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Fix wrong behaviors in :go-pos-unsafe / :move-trajectory / :move-traj…
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* fix: go-pos-unsafe less than expected if msec < 1000

* fix: move-trajectory wrong document / implementation
  • Loading branch information
furushchev authored and k-okada committed May 3, 2018
1 parent fab58c9 commit f6ffb61
Showing 1 changed file with 110 additions and 107 deletions.
217 changes: 110 additions & 107 deletions pr2eus/robot-interface.l
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1500,6 +1500,9 @@ Return value is a list of interpolatingp for all controllers, so (null (some #'i
(unless move-base-trajectory-action
(ros::ros-warn ":go-velocity is disabled. (move-base-trajectory-action is not found)")
(return-from :go-velocity t))
(setq x (* x (/ msec 1000.0))
y (* y (/ msec 1000.0))
d (* d (/ msec 1000.0)))
(let ((goal (send self :move-trajectory x y d msec :stop stop)))
(send move-base-trajectory-action :send-goal goal)
Expand All @@ -1524,16 +1527,17 @@ Return value is a list of interpolatingp for all controllers, so (null (some #'i
(unless move-base-trajectory-action
(ros::ros-warn ":go-pose-unsafe-no-wait is disabled. (move-base-trajectory-action is not found)")
(return-from :go-pos-unsafe-no-wait t))
(let (msec step (maxvel 0.295) (maxrad 0.495))
(let ((maxvel 0.295) (maxrad 0.495)
;; package://pr2_base_trajectory_action/config/pr2_base_link.yaml
;; 80% of maxvel = 0.3[m/sec]
;; 80% of maxrad = 0.5[rad/sec]
(setq msec (* 1000 (max (/ (norm (float-vector x y)) (* maxvel 0.8))
(/ (abs (deg2rad d)) (* maxrad 0.8)))))
(setq msec (max msec 1000))
(setq step (/ 1000.0 msec))
(setq go-pos-unsafe-goal-msg (send self :move-trajectory (* x step) (* y step)
(* (deg2rad d) step) msec :stop t))
(/ (abs (deg2rad d)) (* maxrad 0.8))
(setq go-pos-unsafe-goal-msg (send self :move-trajectory
x y (deg2rad d) msec
:stop t))
(send move-base-trajectory-action :send-goal go-pos-unsafe-goal-msg)
(:go-pos-unsafe-wait ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1587,109 +1591,108 @@ Return value is a list of interpolatingp for all controllers, so (null (some #'i
(trajectory-points time-list &key (stop t) (start-time) (send-action nil))
"trajectory-points [ list of #f(x y d) ] time-list [list of time span]
stop [ stop after msec moving ]
start-time [ robot will move at start-time ]
send-action [ send message to action server, it means robot will move ]"
(send self :move-trajectory trajectory-points time-list nil nil
:stop stop :start-time start-time :send-action send-action))
(x y d &optional (msec 1000) &key (stop t) (start-time) (send-action nil))
" x [m/sec] y [m/sec] d [rad/sec] msec [millisecond]
stop [ stop after msec moving ]
start-time [ robot will move at start-time ]
send-action [ send message to action server, it means robot will move ]"
"Move base following the trajectory points at each time points
trajectory-points [ list of #f(x y d) ([m] for x, y; [rad] for d) ]
time-list [list of time span [msec] ]
stop [ stop after msec moveing ]
start-time [ robot will move at start-time [sec or ros::Time] ]
send-action [ send message to action server, it means robot will move ]"
(send self :spin-once)
(let ((odom-cds (send self :state :odom :pose))
(msg (instance trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory :init))
(goal (instance control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal :init)))
((numberp start-time)
(send msg :header :stamp (ros::time+ (ros::time-now) (ros::time start-time))))
(start-time (send msg :header :stamp start-time))
(t (send msg :header :stamp (ros::time-now))))
(send msg :joint_names (list "base_link_x" "base_link_y" "base_link_pan"))
((and (listp x) (listp y))
(let ((traj-lst
(mapcar #'(lambda (vec)
(make-coords :pos (float-vector (elt vec 0) (elt vec 1) 0)
:rpy (list (elt vec 2) 0 0))
:transform odom-cds :world)) x))
(cur-cds (send odom-cds :copy-worldcoords))
(cur-time 0)
nxt-cds nxt-time ret)
(pprint traj-lst)
(setq nxt-cds (pop traj-lst)
nxt-time (pop y))
(while nxt-cds
(let* ((vr (send cur-cds :transformation nxt-cds))
(vp (send cur-cds :rotate-vector (send vr :pos))))
(instance trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint :init
:positions (float-vector
(/ (elt (send cur-cds :pos) 0) 1000)
(/ (elt (send cur-cds :pos) 1) 1000)
(caar (send cur-cds :rpy-angle)))
:velocities (float-vector
(/ (elt vp 0) nxt-time)
(/ (elt vp 1) nxt-time)
(/ (caar (send vr :rpy-angle)) nxt-time 0.001))
:time_from_start (ros::time cur-time))
(incf cur-time (/ nxt-time 1000.0))
(setq cur-cds nxt-cds
nxt-cds (pop traj-lst)
nxt-time (pop y))
) ;; (while nxt-cds
(push ;; push last point
(instance trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint :init
:positions (float-vector
(/ (elt (send cur-cds :pos) 0) 1000)
(/ (elt (send cur-cds :pos) 1) 1000)
(caar (send cur-cds :rpy-angle)))
:velocities (if stop (float-vector 0 0 0)
(send (car ret) :velocities))
:time_from_start (ros::time cur-time))
(send msg :points (nreverse ret))
(let ((sec (/ msec 1000.0))
(odom-angle (elt (car (send odom-cds :rpy-angle)) 0))
(odom-pos (scale 0.001 (send odom-cds :pos)))
(pt1 (instance trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint :init))
(pt2 (instance trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint :init)))
(send pt1 :time_from_start (ros::time))
(send pt2 :time_from_start (ros::time sec))
(send pt1 :positions (v+ odom-pos
(float-vector 0 0 odom-angle)))
(send pt2 :positions (v+ (v+ odom-pos
(float-vector 0 0 (+ odom-angle (* sec d))))
(rotate-vector (scale sec (float-vector x y 0))
odom-angle :z)))
(send pt1 :velocities (rotate-vector (float-vector x y d) odom-angle :z))
(if stop
(send pt2 :velocities (float-vector 0 0 0)) ;; To stop just
(send pt2 :velocities (rotate-vector (float-vector x y d) odom-angle :z)))
(labels ((normalize-angle-positive (d)
(mod (+ (mod d 2pi) 2pi) 2pi))
(normalize-angle (d)
(let ((a (normalize-angle-positive d)))
(if (> a pi) (- a 2pi) a)))
(shortest-angular-distance (from to)
(normalize-angle (- to from))))
(let ((odom-cds (send self :state :odom :pose))
(msg (instance trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory :init))
(goal (instance control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal :init))
(cur-time 0) (nxt-time 0)
cds-lst pts-msg-lst
cur-cds nxt-cds)
(send msg :joint_names (list "base_link_x" "base_link_y" "base_link_pan"))
;; parse start-time
((numberp start-time)
(send msg :header :stamp (ros::time+ (ros::time-now) (ros::time start-time))))
(start-time (send msg :header :stamp start-time))
(t (send msg :header :stamp (ros::time-now))))
(setq cds-lst
(mapcar #'(lambda (pt)
(let ((cds (make-cascoords :coords odom-cds)))
(send cds :translate (float-vector
(* (elt pt 0) 1000.0)
(* (elt pt 1) 1000.0) 0))
(send cds :rotate (elt pt 2) :z)
(setq cur-cds odom-cds
nxt-cds (pop cds-lst)
nxt-time (pop time-list)
cur-yaw (caar (send cur-cds :rpy-angle))
nxt-yaw 0)
(while nxt-cds
(unless (ros::ok) (return-from :move-trajectory-sequence nil))
(let* ((tra (send cur-cds :transformation nxt-cds))
(rot (send cur-cds :rotate-vector (send tra :pos)))
(diff-yaw (shortest-angular-distance
(caar (send cur-cds :rpy-angle))
(caar (send nxt-cds :rpy-angle)))))
(instance trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint :init
:positions (float-vector
(/ (elt (send cur-cds :pos) 0) 1000)
(/ (elt (send cur-cds :pos) 1) 1000)
:velocities (float-vector
(/ (elt rot 0) nxt-time)
(/ (elt rot 1) nxt-time)
(/ (caar (send tra :rpy-angle)) nxt-time 0.001))
:time_from_start (ros::time cur-time))

