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Attila Sukosd edited this page Mar 15, 2013 · 18 revisions


Mobius tool developer uses source, documentation, and specification coding standards. Such a standard should be described in plain English in a coding standard document, either shipped with or pointed to (via a URL) a given Mobius component. An example of such a detailed standard from UCD is provided below.

Each site standard has two halves that work together: an Eclipse code formatter specification (and, optionally, an Emacs specification) which helps the Mobius PVE (or Emacs) format code as it is written or as it is automatically reformatted and a CheckStyle specification that describes how the code and documentation should look. I.e., naively writing code using the Eclipse formatter should result in code that passes the syntactic rules in its complementary CheckStyle specification.

Minimal Mobius Coding Standard

All Mobius code must obey a relatively weak set of rules defined via the following CheckStyle specification:

  • Mobius minimal CheckStyle specification

Each site or project may define a stronger set of rules. Please provide a snapshot of the relevant specifications here.


Version: 18 Time: Tue Sep 29 16:25:26 2009 Author: jcharles (kiniry) IP:

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