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TurboGP is a Python implementation of the Genetic Programming (GP) framework [1]. It is specifically designed for machine learning tasks. It supports many modern and popular GP features such as:

  • Parallel processing: TurboGP can take advantage of systems with multiple CPU cores/threads in different ways, e.g. parallel evaluation of individuals in the population, or island subpopulations split across different CPUs along migration operations.

  • On-line learning. TurboGP provides a variant of steady state population dynamics, specifically tailored to increase efficiency under mini-batch based learning/evolution. This method can significantly accelerate learning when dealing with large datasets [2].

  • Spatially distributed populations. TurboGP supports models that allocate individuals in toroidal grid arrangements (aka cellular GP) [3], as well as provides export, import and migration operations to allow the implementation of multi-population (island) models [4].

  • Layers of different types of nodes. TurboGP allows the representation and recombination of GP trees with different abstraction (nodes) layers. These models are specially useful in high dimensional learning problems [5-7].

  • Batteries included. TurboGP comes with quick run example scripts, as well as a script to generate datasets based on an assortment of classical artificial regression problems, to readily test TurboGP.

Besides the features mentioned above, TurboGP also implements different crossover operations (protected crossover variants), it allows to graphically display the individuals/models generated, and allows live plotting of the fitness and diversity evolution.


Getting Started

TurboGP ships with several jupyter notebooks that explain in detail how to use the library. The notebooks cover a simple regression example, under different scenarios (offline learning, online learning, parallel CPU usage), as well as an example on a multi-layered GP for image denoising. Other examples include binary classification for classic UCI repository datasets [8], examples on how to use TurboGP from the OS shell (CLI), among others. There is also a notebook that covers more in depth the inner workings of TurboGP (core classes and methods).


TurboGP should run on any version of Python >= 3.8. Required libraries:

  • numpy
  • TQDM (to display progressbar)
  • matplotlib (to live display fitness/diversity progress, as well as for models' (trees) viz)


  • numba (to speed-up evolutionary runs; can be activated or deactivated in primitives sets files,, etc.)
  • wget, pandas (to run UCI repository examples)

For models' visualization (plotting generated trees):

These packages can be found in the main Anaconda channel or conda-forge.

$ conda install numpy matplotlib wget numba tqdm wget pandas networkx ipython jupyter
$ conda install --channel conda-forge pygraphviz 


You can clone the repo and run one of the included Jupyter notebooks or example scripts, to verify that the library works properly in your system.


  • Lino Rodriguez-Coayahuitl - l1n0b1

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under The GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details


Version 1.3.1

Minor release. Changes:

  • Added documentation to illustrate some of the included artificial regression problems.
  • Added scripts to run some of the examples (Keijzer 12 single population vs distributed) described in the TurboGP article (see below, in Citation).
  • Switched from Python standard math library + numba to numpy to implement some primitives definitions (for speed up).
  • Other minor changes, updates and bug fixes (see merge log for detailed info).
  • Verified support for recent Python version (>= 3.8).

Version 1.3

Third release. New features:

  • Added numeric mutation genetic operation [13].
  • Added RegressorLS GP individual (SimpleRegresor with Linear Scaling [14].
  • Added script to automatize multiple runs of different GP setups.
  • Added collection of artificial regression datasets.
  • Cleaned coded in general and other minor corrections.

Version 1.2

Second release. New features:

  • Crossover is now debiased.
  • Added BinaryClassifier evolvable individual class.
  • Added GeneticProgram class, that allows to instantiate and launch complete GP runs through a scikit[9]-alike interface.
  • Added CLI that allows to launch GP runs (settings are defined in JSON files, while datasets are read in pickled files).
  • Added GeneticProgramD class, aimed at deploying multi-population GP that can take advantage of multicore CPU systems.
  • Added examples that illustrate on all the new features (BinaryClassifier, scikitlearn-alike interface, CLI, etc.)

