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Tutorial on how to use the AXI ACP on the UltraZed-EG IOCC

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UltraZed-EG AXI ACP Example

This tutorial shows you how to use the AXI ACP on the UltraZed-EG IOCC board under bare-metal and Linux.


  • Vivado 2017.2
  • UltraZed-EG IOCC (xczu3eg-sfva625-1-i)
  • QuestaSim (Vivado xsim does not work yet)
  • A Linux computer

Creating a new Vivado Project with an AXI4 IP

  1. source ${VIVADO_INSTALL_DIR}/
  2. Start Vivado with: vivado
  3. Create a new project for the UltraZed-EG IOCC (xczu3eg-sfva625-1-i) (at: ${VIVADO_PROJECT_ROOT}, name: ${VIVADO_PROJECT_NAME})
  4. Create a new AXI4 IP by going to Tools -> Create and Package New IP...
  5. Click Next >
  6. Choose Create AXI4 Peripheral and click Next >
  7. Choose a name (here: ultrazed_acp_example) and path ${IP_DIR}
  8. Click Next >
  9. Edit the Inferface S00_AXI such that it has 32 Regsiters instead of 4
  10. Add another Interface using the +-sign
  11. Set the Interface Type to Full and the Interface Mode to Master
  12. Click Next >
  13. Choose Edit IP and click Next > Now a new AXI IP-Block was created and can be edited

Importing Source from this Project

  1. Open the file acp_dummy_v1_0 in the Sources pane in Vivado
  2. Copy the file contents from acp_dummy_v1_0.v into the file you just opened in Vivado
  3. Open the file acp_dummy_v1_0_M00_AXI in the Sources pane in Vivado
  4. Copy the file contents from acp_dummy_v1_0_M00_AXI.v into the file you just opened in Vivado
  5. Open the file acp_dummy_v1_0_S00_AXI in the Sources pane in Vivado
  6. Copy the file contents from acp_dummy_v1_0_S00_AXI.v into the file you just opened in Vivado
  7. Press the +-Button in the Sources pane to add new sources
  8. Click Add Files in the Add Sources dialog
  9. Select xilinx_bram.v, bram.v, bram_output_fifo.v
  10. Press Finish to close the dialog
  11. The newly added files will now appear in the source tree under acp_dummy_v1_0
  12. Open the directory where you created the acp_dummy IP and navigate to the hdl directory ${IP_DIR}/hdl
  13. Copy the testbench files and into the hdl directory
  14. In Vivado open the Package IP - acp_dummy Tab navigate to File Groups in Packaging Steps and click on Merge changes from File Groups Wizard
  15. In Packaging Steps go to Customization Parameters in the table view right click on C_M00_AXI_DATA_WIDTH and select Edit Parameter
  16. In the Dialog edit the List of Values and change 32 to 128
  17. Click OK to close the dialog
  18. Click on Merge changes from Customization Parameter Wizard
  19. In Packaging Steps go to Review and Package and click on Re-Package IP. Now the new AXI4-IP has been created and can be used in Vivado block designs


The acp_dummy_v1_0.v contains the Verilog files for the BRAM, AXI-Slave and AXI-Master. acp_dummy_v1_0.v is a submodule of the testbench in The testbench implements an AXI-Lite Master to communicate with the AXI-Lite Slave in acp_dummy_v1_0_S00_AXI.v and an AXI-Full Slave (only the necessary parts are implemented) to send and receive data from acp_dummy_v1_0_M00_AXI.v. The testbench sends commands to the acp_dummy_v1_0.v to initialize an ACP-Burst transfer. At the top of are several defines with which you can change how much data should be send over the ACP.

// all transactions over the AXI-Busses will be printed onto the command line
// AX_CACHE value
`define AX_CACHE 32'h0000000f
// AX_USER value
`define AX_USER  32'h00000002
// from where in the DDR should data be read by the AXI-Master
`define SOURCE_ADDRESS 32'h21000000
// to which location in the DDR should the AXI-Master write
`define TARGET_ADDRESS 32'h28000000
// to which and from which address should the AXI-Master write in the BRAM
`define BRAM_ADDRESS 1024
// how many consecutive burst should be executed
`define NUM_BURSTS 3
// how many 128 Bit values should be transmitted in each burst
`define BURST_LENGTH 4

The testbench code starts at initial begin and is pretty straight forward:

