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deegree#858 - migrated images
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lgoltz committed Sep 4, 2019
1 parent dd960c2 commit 49d6f51
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Showing 127 changed files with 142 additions and 96 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ The deegree workspace is the modular, resource-oriented and extensible
configuration concept used by deegree webservices. The following diagram
shows the different types of resources that it contains:

image:images/workspace-overview.png[Configuration aspects of deegree
image::workspace-overview.png[Configuration aspects of deegree

The following table provides a short description of the different types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ shapefile, database, etc) must be configured. With a rasterfile, like a
GeoTIFF, you can configured a tile store and a coverage store to offer a
Web Map Service.

configuration dependencies]

=== Location of the deegree workspace directory
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ If you downloaded all four example workspaces (as described in
`+anchor-lightly+`), set a console password and the proxy parameters,
your `+.deegree+` directory will look like this:

image:images/workspace-root.png[Example `+.deegree+` directory]
image::workspace-root.png[Example `+.deegree+` directory]

As you see, this `+.deegree+` directory contains four subdirectories.
Every subdirectory corresponds to a deegree workspace. Besides the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ Some common ones are:
In order to clarify the relation between workspace files and resources,
let's have a look at an example:

image:images/workspace-example.png[Example workspace directory]
image::workspace-example.png[Example workspace directory]

As noted, deegree scans the well-known resource directories for XML
files (`+*.xml+`) on startup (note that it will omit directory
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ for this task. The service console has a corresponding menu entry for
every type of workspace resource. All resource menu entries are grouped
in the lower menu on the left:

image:images/console_resources.png[Workspace resource menu
image::console_resources.png[Workspace resource menu

Although the console offers additional functionality for some resource
Expand All @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ In order to display the configured workspace resources of a certain
type, click on the corresponding menu entry. The following screenshot
shows the metadata store resources in deegree-workspace-csw:

image:images/console_metadata_stores.png[Displaying metadata store
image::console_metadata_stores.png[Displaying metadata store

The right part of the window displays a table with all configured
Expand All @@ -295,14 +295,14 @@ resource with identifier "iso19115" which is in status "On".
The "Deactivate" link allows to turn off a resource temporarily (while
keeping the configuration):

image:images/console_deactivate.png[Deactivate action,scaledwidth=50.0%]
image::console_deactivate.png[Deactivate action,scaledwidth=50.0%]

After clicking on "Deactivate", the status of the resource will be
"Off", and the "Deactivate" link will change to "Activate". Also, the
"Reload" link at the top will turn red to notify that there may be
changes that need to be propagated to dependent resources:

image:images/console_deactivated.png[Deactivated a
image::console_deactivated.png[Deactivated a

Expand All @@ -316,11 +316,11 @@ suffix back to ".xml".
By clicking on the "Edit" link, you can edit the corresponding XML
configuration inside your browser:

image:images/console_edit.png[Edit action,scaledwidth=50.0%]
image::console_edit.png[Edit action,scaledwidth=50.0%]

The XML configuration will be displayed:

image:images/console_editing.png[Editing a resource
image::console_editing.png[Editing a resource

You can now perform configuration changes in the text area and click on
Expand All @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ link will take you back to the corresponding resource view. Before
actually saving the file, the service console will perform an XML
validation of the file and display any syntactical errors:

image:images/console_edit_error.png[Displaying a syntax
image::console_edit_error.png[Displaying a syntax

In this case, the mandatory "JDBCConnId" element was removed, which
Expand All @@ -348,15 +348,15 @@ violates the configuration schema. This needs to be corrected, before
The "Delete" link will deactivate the resource and delete the
corresponding configuration file from the workspace:

image:images/console_delete.png[Delete action,scaledwidth=50.0%]
image::console_delete.png[Delete action,scaledwidth=50.0%]

==== Creating a new resource

In order to add a new resource, enter a new identifier in the text
field, select a resource sub-type from the drop-down and click on
"Create new":

image:images/console_add.png[Adding a WMS resource with identifier
image::console_add.png[Adding a WMS resource with identifier

The next steps depend on the type of resource, but generally you have to
Expand All @@ -371,28 +371,28 @@ detect and fix errors in a workspace setup. For example, if you delete
(or deactivate) JDBC connection "conn1" in deegree-workspace-csw and
click "[Reload]", you will see the following:

image:images/console_error.png[Errors in resource
image::console_error.png[Errors in resource

