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Testing branches and PRs

Finn Lewis edited this page Jul 12, 2022 · 8 revisions

Sometimes we need to test a pull request that requires an installation with composer to gather new or changed composer dependencies.

To install the project from scratch, we'll assume we're following the suggested steps at


We'll assume we're using Lando, so it is recommended to us composer inside lando for consistency of composer and php versions and modules.

lando composer require "localgovdrupal/localgov_directories:dev-feature/2.x/149-new-directory-page as 2.x-dev" -W

If not using Lando, just drop the lando command to use composer directly on the host.


If we have a pull request on a specific branch on a specific repository, we might want to test that a full fresh build and install works as expected.

To do this we can require that branch as a composer alias.

For example, if we want to test the localgov_directories project on the feature/2.x/149-new-directory-page branch, we can run the following require command from the composer root.

lando composer require "localgovdrupal/localgov_directories:dev-feature/2.x/149-new-directory-page as 2.x-dev" -W

This will require the head of the feature/2.x/149-new-directory-page branch of

The pattern is:

lando composer require "[PROJECT-NAME]:dev-[BRANCH-NAME] as [TAG-ALIAS]" -W


  • the branch name needs to be prefixed with dev-
  • for dev versions of the tag alias, composer likes us to ad -dev. So for the 2.x branch, we write as 2.x-dev

So if we wanted the latest HEAD of the dev branch of localgov_paragraphs, but wanted the rest of composer to think we had the 2.1.1 release, we could do:

composer require "localgovdrupal/localgov_paragraphs:2.x-dev as 2.1.1" -W