  1. The memory/DDR (mem) in the testbench is initialized with 32 Bit data words counting up from 0 starting at the source address.
  2. Next the source address, burst length, number of bursts, and the bram address will be send to acp_dummy_v1_0.v slave registers.
  3. Afterwards the read_data bit will be set in the AXI slave register slv_reg1. This tells the AXI master to initialize a read burst from the DDR to the BRAM.
  4. As long an AXI transaction is in progress (which can be composed out of several consecutive bursts) the axi_bus_ready bit of the AXI slave register slv_reg0 is set to 0. The testbench polls this bit over the AXI-Lite bus until it is 1.
  5. When the axi_bus_ready bit is 1 the AXI read transaction is finished. The testbench sets the clear_interrupts bit to 1 to acknowledge that the transaction is finished this will also unset the bits which indicate that a read or write is finished or in progress.
  6. When the read transaction is finished and acknowledged the target address, burst length, number of bursts, and the bram address for a write transaction will be send to acp_dummy_v1_0.v slave registers.
  7. Afterwards the write_data bit will be set in the AXI slave register slv_reg1. This tells the AXI master to initialize a write burst from the BRAM to the DDR.
  8. Again the axi_bus_ready bit is set to 0 as long the AXI transaction is not finished.
  9. When the axi_bus_ready bit becomes 1 the testbench aknowledges the finished transaction with the setting of the clear_interrupts bit.

During the simulation of the testbench you can see a log in the simulator which tells you about the AXI-Lite and ACP Transactions and also prints the content of the DDR (mem) and the BRAM at each relevant step. At the end of the simulation you should see a log which looks like this:

Check data in DDR:
SOURCE:                         TARGET:
21000000 : 0x0000000100000000   28000000 : 0x0000000100000000       OK
21000008 : 0x0000000300000002   28000008 : 0x0000000300000002       OK
21000010 : 0x0000000500000004   28000010 : 0x0000000500000004       OK
21000018 : 0x0000000700000006   28000018 : 0x0000000700000006       OK
21000020 : 0x0000000900000008   28000020 : 0x0000000900000008       OK
21000028 : 0x0000000b0000000a   28000028 : 0x0000000b0000000a       OK
21000030 : 0x0000000d0000000c   28000030 : 0x0000000d0000000c       OK
21000038 : 0x0000000f0000000e   28000038 : 0x0000000f0000000e       OK
21000040 : 0x0000001100000010   28000040 : 0x0000001100000010       OK
21000048 : 0x0000001300000012   28000048 : 0x0000001300000012       OK
21000050 : 0x0000001500000014   28000050 : 0x0000001500000014       OK
21000058 : 0x0000001700000016   28000058 : 0x0000001700000016       OK
21000060 : 0x0000001900000018   28000060 : 0x0000001900000018       OK
21000068 : 0x0000001b0000001a   28000068 : 0x0000001b0000001a       OK
21000070 : 0x0000001d0000001c   28000070 : 0x0000001d0000001c       OK
21000078 : 0x0000001f0000001e   28000078 : 0x0000001f0000001e       OK
21000080 : 0x0000002100000020   28000080 : 0x0000002100000020       OK
21000088 : 0x0000002300000022   28000088 : 0x0000002300000022       OK
21000090 : 0x0000002500000024   28000090 : 0x0000002500000024       OK
21000098 : 0x0000002700000026   28000098 : 0x0000002700000026       OK
210000a0 : 0x0000002900000028   280000a0 : 0x0000002900000028       OK
210000a8 : 0x0000002b0000002a   280000a8 : 0x0000002b0000002a       OK
210000b0 : 0x0000002d0000002c   280000b0 : 0x0000002d0000002c       OK
210000b8 : 0x0000002f0000002e   280000b8 : 0x0000002f0000002e       OK

This log shows that the data from DDR address 0x21000000 (SOURCE_ADDRESS) was successfully transferred to the BRAM and from there written to DDR address 0x28000000 (TARGET_ADDRESS).

The following picture shows the sturcture of the testbench and the connection to the other Verilog files.