The red exclamation marks near "services" and "metadata" show that these
resource categories have resources with errors. Let's click on the
metadata link to see what's going on:

image:images/console_error2.png[Resource "iso19115" has an
image::console_error2.png[Resource "iso19115" has an

The metadata resource view reveals that the metadata store "iso19115"
has an error. Clicking on "Show errors" leads to:

image:images/console_error3.png[Details on the problem with
image::console_error3.png[Details on the problem with

The error message gives an important hint: "No JDBC connection pool with
id 'conn1' defined." deegree was unable to initialize the metadata
store, because it refers to a JDBC connection pool "conn1". You may
wonder what the error in the services category is about:

image:images/console_error4.png[Details on the problem with
image::console_error4.png[Details on the problem with

As you see, the problem with the service resource ("There is no
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ View and Download Services, it is a good option to use
In order to create a new workspace, simply create a new directory in the
`+.deegree+` directory.

image:images/workspace-new.png[Creating the new workspace
image::workspace-new.png[Creating the new workspace

Afterwards, switch to the new workspace using the services console, as
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ the services console performs validation when you save a configuration
file. If the contents is not valid according to the schema, the file
will not be saved, but an error message will be displayed:

image:images/console_edit_error.png[The services console displays an XML
image::console_edit_error.png[The services console displays an XML
syntax error,scaledwidth=50.0%]

If you prefer to use a different editor for editing deegree's
Expand All @@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ schema files are hosted at
As pointed out in `+anchor-console-errors+`, the service console
indicates errors if resources cannot be initialized. Here's an example:

image:images/console_error3.png[Error message,scaledwidth=50.0%]
image::console_error3.png[Error message,scaledwidth=50.0%]

In this case, it was not possible to initialize the JDBC connection (and
the resources that depend on it). You can spot resource categories and
Expand All @@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ running the ZIP version, switch to the terminal window. When
initializing workspace resources, information on every resource will be
logged, along with error messages.

image:images/terminal.png[Log messages in the deegree
image::terminal.png[Log messages in the deegree

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ layers. You can access this configuration level by clicking the
resource configuration files are located in subdirectory
*datasources/coverage/* of the active deegree workspace directory.

image:images/workspace-overview-coverage.png[Coverage store resources
image::workspace-overview-coverage.png[Coverage store resources
provide access to raster data,scaledwidth=80.0%]

For raster data there are three different possible configurations. One
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ The corresponding resource configuration files are located in
subdirectory `+datasources/feature/+` of the active deegree workspace

image:images/workspace-overview-feature.png[Feature store resources
image::workspace-overview-feature.png[Feature store resources
provide access to geo objects,scaledwidth=80.0%]

=== Features, feature types and application schemas
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ types. Examples for GML application schemas are:
The following diagram shows a part of the INSPIRE Annex I application
schema in UML form:



Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1368,50 +1368,50 @@ As a first step, create a JDBC connection to your database. Click
*server connections -> jdbc* and enter *inspire* (or an other
identifier) as connection id:

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping1.jpg[Creating a JDBC
image::console_featurestore_mapping1.jpg[Creating a JDBC

Afterwards, click *Create new* and enter the connection details to your

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping2.jpg[Creating a JDBC
image::console_featurestore_mapping2.jpg[Creating a JDBC

By clicking *Test connection*, you can ensure that deegree can connect
to your database:

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping3.jpg[Testing the JDBC
image::console_featurestore_mapping3.jpg[Testing the JDBC

If everything works, click *Create* to finish the creation of your JDBC

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping4.jpg[Testing the JDBC
image::console_featurestore_mapping4.jpg[Testing the JDBC

Now, change to *data stores -> feature*. We will have to delete the
existing (memory-based) feature store first. Click *Delete*:

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping5.jpg[Deleting the memory-based
image::console_featurestore_mapping5.jpg[Deleting the memory-based
feature store,scaledwidth=50.0%]

Enter "inspire" as name for the new feature store, select "SQL" from the
drop-down box and click *Create new*:

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping6.jpg[Creating a new SQL
image::console_featurestore_mapping6.jpg[Creating a new SQL
feature store resource,scaledwidth=50.0%]

