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Crash Reporting

Kelson edited this page Jul 2, 2019 · 4 revisions

Kiwix Android (custom) app(s) use a custom crash reporter. On a crash we prompt the user to send an email to us containing details of the crash.

Here is how it looks like:

Crash reporting is only enabled when Kiwix Android is built with the release buildType. This means that users can only benefit of it with official published releases, not with nightlies or local development builds (with debug buildType).

Not all the crashes are caught so far, only the Kotlin/Java ones. The core c++ native crashes are not handled so far.

Crash reports will be evaluated by experts and help to better identify roots of problem. No answer - to these crash reports - from them should be expected.

We do not collect any information without the consent of the user. All the information collected will be kept private and never shared with a third party.

The functionality can be seen in this file.