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🌐 New Crowdin updates #1335

merged 13 commits into from
Sep 8, 2024
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion apps/web/public/locales/en/app.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -273,5 +273,14 @@
"timeZoneChangeDetectorMessage": "Your timezone has changed to <b>{currentTimeZone}</b>. Do you want to update your preferences?",
"yesUpdateTimezone": "Yes, update my timezone",
"noKeepCurrentTimezone": "No, keep the current timezone",
"annualBenefit": "{count} months free"
"annualBenefit": "{count} months free",
"removeAvatar": "Remove",
"featureNotAvailable": "Feature not available",
"featureNotAvailableDescription": "This feature requires object storage to be enabled.",
"uploadProfilePicture": "Upload",
"profilePictureDescription": "Up to 2MB, JPG or PNG",
"invalidFileType": "Invalid file type",
"invalidFileTypeDescription": "Please upload a JPG or PNG file.",
"fileTooLarge": "File too large",
"fileTooLargeDescription": "Please upload a file smaller than 2MB."
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion apps/web/public/locales/eu/app.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -273,5 +273,14 @@
"timeZoneChangeDetectorMessage": "Zure ordu-eremua <b>{currentTimeZone}</b> -ra aldatu da. Zure hobespenak eguneratu nahi dituzu?",
"yesUpdateTimezone": "Bai, eguneratu nire ordu-eremua",
"noKeepCurrentTimezone": "Ez, mantendu uneko ordu-eremua",
"annualBenefit": "{count} hilabete doan"
"annualBenefit": "{count} hilabete doan",
"removeAvatar": "Kendu",
"featureNotAvailable": "Funtzioa ez dago erabilgarri",
"featureNotAvailableDescription": "Funtzio honek objektuen biltegiratzea gaituta egotea eskatzen du.",
"uploadProfilePicture": "Igo",
"profilePictureDescription": "Gehienez 2 MB, JPG edo PNG",
"invalidFileType": "Fitxategi mota baliogabea",
"invalidFileTypeDescription": "Igo JPG edo PNG fitxategi bat.",
"fileTooLarge": "Fitxategi handiegia",
"fileTooLargeDescription": "Igo 2 MB baino txikiagoa den fitxategi bat."
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion apps/web/public/locales/fi/app.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -273,5 +273,14 @@
"timeZoneChangeDetectorMessage": "Aikavyöhykkeesi on nyt <b>{currentTimeZone}</b>. Haluatko päivittää asetuksesi?",
"yesUpdateTimezone": "Kyllä, päivitä aikavyöhykkeeni",
"noKeepCurrentTimezone": "Ei, säilytä nykyinen aikavyöhyke",
"annualBenefit": "{count} kuukautta ilmaiseksi"
"annualBenefit": "{count} kuukautta ilmaiseksi",
"removeAvatar": "Poista",
"featureNotAvailable": "Ominaisuus ei ole saatavilla",
"featureNotAvailableDescription": "Tämä ominaisuus edellyttää objektivaraston olevan käytössä.",
"uploadProfilePicture": "Lataa",
"profilePictureDescription": "Korkeintaan 2 Mt, JPG tai PNG",
"invalidFileType": "Tiedostomuoto ei kelpaa",
"invalidFileTypeDescription": "Lataa JPG- tai PNG-tiedosto.",
"fileTooLarge": "Tiedosto on liian suuri",
"fileTooLargeDescription": "Lataa tiedosto, joka on korkeintaan 2 Mt."
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion apps/web/public/locales/hu/app.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -273,5 +273,14 @@
"timeZoneChangeDetectorMessage": "Az időzónád megváltozott erre: <b>{currentTimeZone}</b>. Szeretnéd frissíteni a beállításaidat?",
"yesUpdateTimezone": "Igen, frissítsd az időzónám",
"noKeepCurrentTimezone": "Nem, tartsd meg a jelenlegi időzónát",
"annualBenefit": "{count} hónapig ingyenes"
"annualBenefit": "{count} hónapig ingyenes",
"removeAvatar": "Törlés",
"featureNotAvailable": "Funkció nem elérhető",
"featureNotAvailableDescription": "Ehhez a funkcióhoz engedélyezned kell az objektum tárolást.",
"uploadProfilePicture": "Feltöltés",
"profilePictureDescription": "2MB-ig, JPG vagy PNG",
"invalidFileType": "Érvénytelen fájltípus",
"invalidFileTypeDescription": "Kérjük, tölts fel egy JPG vagy PNG fájlt.",
"fileTooLarge": "A fájl túl nagy",
"fileTooLargeDescription": "Kérjük, tölts fel egy 2MB-nál kisebb fájlt."