Select "Create tables from GML application schema" and click *Next*:

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping7.jpg[Mapping a new SQL feature
image::console_featurestore_mapping7.jpg[Mapping a new SQL feature
store configuration,scaledwidth=50.0%]

You can now select the GML application schema files to be used. For this
walkthrough, tick `+Addresses.xsd+`, `+AdministrativeUnits.xsd+` and
`+CadastralParcels.xsd+` (if you select all schema files, hundreds of
feature types from INPIRE Annex I will be mapped):

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping8.jpg[Selecting the GML schema
image::console_featurestore_mapping8.jpg[Selecting the GML schema
files to be considered,scaledwidth=50.0%]

Expand All @@ -1424,12 +1424,12 @@ copy of the application schema files into the *appschemas/* directory
You should now have the option to select the files of this application
schema in the services console view.

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping9.jpg[Selecting the GML schema
image::console_featurestore_mapping9.jpg[Selecting the GML schema
files to be considered,scaledwidth=50.0%]

Scroll down and click *Next*.

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping10.jpg[Selecting mapping type
image::console_featurestore_mapping10.jpg[Selecting mapping type
and storage CRS,scaledwidth=50.0%]

You will be presented with a rough analysis of the feature types
Expand All @@ -1440,30 +1440,30 @@ ETRS89, the recommmended CRS for harmonized INSPIRE datasets). After
clicking *Next*, an SQL feature store configuration will be
automatically derived from the application schema:

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping11.jpg[The auto-generated SQL
image::console_featurestore_mapping11.jpg[The auto-generated SQL
feature store configuration,scaledwidth=50.0%]

Click *Save* to store this configuration:

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping12.jpg[Auto-generated SQL
image::console_featurestore_mapping12.jpg[Auto-generated SQL
statements for creating tables,scaledwidth=50.0%]

Now, click *Create DB tables*. You will be presented with an
auto-generated SQL script for creating the required tables in the

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping13.jpg[Auto-generated SQL
image::console_featurestore_mapping13.jpg[Auto-generated SQL
statements for creating tables,scaledwidth=50.0%]

Click *Execute*. The SQL statements will now be executed against your
database and the tables will be created:


Click *Start feature store*:


Click *Reload* to force a reinitialization of the other workspace
resources. We're finished. Features access of the WFS and WMS uses your
Expand All @@ -1476,7 +1476,7 @@ Use the third drop-down menu to select an example request. Entries
"Insert_200.xml" or "Insert_110.xml" can be used to insert a small
number of INSPIRE Address features using WFS-T insert requests:

image:images/console_workspace_inspire3.png[WFS-T example
image::console_workspace_inspire3.png[WFS-T example

Click *Send* to execute the request. After successful insertion, the
Expand All @@ -1485,26 +1485,26 @@ layer overview (*see layers*). If you activate the AD.Address layer, the
newly inserted features will be rendered by the deegree WMS (look for
them in the area of Enkhuizen):

image:images/console_workspace_inspire4.png[Ad.Address layer after
image::console_workspace_inspire4.png[Ad.Address layer after
insertion of example Address features,scaledwidth=50.0%]

Of course, you can also perform WFS queries against the database
backend, such as requesting of INSPIRE Addresses by street name:

image:images/console_workspace_inspire5.png[More WFS
image::console_workspace_inspire5.png[More WFS

Besides WFS-T requests, there's another handy option for inserting
GML-encoded features. Click *data stores -> feature* to access the
feature store view again:

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping18.jpg[Accessing the feature
image::console_featurestore_mapping18.jpg[Accessing the feature
store loader,scaledwidth=50.0%]

After clicking *Loader*, you will be presented with a simple view where
you can insert a URL of a valid GML dataset:

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping19.jpg[The feature store
image::console_featurestore_mapping19.jpg[The feature store

Basically, you can use this view to insert any valid, GML-encoded
Expand All @@ -1526,5 +1526,5 @@ directory.

After entering the URL, click *Import*:

image:images/console_featurestore_mapping20.jpg[Imported INSPIRE
image::console_featurestore_mapping20.jpg[Imported INSPIRE
datasets via the Loader,scaledwidth=50.0%]

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