Version 1.0

First commit. Features included:

  • Parallel individuals' evaluation.
  • Low, mezzanine, high level primitives support.
  • Genetic operations: subtree crossover, protected subtree crossover, subtree mutation, point mutation, etc.
  • Migration operations: import, export, etc.
  • Cellular and RecombinativeHillClimbing population models.
  • Steady State dynamics with support for on-line learning.
  • SimpleRegresor class for scalar regression .
  • NonConvFilter, NonConvolutionalMezzanineFilter classes for image denoising.
  • Live training, testing fitness, and diversity plotting; generated models visualization.


Minor improvements required:

  • Add simplification and prunning techniques.
  • Parallelize genetic operations (only evaluations are carried in parallel in multiple CPU systems).
  • Add forest-based GP individuals class, and examples (e.g. GP autoencoder).


Major upcoming or planned features:

  • Cooperative Co-Evolutionary GP models [10].
  • Add support for local search (memetic [11]) GP enhanced variants.
  • Add support for subroutine discovery (cooperative models, ADFs [12], etc.)
  • Provide compatibility with PyPy for faster runtimes.


If you find TurboGP useful, and employ it in your research, you can cite its official draft:

Rodriguez-Coayahuitl, L., Morales-Reyes, A., & Escalante, H. J. (2023). TurboGP: A flexible and advanced python based GP library. arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.00149.

You will also find there some benchmarks of its features as well as a basic usage example code.

For BibTeX users, you can include this entry in your .bib file.

  title={TurboGP: A flexible and advanced python based GP library},
  author={Rodriguez-Coayahuitl, Lino and Morales-Reyes, Alicia and Escalante, Hugo Jair},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.00149},
  url = {}


[1] Koza, J. R., & Koza, J. R. (1992). Genetic programming: on the programming of computers by means of natural selection (Vol. 1). MIT press.

[2] Rodriguez-Coayahuitl, L., Morales-Reyes, A., & Escalante, H. J. (2019). Evolving autoencoding structures through genetic programming. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 20(3), 413-440.

[3] Petty, C. C. (1997). Diffusion (cellular) models. Handbook of evolutionary Computation.

[4] Martin, W. N., Lienig, J., & Cohoon, J. P. (1997). C6. 3 Island (migration) models: evolutionary algorithms based on punctuated equilibria. B ack et al. BFM97], Seiten C, 6, 101-124.

[5] Al-Sahaf, H., Song, A., Neshatian, K., & Zhang, M. (2012). Two-tier genetic programming: Towards raw pixel-based image classification. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(16), 12291-12301.

[6] Evans, B., Al-Sahaf, H., Xue, B., & Zhang, M. (2018, July). Evolutionary deep learning: A genetic programming approach to image classification. In 2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

[7] Rodriguez-Coayahuitl, L., Morales-Reyes, A., & Escalante, H. J. (2019, November). A Comparison among Different Levels of Abstraction in Genetic Programming. In 2019 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

[8] Dua, D. and Graff, C. (2019). UCI Machine Learning Repository []. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science.

[9] Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python, Pedregosa et al., JMLR 12, pp. 2825-2830, 2011.

[10] Rodriguez-Coayahuitl, L., Morales-Reyes, A., Escalante, H. J., & Coello, C. A. C. (2020, September). Cooperative co-evolutionary genetic programming for high dimensional problems. In International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (pp. 48-62). Springer, Cham.

[11] Emigdio, Z., Trujillo, L., Schütze, O., & Legrand, P. (2014). Evaluating the effects of local search in genetic programming. In EVOLVE-A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation V (pp. 213-228). Springer, Cham.

[12] Koza, J. R. (1994). Genetic programming II: automatic discovery of reusable programs. MIT press.

[13] Evett, M., & Fernandez, T. (1998). Numeric mutation improves the discovery of numeric constants in genetic programming. Genetic Programming, 66-71.

[14] Keijzer, M. (2003, April). Improving symbolic regression with interval arithmetic and linear scaling. In European Conference on Genetic Programming (pp. 70-82). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.