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[MAPS3D-701] Instanced models (trees) (without GL instancing support) (
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* parse root/models and load 3d models in ModelManager

* instanced buffer evaluated in bucket creation time, rendering trees one by one

Taking tile coordinates approach only for all the cases (globe is TODO also on gl-native)

* Reduced dynamic style added to 3d-playground.html as default style

From removed:
- xxxx-emissive-strength,
- icon-image day/light icon variants
- random(id) replaced by id %
- vertical gradient for landmarks

This is because trees root/models are defined in style and didn't want to add temporary API to add them in run time.

* Render tests. Resolved issues with Draco decoding.

Copied and fixed from gl-native model layer render tests.
Order or lat and lng got changed.
Draco was already decoded, only in case of Draco, bufferViews are not populated but arrays are available for upload to GPU without further processing. TODO: investigate if it is possible to upload directly without vertex by vertex copy to another buffer.

* terrain placement and update for trees

* feature state trees styling. lint fixes

* Flow fixes

* update on setPaintProperty called programatically for color mix. add test for data driven props update

* 3d-playground.html shadows

* Rebase render tests

* Process review comments

* Rebase fix. Set new  streets-v12 style as default in 3d-playground debug page

Dynamic is not set as default yet, since it already includes fill extrusion (page ends up creating 2 building layers)

* remove unused tiles and unsupported random test
  • Loading branch information
astojilj authored Mar 25, 2023
1 parent be4b7d8 commit aa8c806
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Showing 121 changed files with 14,130 additions and 92 deletions.
286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions 3d-style/data/bucket/model_bucket.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
// @flow

import EXTENT from '../../../src/data/extent.js';
import {register} from '../../../src/util/web_worker_transfer.js';
import loadGeometry from '../../../src/data/load_geometry.js';
import toEvaluationFeature from '../../../src/data/evaluation_feature.js';
import type {EvaluationFeature} from '../../../src/data/evaluation_feature.js';
import EvaluationParameters from '../../../src/style/evaluation_parameters.js';
import Point from '@mapbox/point-geometry';
import type {Mat4} from 'gl-matrix';
import type {CanonicalTileID} from '../../../src/source/tile_id.js';
import type {
} from '../../../src/data/bucket.js';

import type Context from '../../../src/gl/context.js';
import type VertexBuffer from '../../../src/gl/vertex_buffer.js';
import type {FeatureStates} from '../../../src/source/source_state.js';
import type {SpritePositions} from '../../../src/util/image.js';
import type {ProjectionSpecification} from '../../../src/style-spec/types.js';
import type {TileTransform} from '../../../src/geo/projection/tile_transform.js';
import type {IVectorTileLayer} from '@mapbox/vector-tile';
import {InstanceVertexArray} from '../../../src/data/array_types.js';
import assert from 'assert';
import {warnOnce} from '../../../src/util/util.js';
import ModelStyleLayer from '../../style/style_layer/model_style_layer.js';
import {rotationScaleYZFlipMatrix} from '../../util/model_util.js';
import {tileToMeter} from '../../../src/geo/mercator_coordinate.js';

class ModelFeature {
feature: EvaluationFeature;
instancedDataOffset: number;
instancedDataCount: number;

constructor(feature: EvaluationFeature, offset: number) {
this.feature = feature;
this.instancedDataOffset = offset;
this.instancedDataCount = 0;

class PerModelAttributes {
// If node has meshes, instancedDataArray gets an entry for each feature instance (used for all meshes or the node).
instancedDataArray: InstanceVertexArray;
instancedDataBuffer: VertexBuffer;
instancesEvaluatedElevation: Array<number>; // Gets added to DEM elevation of the instance to produce value in instancedDataArray.

features: Array<ModelFeature>;
idToFeaturesIndex: {[string | number]: number}; // via this.features, enable lookup instancedDataArray based on feature ID.

constructor() {
this.instancedDataArray = new InstanceVertexArray();
this.instancesEvaluatedElevation = [];
this.features = [];
this.idToFeaturesIndex = {};

class ModelBucket implements Bucket {
zoom: number;
index: number;
canonical: CanonicalTileID;
layers: Array<ModelStyleLayer>;
layerIds: Array<string>;
stateDependentLayers: Array<ModelStyleLayer>;
stateDependentLayerIds: Array<string>;
hasPattern: boolean;

instancesPerModel: {string: PerModelAttributes};

uploaded: boolean;

tileToMeter: number;
projection: ProjectionSpecification;

// elevation is baked into vertex buffer together with evaluated instance translation
validForExaggeration: number;
validForDEMTile: ?CanonicalTileID;

