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stachu edited this page Mar 17, 2018 · 4 revisions



Client configurations sourcing order (first obtained value is used):

  1. User options
  2. ~/.ssh/config
  3. /etc/ssh/ssh_config

Debian-based OSes send LANG and LC_* variables over SSH (this is implemetation feature). If the server is configured to receive them (AcceptEnv option in OpenSSH) then locale must exist on the server-side (must be generated).

If the session hangs e.g. server breaks in order to release client use sequence: Enter, ~, .

Execute local script on remote machine:
ssh user@remote 'bash -s' < ./

Execute local script on remote machine and pass variables:
ssh user@remote VAR1="something" VAR2="something2" 'bash -s' < ./

If the script requires sudo privileges simply replace 'bash -s' with 'sudo bash -s' but if the script also accepts variables then sudo must be invoked with '-E' flag: 'sudo -E bash -s'. Otherwise variables wouldn't get passed to shell

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