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The following publications relate directly to subsystems and functionality of the Mobius PVE, or case studies performed with the Mobius PVE, which are authored by MOBIUS partners.

Version: 7 Time: Fri Mar 28 12:47:37 2008 Author: dcochran (dcochran) IP:

Key Author(s) Title In Year
CieleckiFJJCSK06 M.Cielecki, J.Fulara, K.Jakubczyk, L.Jancewicz, J.Chrzszcz, A.Schubert and L.Kaminski Propagation of JML non-null annotations in Java programs Principles and Practices of Programming in Java 2006
CzarnikS07 P.Czarnik and A.Schubert Extending operational semantics of the Java bytecode Trustworthy Global Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2007
ChalinHK05 P.Chalin, C.Hurlin and J.R. Kiniry Integrating static checking and interactive verification: Supporting multiple theories and provers in verification Verified Software: Tools, Technologies, and Experiences (VSTTE), Zurich, Switzerland 2005
GrigoreM07 R.Grigore and M.Moskal Edit and Verify Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving 2007
Janota07 M.Janota Assertion-based loop invariant generation Workshop on Invariant Generation at CALCULEMUS, Hagenberg, Austria 2007
JanotaGM07 M.Janota, R.Grigore and M.Moskal Reachability analysis for annotated code Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems, a workshop at ESEC/FSE 2007
KiniryMD06 J.R.Kiniry, A.Morkan and B.Denby Soundness and completeness warnings in ESC/Java2 Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems 2006
Kiniry07 J.R.Kiniry Formally counting electronic votes (but still only trusting paper) IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Auckland, New Zealand 2007
KiniryF07 J.R.Kiniry and F.Fairmichael Semantic properties for lightweight specification in knowledgeable development environments . 2007
KiniryCT07 J.R.Kiniry, D.Cochran, and P.Tierney A verification-centric realization of e-voting International Workshop on Electronic Voting Technologies at USENIX/ACCURATE, Boston, Massachusetts 2007
KiniryMCFCOH06 J.R.Kiniry, A.Morkan, D.Cochran, F.Fairmichael, P.Chalin, M.Oostdijk and E.Hubbers The KOA remote voting system: A summary of work to date Trustworthy Global Computing, Lucca, Italy. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2006
KiniryZ08 J.R. Kiniry and D.M. Zimmerman Secret ninja formal methods Formal Methods 2008
LehnerM07 H.Lehner and P.Muller Formal translation of bytecode into BoogiePL M.Huisman and F.Spoto, editors, Bytecode Semantics, Verification, Analysis and Transformation, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2007
MoskalK07 M.Moskal and J.R.Kiniry E-matching for fun and profit The 5th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT), Berlin, Germany 2007
PollS07 E.Poll and A.Schubert Verifying an implementation of SSH Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security, pages 164--177. IFIP WG1.7 2007
SchubertC06 A.Schubert and J.Chrzkaszcz ESC/Java2 as a tool to ensure security in the source code of Java applications Software Engineering Techniques: Design for Quality, IFIP, Warsaw. Springer-Verlag 2006
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