/* $FlowIgnore[incompatible-type-arg] Doesn't need to know about all the implementations */
constructor(options: BucketParameters<ModelStyleLayer>) {
this.zoom = options.zoom;
this.canonical = options.canonical;
this.layers = options.layers;
this.layerIds = =>;
this.projection = options.projection;
this.index = options.index;

this.stateDependentLayerIds = this.layers.filter((l) => l.isStateDependent()).map((l) =>;
this.hasPattern = false;
this.instancesPerModel = {};
this.validForExaggeration = 0;

populate(features: Array<IndexedFeature>, options: PopulateParameters, canonical: CanonicalTileID, tileTransform: TileTransform) {
this.tileToMeter = tileToMeter(canonical);
const needGeometry = this.layers[0]._featureFilter.needGeometry;

for (const {feature, id, index, sourceLayerIndex} of features) {
const evaluationFeature = toEvaluationFeature(feature, needGeometry);

if (!this.layers[0]._featureFilter.filter(new EvaluationParameters(this.zoom), evaluationFeature, canonical)) continue;

const bucketFeature: BucketFeature = {
geometry: needGeometry ? evaluationFeature.geometry : loadGeometry(feature, canonical, tileTransform),
type: feature.type,
patterns: {}

const modelId = this.addFeature(bucketFeature, bucketFeature.geometry, evaluationFeature);

if (modelId) {
options.featureIndex.insert(feature, bucketFeature.geometry, index, sourceLayerIndex, this.index, this.instancesPerModel[modelId].instancedDataArray.length);

// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
update(states: FeatureStates, vtLayer: IVectorTileLayer, availableImages: Array<string>, imagePositions: SpritePositions) {
// called when setFeature state API is used
for (const modelId in this.instancesPerModel) {
const instances = this.instancesPerModel[modelId];
for (const id in states) {
if (instances.idToFeaturesIndex.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
const feature = instances.features[instances.idToFeaturesIndex[id]];
this.evaluate(feature, states[id], instances, true);

isEmpty(): boolean {
for (const modelId in this.instancesPerModel) {
const perModelAttributes = this.instancesPerModel[modelId];
if (perModelAttributes.instancedDataArray.length !== 0) return false;
return true;

uploadPending(): boolean {
return !this.uploaded;

upload(context: Context) {
// if buffer size is less than the threshold, do not upload instance buffer.
// if instance buffer is not uploaded, instances are rendered one by one.
const useInstancingThreshold = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
if (!this.uploaded) {
for (const modelId in this.instancesPerModel) {
const perModelAttributes = this.instancesPerModel[modelId];
if (perModelAttributes.instancedDataArray.length < useInstancingThreshold || perModelAttributes.instancedDataArray.length === 0) continue;
if (!perModelAttributes.instancedDataBuffer) {
perModelAttributes.instancedDataBuffer = context.createVertexBuffer(perModelAttributes.instancedDataArray, perModelAttributes.instancedDataArray.members, true);
} else {
this.uploaded = true;

destroy() {
for (const modelId in this.instancesPerModel) {
const perModelAttributes = this.instancesPerModel[modelId];
if (perModelAttributes.instancedDataArray.length === 0) continue;
if (perModelAttributes.instancedDataBuffer) {

addFeature(feature: BucketFeature, geometry: Array<Array<Point>>, evaluationFeature: EvaluationFeature): string {
const layer = this.layers[0];
const modelIdProperty = layer.layout.get('model-id');
const modelId = modelIdProperty.evaluate(evaluationFeature, {}, this.canonical);
if (!modelId) {
warnOnce(`modelId is not evaluated for layer ${} and it is not going to get rendered.`);
return modelId;
if (!this.instancesPerModel[modelId]) {
this.instancesPerModel[modelId] = new PerModelAttributes();
const perModelVertexArray = this.instancesPerModel[modelId];
const instancedDataArray = perModelVertexArray.instancedDataArray;

const modelFeature = new ModelFeature(evaluationFeature, instancedDataArray.length);
for (const geometries of geometry) {
for (const point of geometries) {
if (point.x < 0 || point.x >= EXTENT || point.y < 0 || point.y >= EXTENT) {
continue; // Clip on tile borders to prevent duplicates
const i = instancedDataArray.length;
instancedDataArray.resize(i + 1);
instancedDataArray.float32[i * 16] = point.x;
instancedDataArray.float32[i * 16 + 1] = point.y;
modelFeature.instancedDataCount = perModelVertexArray.instancedDataArray.length - modelFeature.instancedDataOffset;
if (modelFeature.instancedDataCount > 0) {
if ( {
perModelVertexArray.idToFeaturesIndex[] = perModelVertexArray.features.length;
this.evaluate(modelFeature, {}, perModelVertexArray, false);
return modelId;

