This is the project for Computer Graphics Lab in University of Bonn
M. D. Breitenstein, F. Reichlin, B. Leibe, E. Koller-Meier and L. V. Gool
”Online multi-person tracking-by-detection from a single, uncalibrated
camera”, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 33, no. 9, pp.1820
-1833 2011.
This is an Eclipse Project.
This directory contains :
Debug and Evaluate - Store evaluation data for every experiment. ex : Eval1_ is the second experiment. Create folder of EvalN_ manually if you want to do N+1 experiments. With data format
(could be anything, example: number of particles, sigma propagation, etc) -
PETS_frame - Contain sequence of video. With filename format frame_0000.jpg
PETS_gt - Contain ground truth data with filename format frame_0000.txt. With data format
PETS_GT_map - Contain detection maps from ground truth
PETS_map - Contain detection maps from detectors
TrackerData - Contain ground truth data with filename format frame_0000.txt. With data format
View1_result - Result of tracked objects on the image
There is also
- a documentation inside src/html/index.html
- A python file to plot the evaluation
- EvaluateNumParticles (To evaluate tracker with x-axis is number of particles)
- EvaluatePETS (To evaluate tracker with x-axis is sigma_of_propagation (could be changed..))
In Eclipse project. Go to
Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings
In GCC C++
Compiler->Miscelanneous->add other flags "-std=c++11 -std=c++0x"
In C++
Linker->Libraries->add Libraries (-l) "config++"
particlefilter :
main :
num_experiment = 1; // number experiment that will be executed with various parameters
detmapfiles = "PETS_map/"; // directory of detection maps
trackerdatafiles = "TrackerData/"; // directory of tracker data *.txt
groundtruthfiles = "PETS_gt/"; // directory of ground truth data *.txt
evalresultfiles = "Evaluate/"; // directory to store evaluation result
sequenceframefiles = "PETS_frame/"; // directory of sequence frames
resulttrackerfiles = "View1_result/"; // directory to store image of tracked objects
main0 : // first experiment
min_area_detection_threshold = 30; // threshold value to find contour of objects
number_of_particles = 50; // number of particles
threshold_detection = 160; // threshold value to treshold binary images
use_histogram = 3; // tipe of histograms (single, divide into 3, overlap)
vis_type = 2; // visualization type (particles, circle, bounding box)
with_gt = 1; // flag status to use ground truth or not
sigma_propagate = [10.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0]; // value of sigma propagation (sigma_p and sigma_v)
sigma_measurement = 1.0; // value of sigma measurement
c_detection = 0.6; // constant to weight detection model (1-alpha)
c_color = 0.4; // constant to weight color (alpha)
mul_factor_c_color = 0.6; // constant to weight detection model (1-alpha), when there is an occlusion
mul_factor_c_detection = 0.4; // constant to weight color (alpha), when there is an occlusion
width_default = 40; // width default of bounding box
height_default = 80; // height default of bounding box
using_occlusion_handling = 1; // flag status to run using occlusion handling or not
main1 : // here comes another variation of parameter
main2 : // here again..
The documentation of ParticleFilter class can be found here Particle Filter Class
The report can be found here Project Report