Register Map AXI Slave:

slv_reg0: status register (read-only)
[0:0]: axi_bus_ready

slv_reg1: command register
[1:1]: read_data
[2:2]: write_data
[31:31]: clear_interrupts

slv_reg2: ddr_start_address
slv_reg3: assign burst_length
slv_reg4: num_bursts
slv_reg5: bram_start_address

slv_reg29: AX_CACHE
[3:0]: axcache_value

slv_reg30: AX_USER
[1:0]: axuser_value

slv_reg31: DEADBEFF (read-only)

Simulation with QuestaSim

  1. Navigate to the AXI IP directory of the acp_dummy
  2. Lauch QuestaSim
  3. Execute the
cd ${IP_DIR}/hdl

Synthesis & Implementation

In the previously created Vivado project ultrazed_acp_dummy:

  1. In the Flow Navigator pane under IP INTEGRATOR click on Create Block Design
  2. In the appearing dialog click OK
  3. In the Diagram window click right and choose Add IP
  4. Search for Zynq and double-click on Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC
  5. Above the Diagram window click on Run Block Automation
  6. Click on OK
  7. Double-click on the Zynq UltraSCALE+ in the Diagram window
  8. Go to Page Navigator -> I/O Configuration
  9. Unfold High Speed in the I/O Configuration window
  10. Uncheck Display Port
  11. Go to Page Navigator -> PS-PL Configuration
  12. Unfold PS-PL Interfaces -> Slave Interface -> S AXI ACP
  13. Select 1 in the drop-down menu.
  14. Click on OK
  15. In the Diagram window click right and choose Add IP
  16. Search for acp dummy and double-click on acp_dummy_v1.0
  17. Above the Diagram window clock on Run Connection Automation
  18. Check All Automation
  19. Click on OK
  20. Go to the Sources tab and right-click on design_1 ( and choose Create HDL Wrapper
  21. In the Diagram window click right and choose Add IP
  22. Search for constant and double-click on Constant
  23. Double-click on Constant
  24. Set Const Val to 0
  25. Hover with the curser over the right-hand connection of Constant until a pencil appears
  26. Click and draw a line to the pl_acpinact connection of the Zynq UltraSCALE+
  27. Go to the Sources tab and right-click on design_1 ( and choose Create HDL Wrapper
  28. Click on OK
  29. Ignore the Warning and click on OK
  30. Go to Flow Navigator -> Project Manager -> PROGRAM AND DEBUG and click Generate Bitstream
  31. Click on Save
  32. Click on Yes
  33. Click on OK
  34. When the synthesis, implementation and writing bitstream is completed click on OK
  35. Go to Files -> Export -> Export Hardware...
  36. Check Include bitstream and click on OK


After the synthesis and implementation steps are successfully completed you can transfer the bitstream onto the PL (FPGA) and run a C program on the APU (CPU).

Make sure your UltraZed-EG IOCC is connected correctly and is set to JTAG-Mode. Turn it on and open a new terminal window and use picocom to connect to the UART with:

picocom /dev/ttyUSB1 -b 115200 -d 8 -y n -p 1
  1. In Vivado go to Files -> Lauch SDK
  2. In the SDK go to File -> New -> Application Project
  3. Choose a name (here: acp_dummy_test) and leave everything else at the default setting and click on Next >
  4. Choose under Available Templates Hello World and click on Finish
  5. In the dialog click on Yes
  6. In the Project Explorer pane navigate to acp_dummy_test -> src -> helloworld.c and double-click on helloworld.c
  7. In the toolbar click on the hammer to build the Hello World program
  8. In the menu go to Xilinx -> Program FPGA
  9. In the menu go to Run -> Run
  10. In the dialog choose Lauch on Hardware (System Debugger)
    • If the message Error while lauching program ... Cannot read r0 ... appears click on Okay
    • In the menu go to Run -> Run Configurations...
    • In the Target Setup scroll check Reset entire system and click Run
  11. Now you should see Hello World in the terminal window where picocom is running
  12. Replace the entire content of helloworld.c with the content of acp_dummy_test.c
  13. Again go Run -> Run in the menu
  14. Now the same procedure as in the simulation is performed but this time on the real hardware

The log in the picocom terminal window should look like this:

