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Attack table
Everything we know so far about attack tables in WoW Classic.
- Officially confirmed by Blizzard
- Work-in-progress results of our tests
- Test breakdown (single weapon)
- Test breakdown (dual-wield)
Source: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/bug-hit-tables/185675/12
- Creatures at your level have a 5% chance to Dodge your attacks. Each additional level the target has over the player grants them 0.5% additional chance to dodge. (So 6.5% chance to Dodge for creatures 3 levels above the player.)
- Creatures that are 3 levels above the player have a 14% Parry chance.
- Players have an 8% chance to miss a creature that is 3 levels above them.
- Critical Strike chance is reduced by 1% per each additional level the target has over the player. (So if you have a 4% chance to crit an at-level target, you have a 1% chance to crit a +3-level target.)
Source: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/bug-hit-tables/185675/32
- There is some code in 1.12 that explicitly adds a modifier that causes the first 1% of +hit gained from talents or gear to be ignored against monsters with more than 10 Defense Skill above the attacking player’s Weapon Skill. This means that the so-called “hit cap” is in effect 9% rather than 8% for a player with 300 Weapon Skill fighting a level 63 monster with a Defense Skill of 315. With a Weapon Skill of 305, such as from Sword Specialization (Humans) or Axe Specialization (Orcs), this hit modifier is no longer in place against +3 level monsters, provided that you are using the appropriate weapon type to gain the passive bonus. Needless to say, this makes +Weapon Skill very good against raid-level monsters.
Source: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/bug-berserker-stance/196414/8
- Modifiers to Critical Strike chance are reduced against enemies 3 levels higher than the player-character. There is a single modifier placed on total Critical Strike gained from auras that increase Crit chance.
Note: these numbers are our current estimates and should be taken with a grain of salt; they can change when we get more data.
Blizzard states:
Players have an 8% chance to miss a creature that is 3 levels above them
Our data shows that Miss chance seems to follow Beaza's formula found in his edits to Miss on wowwiki, which also agrees with Blizzard's statement above. Summarized:
If the target is a mob and defense minus weapon skill is 11 or more:
MissChance = 5% + (TargetLevel*5 - AttackerSkill) * 0.2%
HitSuppression = (TargetLevel*5 - AttackerSkill - 10) * 0.2%
If the target is a mob and defense minus weapon skill is 10 or less:
MissChance = 5% + (TargetLevel*5 - AttackerSkill) * 0.1%
HitSuppression = 0%
If the target is a mob below level 10:
MissChance = NormalMissChance * (TargetLevel / 10)
If the target is a player:
MissChance = 5% + (PlayerDefense - AttackerSkill) * 0.04%
Which means with +5 weapon skill bonus you only have 6% chance to miss mobs 3 levels higher than you, instead of 8% with no weapon skill bonus.
Beaza also tells us that the dual-wield miss chance is 80% of the miss chance calculated above plus 20%. The next revision of that wowwiki entry by Beaza created December 6th 2006, a day after the TBC prepatch hit live servers, states:
Dual-wielding used to be a special case. The chance to miss on each weapon was 80% times the chance calculated above, plus 20%. If a miss chance calculated as above came out to 5% then dual-wielding increased this miss chance to 24% (which was 80% * 5% + 20%) for each weapon. A 10% miss chance with one weapon would have become a 28% chance for each dual-wielded weapon, and so on. WoW was patched to change this formula to a flat rate of +19% miss chance when dual-wielding. For the common base miss chance of 5% the result is still 24% but now instead of 28% on a base miss chance of 10% the miss rate goes to 29% for a 10% base (which is of course 10% + 19%).