evaluate(feature: ModelFeature, featureState: FeatureStates, perModelVertexArray: PerModelAttributes, update: boolean) {
const layer = this.layers[0];
const evaluationFeature = feature.feature;
const canonical = this.canonical;
const rotation = layer.paint.get('model-rotation').evaluate(evaluationFeature, featureState, canonical);
const scale = layer.paint.get('model-scale').evaluate(evaluationFeature, featureState, canonical);
const translation = layer.paint.get('model-translation').evaluate(evaluationFeature, featureState, canonical);
const color = layer.paint.get('model-color').evaluate(evaluationFeature, featureState, canonical);
color.a = layer.paint.get('model-color-mix-intensity').evaluate(evaluationFeature, featureState, canonical);
const rotationScaleYZFlip: Mat4 = [];

rotationScaleYZFlipMatrix(rotationScaleYZFlip, (rotation: any), (scale: any));

const constantTileToMeterAcrossTile = 10;
assert(perModelVertexArray.instancedDataArray.bytesPerElement === 64);

const vaOffset2 = Math.round(100.0 * color.a) + color.b / 1.05;

for (let i = 0; i < feature.instancedDataCount; ++i) {
const instanceOffset = feature.instancedDataOffset + i;
const offset = instanceOffset * 16;

const va = perModelVertexArray.instancedDataArray.float32;
let terrainElevationContribution = 0;
if (update) {
terrainElevationContribution = va[offset + 6] - perModelVertexArray.instancesEvaluatedElevation[instanceOffset];

// All per-instance attributes are packed to one 4x4 float matrix. Data is not expected
// to change on every frame when e.g. camera or light changes.
// Column major order. Elements:
// 0 & 1: tile coordinates stored in integer part of float, R and G color components,
// originally in range [0..1], scaled to range [0..0.952(arbitrary, just needs to be
// under 1)].
const pointY = va[offset + 1] | 0; // point.y stored in integer part
va[offset] = (va[offset] | 0) + color.r / 1.05; // point.x stored in integer part
va[offset + 1] = pointY + color.g / 1.05;
// Element 2: packs color's alpha (as integer part) and blue component in fractional part.
va[offset + 2] = vaOffset2;
// tileToMeter is taken at center of tile. Prevent recalculating it over again for
// thousands of trees.
// Element 3: tileUnitsToMeter conversion.
va[offset + 3] = 1.0 / (canonical.z > constantTileToMeterAcrossTile ? this.tileToMeter : tileToMeter(canonical, pointY));
// Elements [4..6]: translation evaluated for the feature.
va[offset + 4] = translation[0];
va[offset + 5] = translation[1];
va[offset + 6] = translation[2] + terrainElevationContribution;
// Elements [7..16] Instance modelMatrix holds combined rotation and scale 3x3,
va[offset + 7] = rotationScaleYZFlip[0];
va[offset + 8] = rotationScaleYZFlip[1];
va[offset + 9] = rotationScaleYZFlip[2];
va[offset + 10] = rotationScaleYZFlip[4];
va[offset + 11] = rotationScaleYZFlip[5];
va[offset + 12] = rotationScaleYZFlip[6];
va[offset + 13] = rotationScaleYZFlip[8];
va[offset + 14] = rotationScaleYZFlip[9];
va[offset + 15] = rotationScaleYZFlip[10];
perModelVertexArray.instancesEvaluatedElevation[instanceOffset] = translation[2];

register(ModelBucket, 'ModelBucket', {omit: ['layers']});
register(PerModelAttributes, 'PerModelAttributes');
register(ModelFeature, 'ModelFeature');

export default ModelBucket;
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions 3d-style/data/model.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ export default class Model {
uploaded: boolean;
aabb: Aabb;

constructor(id: string, uri: string, position: [number, number], orientation: [number, number, number], nodes: Array<Node>) {
constructor(id: string, uri: string, position: ?[number, number], orientation: ?[number, number, number], nodes: Array<Node>) { = id;
this.uri = uri;
this.position = position !== undefined ? new LngLat(position[0], position[1]) : new LngLat(0, 0);
this.position = position != null ? new LngLat(position[0], position[1]) : new LngLat(0, 0);

this.orientation = orientation !== undefined ? orientation : [0, 0, 0];
this.orientation = orientation != null ? orientation : [0, 0, 0];
this.nodes = nodes;
this.uploaded = false;
this.aabb = new Aabb([Infinity, Infinity, Infinity], [-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity]);
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions 3d-style/data/model_attributes.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,4 +23,11 @@ export const normalAttributes: StructArrayLayout = createLayout([
{name: 'a_normal_3f', components: 3, type: 'Float32'}

export const instanceAttributes: StructArrayLayout = createLayout([
{name: 'a_normal_matrix0', components: 4, type: 'Float32'},
{name: 'a_normal_matrix1', components: 4, type: 'Float32'},
{name: 'a_normal_matrix2', components: 4, type: 'Float32'},
{name: 'a_normal_matrix3', components: 4, type: 'Float32'}

export const {members, size, alignment} = modelAttributes;

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