableParentBasedParentThreshold-10                           	13936856	        85.01 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkComposableParentBasedNonEmptyTraceStateUnknownThreshold-10        	16190498	        75.56 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkComposableParentBasedNonEmptyOTelTraceStateUnknownThreshold-10    	12790028	        92.12 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkComposableParentBasedNonEmptyOTelTraceStateParentThreshold-10     	 8466374	       138.9 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkParentBasedNoTraceState-10                                        	20660518	        56.45 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkParentBasedWithOTelTraceStateIncludingRandomness-10               	21257059	        65.72 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op

Areas not explored

Potential optimizations

The difference between the Java and Go prototypes comes down to handling SpanKind as a special parameter, or not. There are standing requests in OpenTelemetry to incorporate the Resouce and Scope value into the sampling decision.

There are potentially a number of directions to explore here, including ways to compile aggregate sampler behavior with optimizations. For example, a RuleBased sampler can be re-organized to have one set of rules per span kind. Similarly, composable sampler predicates could be pre-evaluated in terms of resource and scope attributes that are available, in order to lower the cost of sampler evaluation.


Prototype for OTel rule-based sampler






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