This made us believe that the flat 19% dual-wield miss penalty was a TBC change. That is, until now. Recent data collected by Bimmy on the PTR during February 2021 clearly shows us the dual-wield miss penalty in Classic is indeed a flat 19%. In his test with 300 weapon skill and +27% hit vs a +3 level mob he had an effective 26% chance to hit (after factoring in hit suppression) and he should have missed 0.4% of his attacks according to the old Beaza formula: 8% base * 0.8 + 20% = 26.4% miss chance
. Instead, he missed a flat round 1% of his attacks which fits the flat 19% formula 8% base + 19% = 27%
. In conclusion:
DualWieldMissChance = NormalMissChance + 19%
Out test results agree with Beaza's formula on glancing blow chance from wowwiki which can be summarized as follows for melee classes:
GlancingChance = 10% + (TargetLevel*5 - MIN(AttackerLevel*5,AttackerSkill)) * 2%
ΔLevel | Chance to occur | Base damage penalty |
0 | 10% | 5% |
1 | 20% | 5% |
2 | 30% | 15% |
3 | 40% | 35% |
Glancing damage reduction also seems to follow Beaza's formulas from wowwiki as well (note this applies to melee classes only, non-melee formula slightly different):
Low end: 1.3 - 0.05*(defense-skill) capped at 0.91
High end: 1.2 - 0.03*(defense-skill) min of 0.2 and capped at 0.99
Average Reduction: (high + low) / 2
Our testing so far agrees with Beaza's formulas for the data points we have, but we're still missing a lot of data points to verify the entire range. The following table uses these formulas to fill in the missing values of glancing damage penalty and miss chance, and our measured values in parentheses where available:
ΔDefense/Skill | Glancing penalty | Miss chance | Hit cap |
15 | 35% (~35.12) | 8.0% | 9.0% |
14 | 31% | 7.8% | 8.6% |
13 | 27% (~26.74%) | 7.6% | 8.2% |
12 | 23% (~22.72%) | 7.4% | 7.8% |
11 | 19% | 7.2% | 7.4% |
10 | 15% (~14.82%) | 6.0% | 6.0% |
9 | 11% | 5.9% | 5.9% |
8 | 7% | 5.8% | 5.8% |
7 | 5% (~5.12%) | 5.7% | 5.7% |
6 | 5% | 5.6% | 5.6% |
5 | 5% (~4.96%) | 5.5% | 5.5% |
4 | 5% | 5.4% | 5.4% |
3 | 5% | 5.3% | 5.3% |
2 | 5% | 5.2% | 5.2% |
1 | 5% | 5.1% | 5.1% |
0 | 5% | 5.0% | 5.0% |
Blizzard states:
Creatures at your level have a 5% chance to Dodge your attacks. Each additional level the target has over the player grants them 0.5% additional chance to dodge. (So 6.5% chance to Dodge for creatures 3 levels above the player)
Beaza tells us something more detailed on his wowwiki edits on Dodge:
Each point of Defense over the attacker's Attack skill adds 0.04% Dodge against players and 0.1% against mobs; on the other hand, each point of Defense below the attacker's Attack skill cuts Dodge by 0.04% against players and 0.1% against mobs.
Combing these two gives us the following formulas:
If the target is a mob:
DodgeChance = 5% + (TargetLevel*5 - AttackerSkill) * 0.1%
If the target is a player:
DodgeChance = PlayerDodge + (PlayerDefense - AttackerSkill) * 0.04%
This means that with +5 weapon skill vs. a +3 level mob your chance to be dodged will decrease from 6.5% to 6%. Our data for +5 skill vs. 3+ mob found below shows that dodge chance is converging around 6% as expected.
While Blizzard hasn't said anything about block chance specifically, we assumed it would function like dodge meaning vs. a +3 level mob you would have 6.5% chance to be blocked. We were confounded when the results of our tests showed ~5% block chance even for +3 level mobs. Recently found edits by Beaza to the Block entry on wowwiki state the following:
The base chance to block an attack is 5% and this is modified by a factor of the rating difference between the attacker's weapon skill and the defender's defense. Each point of difference adjusts the base chance by 0.1% if the target is a mob and 0.04% if the target is a player. Mobs level 9 and lower do not block as frequently, just as they are not missed as frequently as they should be. Also, mobs cannot block more than 5% of attacks regardless of rating difference.
Beaza's assertion that mobs cannot block more than 5% of attacks regardless of rating difference fits with our test results. While not an official confirmation, Beaza formulas have proven to be correct in other areas so this might be a hint that this behavior should be expected.
Summing up:
If the target is a mob:
BlockChance = MIN(5%, 5% + (TargetLevel*5 - AttackerSkill) * 0.1%)
If the target is a player:
BlockChance = PlayerBlock + (PlayerDefense - AttackerSkill) * 0.04%
Our test results match Blizzard's official statement; your critical strike chance is reduced by 1% for each level the target has above you. The change to your critical strike chance also seems to follow Beaza's edits to wowwiki which say:
When the target is a mob you cannot apply more than [level * 5] points of weapon skill toward your chance to get a critial hit. This means at level 60 that level 61 and higher mobs are not critically hit more often even if you increase your weapon skill above 300.
When the target is a mob and attack rating minus defense is less than 0, the change is critical hit chance is 0.2% per point of difference. If the target is not a mob or the rating difference is above 0 then the critical hit chance is adjusted 0.04% per point of difference.
This means you still have -3% suppression (300-315)*0.2%
to your critical strike chance even with +5 weapon skill vs. +3 levels mobs. Effectively, your crit suppression at +5 weapon skill vs. +3 mobs is -3.2% since your spell book crit will also include the 0.2% crit chance you get from the weapon skill (which will only work against players).