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion apps/web/public/locales/nl/app.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -273,5 +273,14 @@
"timeZoneChangeDetectorMessage": "Je tijdzone is veranderd naar <b>{currentTimeZone}</b>. Wil je je voorkeuren bijwerken?",
"yesUpdateTimezone": "Ja, werk mijn tijdzone bij",
"noKeepCurrentTimezone": "Nee, behoud de huidige tijdzone",
"annualBenefit": "{count} maanden gratis"
"annualBenefit": "{count} maanden gratis",
"removeAvatar": "Verwijderen",
"featureNotAvailable": "Functie niet beschikbaar",
"featureNotAvailableDescription": "Deze functie vereist dat objectopslag is ingeschakeld.",
"uploadProfilePicture": "Uploaden",
"profilePictureDescription": "Tot 2MB, JPG of PNG",
"invalidFileType": "Ongeldig bestandstype",
"invalidFileTypeDescription": "Upload een JPG- of PNG-bestand.",
"fileTooLarge": "Bestand te groot",
"fileTooLargeDescription": "Upload een bestand kleiner dan 2MB."
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion apps/web/public/locales/sv/app.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -273,5 +273,10 @@
"timeZoneChangeDetectorMessage": "Din tidszon har ändrats till <b>{currentTimeZone}</b>. Vill du uppdatera dina inställningar?",
"yesUpdateTimezone": "Ja, uppdatera min tidszon",
"noKeepCurrentTimezone": "Nej, behåll den aktuella tidszonen",
"annualBenefit": "{count} månader gratis"
"annualBenefit": "{count} månader gratis",
"uploadProfilePicture": "Ladda upp",
"profilePictureDescription": "Upp till 2 MB, JPG eller PNG",
"invalidFileType": "Ogiltig filtyp",
"invalidFileTypeDescription": "Ladda upp en JPG- eller PNG-fil.",
"fileTooLargeDescription": "Ladda upp en fil som är mindre än 2 MB."
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion packages/emails/locales/en/emails.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,5 +45,6 @@
"register_subject": "Please verify your email address",
"common_viewOn": "View on {{domain}}",
"newComment_preview": "Go to your poll to see what they said.",
"newComment_heading": "New Comment"
"newComment_heading": "New Comment",
"newPoll_preview": "Share your participant link to start collecting responses."
42 changes: 41 additions & 1 deletion packages/emails/locales/eu/emails.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,5 +6,45 @@
"finalizeHost_heading": "Azken data erreserbatu da!",
"finalizeHost_content2": "Parte-hartzaileei jakinarazi diegu eta egutegiko gonbidapenak bidali dizkiegu.",
"finalizeHost_button": "Ikusi ekitaldia",
"finalizeHost_subject": "{{title}}-k erreserbatu du data"
"finalizeHost_subject": "{{title}}-k erreserbatu du data",
"finalizeParticipant_content": "<b>{{hostName}}</b>-k <b>{{title}}</b> erreserbatu du data honetarako:",
"finalizeParticipant_preview": "Azken data erreserbatu da!",
"finalizeParticipant_heading": "Azken data erreserbatu da!",
"finalizeParticipant_content2": "Ekitaldi honetarako egutegiko gonbidapena erantsita aurkituko duzu.",
"finalizeParticipant_subject": "{{title}}-k erreserbatu du data",
"login_button": "Hasi saioa {{domain}}-n",
"login_content2": "Mezu elektroniko hau jaso duzu <domain />-n saioa hasteko eskaera egin delako. Horrela ez bada, jarri kontaktuan <a>{{supportEmail}}</a>rekin.",
"login_preview": "Erabili esteka hau gailu honetan saioa hasteko.",
"login_heading": "Hasi saioa",
"login_content": "Erabili esteka hau gailu honetan saioa hasteko:",
"login_codeValid": "Kode honek 15 minuturako balio du",
"login_subject": "{{code}} zure 6 digituko kodea da",
"newComment_content": "<b>{{authorName}}</b>-k <b>{{title}}</b> iruzkindu du.",
"newComment_subject": "{{authorName}} {{title}}-en iruzkinak egin ditu",
"newParticipantConfirmation_content": "<b>{{title}}</b>-ri zure erantzuna bidali zaio.",
