convdistr 1.6.2
- Update the use of a depecrated function from ggplot2
- Add aLogo
convdistr 1.6.1
- Update documentation of the package
- Add pkgdown
convdistr 1.6.0
- Add a betabinomial distribution
convdistr 1.5.3
- Change date of submission for a current date
convdistr 1.5.2
- cinqnum.DISTRIBUTION function now use repeatable from shiny in order to
ensure the seed from the distribution is used and the same cinqnum results are
obtained. CRAN does not allow to change
the environment, necessary to ensure the seed from the system is not affected by
the function cinqnum, but the already approved shiny function do it for us.
convdistr 1.5.1
- Fix documentation and the return value for all objects is complete
- Change the approach to make cinqnum.DISTRIBUTION reproducible
convdistr 1.5
- new_DIRAC distribution allows now multiple dimensions
convdistr 1.4
new_DIRICHLET now accept to have a column with zero probability. If only
one column have probability, returns 1 in that column and zero elsewhere -
new_BETA_lci and new_BETA_lci2 are separated functions. The first keep the
expected value but could be less accurate on CI, the second could be more
accurate on the CI but the expected value may change. The second use a ML
function to find the parameters. Equivalent changes has made to fitbeta and
convdistr 1.3
convdistr 1.2
- Fix example for fitdirichlet
- Spelling of news
convdistr 1.1
- Change for minimum square diff on the cumulative distribution for BETA_LCI
- avoid sink in fitdirichlet
convdistr 1.0
- Package is ready for distribution
convdistr 0.3.0
- Fixed typos in documentation of package
- Change documentation of new_BETA parameters
- Change the name new_SUBSTRATION to new_SUBTRACTION
- New test for seed management on summary
- New set_seed function
- Check of spelling of documentation
- Sample size has been extended
convdistr 0.2.0
- DISTRIBUTION_factory added
- New_BINOMIAL function added
- Added the fitdiri and fitbeta functions
- Added the dimmnames function
- All distributions now accept a dimnames parameter
- Added MULTINORMAL distribution
- Added new_CONVOLUTION_assoc
- Added new_CONVOLUTION_comb
- Added new add_total
convdistr 0.1.0
- Basic functionality of the package and first testing