Beaza's crit chance formulas can be summarized as follows:
BaseAttackRating = MIN(PlayerLevel*5, AttackRating)
If the target is a mob and BaseAttackRating minus TargetDefense is less than 0:
CritChance = AttackerCrit + (BaseAttackRating - TargetDefense) * 0.2%
If the target is a mob and BaseAttackRating minus TargetDefense is above or equal to 0:
CritChance = AttackerCrit + (BaseAttackRating - TargetDefense) * 0.04%
If the target is a player:
CritChance = AttackerCrit + (AttackRating - TargetDefense) * 0.04%
In addition, when fighting +3 level mobs there's a flat modifier placed on your total crit chance gained from auras. Auras in this context are talents such as Cruelty or Axe Specialization, gear that directly gives crit % through Equip:
effects, buffs that increase you crit chance like Songflower Serenade or Leader of the Pack, and consumables such as Elixir of the Mongoose. It does not include crit gained indirectly through Agility, neither base Agility or Agility from gear.
While Blizzard only revealed the nature of this modifier but not its value, we've done extensive research with upwards of 60K hits and concluded that the modifier is most likely a flat 1.8% reduction to your crit chance gained from auras. If you don't have any crit from auras you are not affected by this, but still affected by the 3% suppression due to skill/defense difference mentioned above. Realistically, you will most likely have at least 2% crit from auras through one of the sources mentioned above even while leveling past level 10 (think 2/5 Cruelty) and certainly at level 60, putting your total suppression against +3 level mobs at 4.8%.
Note: all hits are white only
Player (level) | Class | Spellbook Crit | Target (level) | Attacks | Log |
Vilius (20) | Warrior | 4.49% | Zhevra Courser (20) | 3988 | link |
dmzor (30) | Paladin | 3.88% | Highland Strider (30) | 1013 | link |
Puffymuffins (40) | Warrior | 18.47% | Longtooth Runner (40) | 2043 | link |
Weighted average by number of attacks (8.46% crit chance)
- Hit: 61.13% ±1.14% (4306)
- Crit: 8.21% ±0.64% (578)
- Miss: 5.20% ±0.52% (366)
- Parry: 4.97% ±0.51% (350)
- Dodge: 5.30% ±0.52% (373)
- Block: 5.11% ±0.51% (360)
- Glancing: 10.09% ±0.70% (711)
- Glance Reduction: ~5.03%
Player (level) | Class | Spellboook Crit | Target (level) | Attacks | Log |
dmzor (30) | Paladin | 3.88% | Snapjaw (31) | 2000 | link |
- Hit: 55.20% ±2.22% (1104)
- Crit: 2.25% ±0.66% (45)
- Miss: 6.00% ±1.06% (120)
- Parry: 5.75% ±1.04% (115)
- Dodge: 5.95% ±1.06% (119)
- Block: 4.55% ±0.93% (91)
- Glancing: 20.30% ±1.80% (406)
- Glance Reduction: ~4.85%
Player (level) | Class | Spellbook Crit | Target (level) | Attacks | Log |
dmzor (30) | Paladin | 3.88% | Mountain Lion (32) | 1999 | link |
- Hit: 45.27% ±2.23% (905)
- Crit: 1.75% ±0.59% (35)
- Miss: 6.20% ±1.08% (124)
- Parry: 6.55% ±1.11% (131)
- Dodge: 5.70% ±1.04% (114)
- Block: 5.30% ±1.00% (106)
- Glancing: 29.21% ±2.03% (584)
- Glance Reduction: ~14.19%
Player (level) | Class | Spellbook Crit | Target (level) | Attacks | Log |
Vilius (20) | Warrior | 4.49% | Antlered Courser (23) | 1487 | link |
Towneh (30) | Warrior | 4.14% | Giant Yeti (33) | 1900 | link |
dmzor (30) | Paladin | 3.88% | Mountain Yeti (33) | 1180 | link |
magey (21) | Rogue | 8.68%* | Young Black Ravager (24) | 5552 | link |
magey (21) | Rogue | 9.68%* | Young Black Ravager (24) | 2376 | link |
Pyte (40) | Warrior | 7.23%* | Steeljaw Snapper (43) | 4965 | link |
Toraque (40) | Warrior | 11.41%* | Steeljaw Snapper (43) | 5114 | link |
