- CopyPlayer not change OldOwnerPlayerUIds
- CopyPlayer will be repair the player after copy
- BatchDeleteCharacter will be failed to build structure
- BatchDeleteItemContainer will be failed to build structure
- BatchDeleteCharacterContainer will be failed to build structure
- CopyPlayer on the same save file will be lost the working / base state, and put to PalStorage
- CopyPlayer multiple times on same target UUID will be no pals on character
- Copy Instance will be check for empty slots
- OpenBackup cause error on Linux platform
- Migrate Player / Repair Player move Pals that working on base to user Pal Container
- Repair Player would be move duplicated pal storage container with same uid to new pal storage container
- Delete Damange Object will be delete broken BaseCamp, WorkData
- Export Graphviz dot feature
- Delete Damange Object will be delete no character container's character
- Delete Damange Object will be delete broken map spawner
- Edit Instance to Pals only
- Copy Player can be load the Player's save file from the backup Level.sav folder
- i18n support half translate of language
- Delete Inactive Player on GUI
- Batch repair all player on GUI
- One key migrate to local feature
- Delete damage object will be also delete invalid map object
- Performance upgrade for DeletePlayer
- Remove unused Fix Capture Log
- Merge fix missing to Delete Invalid Object
- Auto backup as a tar file with structure
- Merge PalEdit to 0.6.1