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getting started

Marcello Urbani edited this page Feb 12, 2024 · 3 revisions

Getting started

You can run vscode commands by entering the Command palette (Ctrl+shift+p) and typing/selecting them You can bind often used commands to key combinations. the extension does this sparingly because of likely conflicts with os and other extensions

  1. install the extension in visual studio code
  2. Enable sicf node /bti/bc/adt
  3. Create a configuration running command AbapFs Create connection (See setup installation in case of issues)
  4. Connect to your system using command AbapFs Connect to an ABAP system
  5. optional: save a workspace. This will remember your connection and what files you had open last time you used it
  6. look for some abap code to work on by either:
    1. search for it with command AbapFs Search for object
    2. navigate your packages using the file explorer on the left
    3. create a new object with command AbapFs Create object
  7. edit your code
    1. Autocompletion should be automatic, but you can start/refresh it with Ctrl+Space. You can use wildcards in the search string
    2. code fixes (i.e. declare missing variables/methods) are activated by pressing Ctrl+. with the cursor on the squiggly line
    3. renaming variables/classes/... is activated with F2
    4. save it with Ctrl+s. You might get prompted for a transport selection/creation
    5. activate it with the activate icon in the top right, only visible while working on an inactive include
  8. unit tests can be run with command AbapFs run unit tests Ctrl+Shift+F11 - results will be shown in the test pane on the left
  9. data can be read with command AbapFs Select Query. Can also be accessed by clicking a button while a table is open Table editor
  10. debugging
    1. supported for unit tests, RFC and HTTP API calls but not for GUI application
    2. start the debugger with F5
    3. set breakpoints with F9
    4. from here works more or less like any other vscode debugger
    5. still quite buggy as of Feb 24 - sorry
  11. Abap Test Cockpit
    1. you can run it with command "Run ABAP Test cockpit" or pressing Ctrl+Shift+F2
    2. results are displayed on the sidebar where
      1. you can check the documentation for each message
      2. you can ask exemptions, if configuration parameter atcapprover is not set you'll be asked to enter the approver user ID
      3. you can generate ignore pragmas/pseudocomments generate ignore code
  12. AbapGit integration (WARNING: depends on deprecated library) - use at your own risk
    1. this only works if you install the deprecated ADT backend
    2. before you use a repository you need to register it using the abapfs activity bar
    3. registered repos are available in the revision control view. All look empty until you refresh them
    4. refresh is a slow operation, so always need to be requested explicitly before pushing
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