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@glo82145 glo82145 released this 05 Mar 11:26
· 8 commits to develop since this release

PWA Studio Release 14.2.0

This changelog only contains release notes for PWA Studio and Venia 14.2.0
For older release notes, see PWA Studio releases.


PHP 8.4 support — PWA Studio now supports PHP 8.4. GitHub PRs: 62, 7, 29, 6, 25, 12

The 14.2.0 release of PWA Studio provides compatibility with PREX extension and Upgradation from node 14 to 18.

Additional fixes

  • Story: 4385 — Added payment method for "Cash on Delivery" compatibiility into pwa-studio
  • Story: 4374 — DOM Text Interpreted As HTML in PWA Code
  • Story: 4340 — Pwa-studio Dependency Updates
  • Story: 4386 — Implemented Price slider Filter with tailwind css
  • Bug: 4395 — Fixed error while creating User from Sign-in page which appeares post logout
  • Bug: 4346 — Fixed account email confirmation flow and Added code to display error message from grapqhl response in form
  • Bug: 4362 — Rolled back necessary changes of Tailwind
  • Bug: 4353 — New theme creation - tailwind preset issues
  • Bug: 4318 — Fixed issue of system is getting crashed when login / create user on Home page or Order Success page in case of translated language other then English
  • Bug: 4344 — fixed issue of unable to see the Default Thumbnail for newly created product in PLP and PDP
  • Bug: 4354 — Fixed Shipping address error when login
  • Bug: 4318 — Fixed issue of system is getting crashed when selecting add to cart in case of translated language
  • Bug: 4357 — Upward pwa forwarding BOT request to backend
  • Bug: 4403 — Removing code since creating problem while yarn build in local when added this extension to package.json
    however packages is published on NPM so will resolve in next release
  • Bug: 4342 — Resolved error when getting thumbnails on order row for deleted products
  • Bug: 4339 — able to see appropriate css variable on front end
  • Bug: 4363 — Fixed system is thorwing Error while signin from shipping address page
  • Bug: 4341 — Order confirmation page persists through page refreshes when authenticated also navigates to home page on refresh for guest users
  • Bug: 4413 — fixed unable to proceed checkout on iOS or Android Device post product added to cart
  • Bug: 4424 — Unable to place order in Mobile screen as well as not able to filter or sort in PLP

14.2.0 Lighthouse scores

With each new release of PWA Studio, we perform Lighthouse audits of four Venia page types, each representing a different level of complexity. Shown below are the Lighthouse scores for the 14.2.0 release of these pages on desktop and mobile devices.

Desktop scores

Home Page Product Category Product Details Search Results
Best Practices

Mobile scores

  Home Page   Product Category Product Details Search Results
Best Practices

Known issue

When user create scaffolding project using command yarn create @magento/pwa, project gets created but throwing an error - "'dompurify' Module not found"
while running either of commands (yarn watch / yarn run storybook / yarn run build / yarn start) inside the created project.
Solution: To resolve this error add library 'dompurify' in the created project by running command 'yarn add dompurify' from the root of the project folder. Once the library is added in the project it will work as expected

When a user logs out, that user's local storage session persists. As a result, the cart ID from the logged out user is retrieved and given to the guest user on the computer. This causes the following error when the guest user tries to check out: An error has occurred. Please check the input and try again. To resolve this issue, try disabling graphql session sharing as described in the GraphQL documentation on session cookies here:

Upgrading from a previous version

Use the steps outlined in this section to update your scaffolded project from 14.1.0 to 14.2.0
See Upgrading versions for more information about upgrading between PWA Studio versions.

Updated package dependencies

Open your package.json file and update the PWA Studio package dependencies to the versions associated with this release.
The following table lists the latest versions of each package as of 14.2.0. The bolded versions with an asterisk (*) are the packages that were updated from PWA Studio 14.1.0.

Your project may not depend on some packages listed in this table.


Package Latest version
babel-preset-peregrine 1.3.3
create-pwa 2.5.6*
experience-platform-connector 1.0.9*
upward-security-headers 1.0.17
venia-sample-backends 0.0.12*
venia-sample-eventing 0.0.10*
venia-sample-language-packs 0.0.18*
venia-sample-payments-checkmo 0.0.16*
venia-sample-payments-cashondelivery 0.0.1
pagebuilder 9.3.3*
peregrine 14.5.1*
pwa-buildpack **11.5.4 ***
pwa-theme-venia 2.4.0
upward-js 5.4.2
upward-spec 5.3.1
venia-concept 14.2.0*
venia-ui 11.6.0*
magento2-pwa 0.9.2*
magento2-pwa-commerce 0.1.4*
magento-venia-sample-data-modules 0.0.6*
magento-venia-sample-data-modules-ee 0.0.5*
magento2-upward-connector 2.0.5*
upward-php 2.0.4*