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Kubernetes Controllers

stanislaw_jakiel edited this page Feb 21, 2020 · 8 revisions

Typically PODs are scheduled via higher-level abstraction that relies on controllers.
Controllers 'find' PODs using .spec.selector


Common method to create the groups of PODs with regards to number of instances running. "Replaces" ReplicaSet

  1. No POD location guarantees by default
  2. PODs will be suffixed with random string
  3. PODs started at the same time
  4. PODs are updated one after another ("previous" one must be READY in order to continue) by default. Refer to DeploymentStrategy) for all options
    • Recreate - Terminate all, start all
    • RollingUpdate- Don't let all PODs go down, upgrades gradually


Don't use if 3. is not required

  1. No POD location guarantees by default
  2. By default started one by one (previous one must be READY in order to continue). It is possible to start all at once (see podManagementPolicy). Order of deletion is not specified.
  3. PODs have stable network identifier (predictable, ordered names instead of random hash). This includes PVC as well, the Nth POD will use Nth PVC. The headless Service is required (must be added manually)
  4. Updated in order (hi -> low), regardless of podManagementPolicy setting by default. Refer to StatefulSetUpdateStrategy
    • OnDelete - no automatic action when update is triggered
    • RollingUpdate - Don't let all PODs go down, upgrades gradually. StatefulSet includes partition parameter (default = 0). Only PODs with ID greater than or equal partition will be updated, the rest will not, even when manually deleted.

Mind: (change cause message doesn't work for StatefulSet) (cannot rollout undo statefulset from broken StatefulSet replica) (headless Service requirement clarification)


The only allowed POD RestartPolicy is always

  1. POD location guarantees: one POD on each node
  2. PODs started at the same time
  3. Adding Nodes adds DaemonSets PODs (with regards to tolerations, nodeSelector, etc. - see this doc)
  4. PODs are updated one after another ("previous" one must be READY in order to continue) by default. Refer to DaemonSetUpdateStrategy
    • RollingUpdate - Don't let all PODs go down, upgrades gradually.
    • OnDelete - no automatic action when update is triggered


In general: replaced by kind: Deployment. Can 'capture' other manually created PODs if they match labels. Internally, the Deployment uses ReplicaSet

  1. No POD location guarantees by default
  2. Doesn't support updates
  3. Doesn't support rollout commands
  4. Starts and terminates all at once


The ReplicationController simply ensures that the desired number of pods matches its label selector and are operational. Was replaced by ReplicaSet


Schedules PODs and ensures that specified number of them completes successfully. It is possible to run PODs in parallel. The Job may be used for work queue processing, just remember to set .spec.completions to 1 and .spec.parallelism > 0

  1. No POD location guarantees by default
  2. Doesn't support rollout commands
  3. By default runs only one POD


For interaction with selected controller kind the kubectl rollout command is used.
The .spec.template must be changed in order to trigger update, otherwise the same deployment revision is used

Information Command
Status kubectl rollout status <kind, e.g.: deployment, statefulset> <name>
History (The CHANGE-CAUSE is copied from annotation, more details can be obtained using --revision kubectl rollout history <kind e.g. deployment> <name> [--revision=N]
Rollback kubectl rollout undo <kind e.g. deployment> <name>
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