Check data in DDR:
SOURCE:                         TARGET:
21000000 : 0x0000000100000000   28000000 : 0x0000000100000000   OK
21000008 : 0x0000000300000002   28000008 : 0x0000000300000002   OK
21000010 : 0x0000000500000004   28000010 : 0x0000000500000004   OK
21000018 : 0x0000000700000006   28000018 : 0x0000000700000006   OK
21000020 : 0x0000000900000008   28000020 : 0x0000000900000008   OK
21000028 : 0x0000000b0000000a   28000028 : 0x0000000b0000000a   OK
21000030 : 0x0000000d0000000c   28000030 : 0x0000000d0000000c   OK
21000038 : 0x0000000f0000000e   28000038 : 0x0000000f0000000e   OK
21000040 : 0x0000001100000010   28000040 : 0x0000001100000010   OK
21000048 : 0x0000001300000012   28000048 : 0x0000001300000012   OK
21000050 : 0x0000001500000014   28000050 : 0x0000001500000014   OK
21000058 : 0x0000001700000016   28000058 : 0x0000001700000016   OK
21000060 : 0x0000001900000018   28000060 : 0x0000001900000018   OK
21000068 : 0x0000001b0000001a   28000068 : 0x0000001b0000001a   OK
21000070 : 0x0000001d0000001c   28000070 : 0x0000001d0000001c   OK
21000078 : 0x0000001f0000001e   28000078 : 0x0000001f0000001e   OK
21000080 : 0x0000002100000020   28000080 : 0x0000002100000020   OK
21000088 : 0x0000002300000022   28000088 : 0x0000002300000022   OK
21000090 : 0x0000002500000024   28000090 : 0x0000002500000024   OK
21000098 : 0x0000002700000026   28000098 : 0x0000002700000026   OK
210000a0 : 0x0000002900000028   280000a0 : 0x0000002900000028   OK
210000a8 : 0x0000002b0000002a   280000a8 : 0x0000002b0000002a   OK
210000b0 : 0x0000002d0000002c   280000b0 : 0x0000002d0000002c   OK
210000b8 : 0x0000002f0000002e   280000b8 : 0x0000002f0000002e   OK


In order to use the AXI ACP under Linux you should take a look at this tutorial: Boot Linux on UltraZed-EG and instead of creating a new Vivado project use the Vivado project created in this tutorial. You can skip the steps where a Petalinux application is created. Follow the steps to setup an Ubuntu Linux system with the bitstream created in this tutorial in which you are able install software via apt. Boot the system and install the build-essential package:

sudo apt install build-essential

Load the Bitstream onto the PL/FPGA

  1. Copy the generated bitstream file ${BITSTREAM_NAME}.bit.bin into your home directory on the UltraZed-EG IOCC.
  2. Switch to root user: sudo su
  3. Create a directory for the bitstream: mkdir -p /lib/firmware
  4. Move the bitstream file from your home directory into /lib/firmware with: mv -f ${BITSTREAM_NAME}.bit.bin /lib/firmware
  5. Load the bitstream onto the PL/FPGA with: echo ${BITSTREAM_NAME}.bit.bin /sys/class/fpga_manager/fpga0/firmware.
  6. The successful loading of the bitstream is indicated by the blue LED on the UltraZed-SOM.

Userland Driver /dev/mem

After you successfully setup a Ubuntu system and loaded the correct bitstream onto the PL/FPGA you can copy and compile the userland driver. The C code for the userland driver can be found in acp_dummy_test.c.

  1. On the Ubuntu system open a new file with your favorite editor vim acp_dummy_test.c
  2. Copy the contents of acp_dummy_test.c into the newly created file
  3. Compile the program with: gcc -o acp_dummy_test acp_dummy_test.c
  4. Switch to root user: sudo su
  5. Run the program with: ./acp_dummy_test

After you ran the program (twice) you should see an output like this:

