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clearkimura edited this page Dec 9, 2016 · 41 revisions

The first guide recommends method that will always work for standard host systems. Else, there are alternative methods to install Customizer.


Minimal dependencies

Previous releases

Alternative methods

  1. Install via make install
  2. Install via git
  3. Install using script
  4. Install from PPA (3.2 release only)

Minimal dependencies

Following minimal dependencies, user may want install Customizer via make install. Unlike optimal dependencies, git dpkg-dev debhelper qt4-dev-tools qt4-linguist-tools and Python meta packages will not be installed.

sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot make binutils g++ \
 python2.7 python2.7-dev python-qt4 pyqt4-dev-tools squashfs-tools \
 xorriso x11-xserver-utils xserver-xephyr qemu-kvm \

Previous releases

Besides the latest release, you have option to install previous releases for testing and fallback experience. You can download from the following sources.

Alternative methods

The recommended way is to install via dpkg. To install without package manager support, use method 1 or 2. Else method 3 and 4 are subject to changes and availability as noted.

1. Install via make install

tar zxvf master.tar.gz
cd Customizer-master
sudo make LRELEASE=true
sudo touch tr/fake.qm
sudo make install

2. Install via git

When using this method, if you do not have PolicyKit on your system, you can replace pkexec with gksu, kdesu, kdesudo or any other alternative.

sudo apt-get install git
git clone --depth=1
make ELEVATOR=pkexec
sudo make install

IMPORTANT If installation fails, run the last three lines of sudo [...] commands in make install method. More details refer to issue #85.

3. Install using script

When using this method, the script will install the dependencies for you.

chmod +x INSTALL && ./INSTALL

IMPORTANT This script is compatible for "old stable" only. The script is made available after 4.1.3 was released (commit 956bd13).

4. Install from PPA (3.2 release only)

When using this method, the APT package manager will install the dependencies for you.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:customizer-dev-team/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install customizer

IMPORTANT To install on 12.10 and 13.10, replace the PPA path with ppa:customizer-dev-team/devel after the add-apt-repository command in the first line.