Toraque (40) | Warrior | 13.43%* | Steeljaw Snapper (43) | 2705 | link |
dmzor (40) | Paladin | 9.33%* | Steeljaw Snapper (43) | 6500 | link |
* Corrected in weighted average below to account for crit aura suppression
Weighted average by number of attacks (7.46% crit chance)
- Hit: 22.20% ±0.46% (7055)
- Crit: 4.42% ±0.23% (1406)
- Miss: 7.81% ±0.30% (2483)
- Parry: 13.97% ±0.38% (4438)
- Dodge: 6.29% ±0.27% (1999)
- Block: 4.94% ±0.24% (1571)
- Glancing: 40.36% ±0.54% (12827)
- Glance Reduction: ~35.12%
Player (level) | Class | Spellbook Crit | Target (level) | Attacks | Log |
dmzor (30) | Paladin | 8.96%* | Plains Creeper (33) | 1200 | link |
* Corrected in breakdown below to account for crit aura suppression
Attack breakdown (7.16% crit chance)
- Hit: 24.75% ±2.44% (297)
- Crit: 3.50% ±1.04% (42)
- Miss: 7.83% ±1.52% (94)
- Parry: 12.17% ±1.85% (146)
- Dodge: 5.17% ±1.25% (62)
- Block: 3.42% ±1.03% (41)
- Glancing: 43.17% ±2.80% (518)
- Glance Reduction: ~26.74%
Player (level) | Class | Spellbook Crit | Target (level) | Attacks | Log |
Vilius (20) | Warrior | 4.69% | Antlered Courser (23) | 1488 | link |
Towneh (30) | Warrior | 4.34% | Giant Yeti (33) | 1322 | link |
magey (10) Scylla |
Rogue | 10.49% | Fleshripper (13) | 1254 | link |
Puffymuffins (40) | Warrior | 17.99%* | Grimtotem Shaman (43) Longtooth Howler (43) |
684 | link |
Puffymuffins (40) | Warrior | 18.67%* | Longtooth Howler (43) | 1753 | link |
Towneh (40) | Warrior | 10.89%* | Steeljaw Snapper (43) | 3424 | link |
Towneh (40) | Warrior | 14.04%* | Steeljaw Snapper (43) | 3425 | link |
Vilius (40) | Warrior | 5.73% | Steeljaw Snapper (43) | 1665 | link |
Pyte (40) | Warrior | 5.43% | Steeljaw Snapper (43) | 2557 | link |
Pyte (40) | Warrior | 8.43%* | Steeljaw Snapper (43) | 4016 | link |
Pyte (40) | Warrior | 17.43%* | Steeljaw Snapper (43) | 3054 | link |
Puffymuffins (40) | Warrior | 23.30%* | Steeljaw Snapper (43) | 3421 | link |
* Corrected in weighted average below to account for crit aura suppression
Weighted average by number of attacks (11.08% crit chance)
- Hit: 21.27% ±0.48% (5968)
- Crit: 7.80% ±0.31% (2188)
- Miss: 5.99% ±0.28% (1680)
- Parry: 13.49% ±0.40% (3786)
- Dodge: 6.04% ±0.28% (1695)
- Block: 5.13% ±0.26% (1441)
- Glancing: 40.28% ±0.57% (11305)
- Glance Reduction: ~14.82%
Player (level) | Class | Spellbook Crit | Target (level) | Attacks | Log |
tilkku (57) | Rogue | 6.02% | Gordok Spirit (60) | 21911 | link |
Weighted average by number of attacks (6.02% crit chance)
- Hit: 12.83% (12.26% - 13.44%) (2813)
- Crit: 3.00% (2.71% - 3.32%) (659)
- Miss: 18.93% (18.25% - 19.63%) (4149)
- Parry: 14.01% (13.41% - 14.63%) (3070)
- Dodge: 5.70% (5.30% - 6.13%) (1250)
- Block: 5.13% (4.76% - 5.54%) (1126)
- Glancing: 40.36% (39.50% - 41.23%) (8844)
Note: all hits are white only
Player (level) | Class | Spellbook Crit | Target (level) | Attacks | Log |
Zorzor (60) | Rogue | 26.90% | Boss Dummy (63) | 48445 | link |
- Hit: 30.60% ±0.41% (14824)
- Crit: 21.81% ±0.37% (10564)
- Crit Difference: ~5.10%
- Miss: 1.01% ±0.09% (489)
- Parry: 0.00% ±0.00% (0)
- Dodge: 6.43% ±0.22% (3115)
- Block: 0.00% ±0.00% (0)
- Glancing: 40.15% ±0.44% (19453)
- Glance Reduction: ~35.02%
Player (level) | Class | Spellbook Crit | Target (level) | Attacks | Log |
Zorzor (60) | Rogue | 26.90% | Boss Dummy (63) | 5398 | link |
- Hit: 31.70% ±1.24% (1711)
- Crit: 22.05% ±1.11% (1190)
- Crit Difference: ~4.86%
- Miss: 0.00% ±0.00% (0)
- Parry: 0.00% ±0.00% (0)
- Dodge: 6.58% ±0.66% (355)
- Block: 0.00% ±0.00% (0)
- Glancing: 39.68% ±1.31% (2142)
- Glance Reduction: ~35.23%