"newParticipantConfirmation_content2": "Inkesta irekita dagoen bitartean, zure erantzuna alda dezakezu beheko esteka erabiliz.",
"newParticipantConfirmation_button": "Berrikusi {{domain}}-ko erantzuna",
"newParticipantConfirmation_footnote": "Mezu elektroniko hau jaso duzu <domain />-ra erantzun bat bidali delako. Zu ez bazara, ez ikusi mezu elektroniko honi.",
"newParticipantConfirmation_preview": "Zure erantzuna editatzeko, erabili beheko esteka",
"newParticipantConfirmation_heading": "Inkestaren erantzunaren berrespena",
"newParticipantConfirmation_subject": "Eskerrik asko {{title}}-ri erantzuteagatik",
"newParticipant_content": "<b>{{name}}</b>-k erantzun dio <b>{{title}}</b>ri.",
"newParticipant_content2": "Joan zure inkestara erantzun berria ikusteko.",
"newParticipant_preview": "Joan zure inkestara erantzun berria ikusteko.",
"newParticipant_heading": "Erantzun berria",
"newParticipant_subject": "{{name}}-k {{title}}-ri erantzun dio",
"newPoll_content": "<b>{{title}}</b> izeneko bileraren inkesta prest dago! Partekatu beheko esteka erabiliz:",
"newPoll_heading": "Inkesta berria sortu da",
"newPoll_button": "Konfiguratu inkesta",
"newPoll_subject": "Bila dezagun data bat {{title}}-rentzat!",
"register_footer": "Mezu elektroniko hau jaso duzu <domain />-n kontu bat erregistratzeko eskaera egin delako. Zu ez bazara, ez ikusi mezu elektroniko honi.",
"register_preview": "Zure 6 digituko kodea hau da: {{code}}",
"register_heading": "Egiaztatu zure posta helbidea",
"register_text": "Erabili 6 digituko egiaztapen-kode hau zure posta elektronikoa egiaztatzeko",
"register_codeValid": "Kode honek 15 minuturako balio du",
"register_subject": "Egiaztatu zure posta helbidea",
"common_viewOn": "Ikusi {{domain}}-n",
"newComment_preview": "Zoaz zure inkestara zer esan duten ikusteko.",
"newComment_heading": "Iruzkin berria",
"newPoll_preview": "Partekatu zure parte-hartzaile esteka erantzunak biltzen hasteko."
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion packages/emails/locales/fi/emails.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,5 +45,6 @@
"register_subject": "Vahvista sähköpostiosoitteesi",
"common_viewOn": "Näytä osoitteessa {{domain}}",
"newComment_preview": "Siirry kyselyysi nähdäksesi mitä he sanoivat.",
"newComment_heading": "Uusi kommentti"
"newComment_heading": "Uusi kommentti",
"newPoll_preview": "Jaa osallistujalinkkisi aloittaaksesi vastausten keräämisen."
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion packages/emails/locales/hu/emails.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,5 +45,6 @@
"register_subject": "Hitelesítsd az e-mail címed",
"common_viewOn": "Nézd meg itt: {{domain}}",
"newComment_preview": "Irány a szavazásod, hogy lásd a hozzászólásokat.",
"newComment_heading": "Új hozzászólás"
"newComment_heading": "Új hozzászólás",
"newPoll_preview": "Oszd meg a résztvevői linked, hogy elkezdhess a válaszok gyűjteni."
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion packages/emails/locales/nl/emails.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,5 +45,6 @@
"register_subject": "Verifieer je e-mailadres",
"common_viewOn": "Bekijken op {{domain}}",
"newComment_preview": "Ga naar je poll om de reactie te bekijken.",
"newComment_heading": "Nieuwe reactie"
"newComment_heading": "Nieuwe reactie",
"newPoll_preview": "Deel de uitnodigingslink om te beginnen met het verzamelen van reacties."
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion packages/emails/locales/sv/emails.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,5 +45,6 @@
"register_subject": "Bekräfta din e-postadress",
"common_viewOn": "Visa på {{domain}}",
"newComment_preview": "Gå till din omröstning för att se vad de sa.",
"newComment_heading": "Ny kommentar"
"newComment_heading": "Ny kommentar",
"newPoll_preview": "Dela din deltagarlänk för att börja samla in svar."