(ros::ros-debug "move-trajectory (x y d msec) = (~A ~A ~A ~A)" (* sec x) (* sec y) (* sec d) msec)
(ros::ros-debug " odom-pos ~A, odom-angle ~A" odom-pos odom-angle)
(ros::ros-debug " pt1 ~A" (send pt1 :positions))
(ros::ros-debug " pt2 ~A" (send pt2 :positions))
(send msg :points (list pt1 pt2)))
(send goal :goal :trajectory msg)
(when (and send-action move-base-trajectory-action)
(send move-base-trajectory-action :send-goal goal)
(let ((acret
(send move-base-trajectory-action :wait-for-result)))
(unless acret (return-from :move-trajectory nil))
(send move-base-trajectory-action :spin-once)))
(incf cur-time (/ nxt-time 1000.0))
(setq cur-cds nxt-cds
nxt-cds (pop cds-lst)
nxt-time (pop time-list)
cur-yaw (if (> (caar (send tra :rpy-angle)) 0)
(+ cur-yaw (abs diff-yaw))
(- cur-yaw (abs diff-yaw)))))) ;; while
(push ;; the last point
(instance trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint :init
:positions (float-vector
(/ (elt (send cur-cds :pos) 0) 1000)
(/ (elt (send cur-cds :pos) 1) 1000)
:velocities (if stop
(float-vector 0 0 0)
(send (car pts-msg-lst) :velocities))
:time_from_start (ros::time cur-time))
(send msg :points (reverse pts-msg-lst))
(send goal :goal :trajectory msg)
(when send-action
(unless move-base-trajectory-action
(ros::ros-error "send-action is t, but move-base-trajectory-action is not found")
(return-from :move-trajectory-sequence nil))
(send move-base-trajectory-action :send-goal goal)
(if (send move-base-trajectory-action :wait-for-result)
(return-from :move-trajectory-sequence
(send move-base-trajectory-action :get-result))
(return-from :move-trajectory-sequence nil)))
(x y d &optional (msec 1000) &key (stop t) (start-time) (send-action nil))
"x [m] y [m] d [rad] msec [milli second (default: 1000)]
stop [ stop after the base reached the goal if T (default: T)]
start-time [ robot starts to move from `start-time` (default: now) ]
send-action [ send the goal to action server if enabled, otherwise just returns goal without sending (default: nil) ]"
(send self :move-trajectory-sequence
(list (float-vector x y d))
(list msec)
:stop stop :start-time start-time :send-action send-action))
(&rest args)
Expand Down

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