Running the application works as expected, but exception appears on integration test.
Quick-start instruction of this application which works well.
- Start the RabbitMQ container (docker-compose\docker-compose.yml).
image: rabbitmq:management
- "5672:5672"
- "15672:15672"
- Start the application (The different types part is started trough scheduler).
- If you want to start the other part "many consumers" start modify the property files by setting the cron value to "-" in the file and modifying the file.
The test-container tests where classes with @RabbitListener and @RabbitHandler are used cause trouble by throwing AmqpException (Caused by: org.springframework.amqp.AmqpException: Ambiguous methods for payload type
It this the expected behaviour, and if yes how those classes can be tested?
Issue was created under: spring-projects/spring-amqp#2456
The issue was solved with: spring-projects/spring-amqp#2457.
The fix will be part of the Spring AMQP version 3.0.5 which is planned to be released of June 19, 2023.