Check data in DDR:
SOURCE:                         TARGET:
21000000 : 0x0000000100000000   28000000 : 0x0000000100000000   OK
21000008 : 0x0000000300000002   28000008 : 0x0000000300000002   OK
21000010 : 0x0000000500000004   28000010 : 0x0000000500000004   OK
21000018 : 0x0000000700000006   28000018 : 0x0000000700000006   OK
21000020 : 0x0000000900000008   28000020 : 0x0000000900000008   OK
21000028 : 0x0000000b0000000a   28000028 : 0x0000000b0000000a   OK
21000030 : 0x0000000d0000000c   28000030 : 0x0000000d0000000c   OK
21000038 : 0x0000000f0000000e   28000038 : 0x0000000f0000000e   OK
21000040 : 0x0000001100000010   28000040 : 0x0000001100000010   OK
21000048 : 0x0000001300000012   28000048 : 0x0000001300000012   OK
21000050 : 0x0000001500000014   28000050 : 0x0000001500000014   OK
21000058 : 0x0000001700000016   28000058 : 0x0000001700000016   OK
21000060 : 0x0000001900000018   28000060 : 0x0000001900000018   OK
21000068 : 0x0000001b0000001a   28000068 : 0x0000001b0000001a   OK
21000070 : 0x0000001d0000001c   28000070 : 0x0000001d0000001c   OK
21000078 : 0x0000001f0000001e   28000078 : 0x0000001f0000001e   OK
21000080 : 0x0000002100000020   28000080 : 0x0000002100000020   OK
21000088 : 0x0000002300000022   28000088 : 0x0000002300000022   OK
21000090 : 0x0000002500000024   28000090 : 0x0000002500000024   OK
21000098 : 0x0000002700000026   28000098 : 0x0000002700000026   OK
210000a0 : 0x0000002900000028   280000a0 : 0x0000002900000028   OK
210000a8 : 0x0000002b0000002a   280000a8 : 0x0000002b0000002a   OK
210000b0 : 0x0000002d0000002c   280000b0 : 0x0000002d0000002c   OK
210000b8 : 0x0000002f0000002e   280000b8 : 0x0000002f0000002e   OK

The program uses /dev/mem for communicating with the AXI Slave registers by mapping the physical addresses of the AXI Slave into the virtual memory. Additionally two other memory maps are created which map 4kB each of the physical memory addresses of SOURCE_ADDRESS and TARGET_ADDRESS to virtual memory. As in the bare-metal example the acp_dummy reads data from SOURCE_ADDRESS into its BRAM and writes the data to TARGET_ADDRESS.

Kernel Driver ioremap

To develop a kernel driver you can't use the installed Ubuntu on the UltraZed-EG IOCC since the libraries to compile the kernel drivers are not present on the UltraZed-EG IOCC Ubuntu Linux installation. You have to use the Petalinux environment to develop and build a kernel driver/module.

  1. Navigate to the root directory of the formerly created Petalinux project cd ${PETALINUX_PROJECT_ROOT}
  2. Create a new module (kernel driver) with: petalinux-create -t modules --name acpdummytest --enable
  3. Navigate to the newly created module cd ${PETALINUX_PROJECT_ROOT}/project-spec/meta-user/recipes-modules/acpdummytest/files
  4. Open the file acpdummytest.c with your favorite editor.
  5. Copy the contents of acp_dummy_test_driver.c into the file acpdummytest.c
  6. Compile the kernel module with petalinux-build.
  7. After the compilation is finished the compiled kernel module is in ${PETALINUX_PROJECT_ROOT}/build/tmp/sysroots/plnx_aarch64/lib/modules/4.9.0-xilinx-v2017.2/extra/acpdummytest.ko
  8. Copy the acpdummytest.ko to the Ubuntu filesystem running on the board scp ${USER}@${BOARD_IP}:~
  9. Connect to the board via ssh ${USER}@${BOARD_IP}
  10. Switch to root user: sudo su
  11. Move acpdummytest.ko to the kernel modules directory: mv /home/${USER}/acpdummytest.ko /lib/modules/4.9.0-xilinx-v2017.2/extra
  12. Install the kernel module: insmod /lib/modules/4.9.0-xilinx-v2017.2/extra/acpdummytest.ko
  13. Get the major device number ${MAJOR} with: dmesg
  14. Create a new device: mknod /dev/acp_dummy c ${MAJOR} c

Now the acp_dummy is accessible through the Linux file system as the character device /dev/acp_dummy. (In order to unload the kernel module either reboot or delete the devive rm -rf /dev/acp_dummy and remove the kernel module rmmod /lib/modules/4.9.0-xilinx-v2017.2/extra/acpdummytest.ko).

To use the acp_dummy character device you can use a short C program. Login to the Ubuntu Linux on the UltraZed-EG IOCC as a user.

