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Christian Trott edited this page Apr 28, 2021 · 2 revisions

The concept of a MemorySpace is the fundamental abstraction to represent the "where" and the "how" that memory allocation and access takes place in Kokkos. Most code that uses Kokkos should be written to the generic concept of a MemorySpace rather than any specific instance. This page talks practically about how to use the common features of memory spaces in Kokkos; for a more formal and theoretical treatment, see this document.

Disclaimer: There is nothing new about the term "concept" in C++; anyone who has ever used templates in C++ has used concepts whether they knew it or not. Please do not be confused by the word "concept" itself, which is now more often associated with a shiny new C++20 language feature. Here, "concept" just means "what you're allowed to do with a type that is a template parameter in certain places".


  // This is not an actual class, it just describes the concept in shorthand
  class MemorySpaceConcept {
      typedef MemorySpaceConcept memory_space;
      typedef ... execution_space;
      typedef Device<execution_space, memory_space> device_type;

      MemorySpaceConcept(const MemorySpaceConcept& src);
      const char* name() const;
      void * allocate(ptrdiff_t size) const;
      void deallocate(void* ptr, ptrdiff_t size) const;

  template<class MS>
  struct is_memory_space {
    enum { value = false };

  struct is_memory_space<MemorySpaceConcept> {
    enum { value = true };

Public Class Members


  • memory_space: The self type;
  • execution_space: the default ExecutionSpace to use when constructing objects in memory provided by an instance of MemorySpace, or (potentially) when deep copying from or to such memory (see deep_copy documentation for details). Kokkos guarantees that Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<execution_space, memory_space>::accessible will be true (see Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility).
  • device_type: DeviceType<execution_space,memory_space>.


  • MemorySpaceConcept(): Default constructor.
  • MemorySpaceConcept(const MemorySpaceConcept& src): Copy constructor.


  • const char* name() const;: Returns the label of the memory space instance.
  • void * allocate(ptrdiff_t size) const;: Allocates a buffer of at least size bytes using the memory resource that MemorySpaceConcept represents.
  • void deallocate(void* ptr, ptrdiff_t size) const;: Frees the buffer starting at ptr (of type void*) previously allocated with exactly allocate(size).

Non Member Facilities

  • template<class MS> struct is_memory_space;: typetrait to check whether a class is a memory space.
  • template<class S1, class S2> struct SpaceAccessibility;: typetraits to check whether two spaces are compatible (assignable, deep_copy-able, accessable).
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