  1. On the Ubuntu system open a new file with your favorite editor vim acp_dummy_test_kernel.c
  2. Copy the contents of acp_dummy_test.c into the newly created file
  3. Compile the program with: gcc -o acp_dummy_test acp_dummy_test_kernel.c
  4. Run the program with: sudo ./acp_dummy_test

After you ran the program (twice) you should see an output like this:

Check data in DDR:
SOURCE:                     TARGET:
   0 : 0x0000000100000000      0 : 0x0000000100000000   OK
   1 : 0x0000000300000002      1 : 0x0000000300000002   OK
   2 : 0x0000000500000004      2 : 0x0000000500000004   OK
   3 : 0x0000000700000006      3 : 0x0000000700000006   OK
   4 : 0x0000000900000008      4 : 0x0000000900000008   OK
   5 : 0x0000000b0000000a      5 : 0x0000000b0000000a   OK
   6 : 0x0000000d0000000c      6 : 0x0000000d0000000c   OK
   7 : 0x0000000f0000000e      7 : 0x0000000f0000000e   OK
   8 : 0x0000001100000010      8 : 0x0000001100000010   OK
   9 : 0x0000001300000012      9 : 0x0000001300000012   OK
  10 : 0x0000001500000014     10 : 0x0000001500000014   OK
  11 : 0x0000001700000016     11 : 0x0000001700000016   OK
  12 : 0x0000001900000018     12 : 0x0000001900000018   OK
  13 : 0x0000001b0000001a     13 : 0x0000001b0000001a   OK
  14 : 0x0000001d0000001c     14 : 0x0000001d0000001c   OK
  15 : 0x0000001f0000001e     15 : 0x0000001f0000001e   OK
  16 : 0x0000002100000020     16 : 0x0000002100000020   OK
  17 : 0x0000002300000022     17 : 0x0000002300000022   OK
  18 : 0x0000002500000024     18 : 0x0000002500000024   OK
  19 : 0x0000002700000026     19 : 0x0000002700000026   OK
  20 : 0x0000002900000028     20 : 0x0000002900000028   OK
  21 : 0x0000002b0000002a     21 : 0x0000002b0000002a   OK
  22 : 0x0000002d0000002c     22 : 0x0000002d0000002c   OK
  23 : 0x0000002f0000002e     23 : 0x0000002f0000002e   OK

The whole AXI/ACP communication is now abstracted into the kernel module. In the C program you have only two char buffers. First data is written into the buffer_0 then the whole content of the buffer is written into the BRAM of the acp_dummy (write(fd, buffer_0, BUFFER_LENGTH)). After that the data from the BRAM is read into the buffer_1 (read(fd, buffer_1, BUFFER_LENGTH)).

How to access the ACP without latency (without running it twice) under Linux

In the previous examples you had to run the C program twice to see the correct data at the target memory location. This is due to the fact that the source and the target memory for the communiction with the ACP are mapped to memory addresses which are part of the System RAM. You can see that by running executing sudo cat /proc/iomem:

00000000-7fffffff : System RAM
  00080000-00c0ffff : Kernel code
  00c90000-00d87fff : Kernel data

An explanation what is happening when ioremap is called on a System RAM address is given here on Stack Overflow. In order to exclude a part of the RAM from the administration of the Linux kernel you have to shrink the memory map (or edit the device tree). The easiest way to exclude a part of the RAM is by setting custom bootargs while booting.

  1. Reboot the UltraZed-EG IOCC.
  2. while booting the following messages will be shown:
    ethernet@ff0e0000 Waiting for PHY auto negotiation to complete...... done
    BOOTP broadcast 1
    BOOTP broadcast 2
    DHCP client bound to address (257 ms)
    Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
  3. Hit any key to stop the autoboot process.
  4. Now you can see a prompt: ZynqMP>
  5. Type the following into the prompt: setenv bootargs 'earlycon clk_ignore_unused root=/dev/mmcblk1p2 mem=1920M rw rootwait' and press enter this will shrink the kernel memory map from 2048MB to 1920MB.
  6. Type boot and press enter to boot Ubuntu.
  7. When you logged in into the Ubuntu Linux execute: sudo cat /proc/iomem. This will show you the now shrinked memory map.
    00000000-77ffffff : System RAM
      00080000-00c0ffff : Kernel code
      00c90000-00d87fff : Kernel data
  8. Set the values SOURCE_ADDRESS and TARGET_ADDRESS to addresses which are above 0x77ffffff in the Kernel module.
  9. Compile, copy and install the kernel module on the UltraZed-EG IOCC.
  10. Run the C program which uses the kernel module and you should see the correct data at target memory address after only one execution.

Links (ARM Cortex-A53)

If you would like to adjust the values of AX_CACHE and AX_USER please take a look at those references to choose the correct settings:


Tutorial on how to use the AXI ACP on the UltraZed-EG IOCC






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