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Marcello Urbani edited this page Mar 4, 2019 · 3 revisions

Installation instructions

server side

  • in transaction SICF activate service /bti/bc/adt image
  • if your system is 7.50 or earlier, and CL_ADT_WB_RES_APP doesn't have a method CONFIGURE_SESSION_STATE, install this plugin with AbapGit

Client side

in your visual studio code add settings for this extension, which is a list of server names with its connection details

settings list (optional unless stated otherwise)

  • url : Server URL, (mandatory)
  • username : Logon user, (mandatory)
  • password : Password, (mandatory)
  • language : Logon language
  • client : Client, required for SAPGUI integration
  • customCA : custom root certificate authority , required for self-signed certificates
  • allowSelfSigned: Disable SSL validations WARNING: this lowers your connections privacy
  • sapGui : Additional settings for SAPGUI integration, mimics what you enter in SAPGUI connections. Most common configurations work without it
    • server: the server to login to if not using load balancing
    • routerString: required if the server/message server is only accessible through a saprouter
    • systemNumber: SAP system number. Default to the last 2 digit of the URL's port
    • group: Logon group for load balancing
    • messageServer: the message server for load balancing configurations
    • messageServerPort: the message server port for load balancing configurations. Defaults to 3600


  "abapfs.remote": {
    "minimal_nosapgui": {
      "url": "https://vhcalnplci.mydomain.local:44300",
      "username": "developer",
      "password": "mypass"
    "minimal_with_sapgui": {
      "url": "https://vhcalnplci.mydomain.local:44300",
      "username": "developer",
      "password": "mypass"
    "single_server": {
      "url": "https://vhcalnplci.mydomain.local:44300",
      "username": "developer",
      "password": "mypass",
      "client": "001",
      "customCA": "/path_to_ca_certificate/myCA.pem",
      "sapGui": {
        "server": "vhcalnplci.mydomain.local",
        "routerString": "/H/myrouter.mydomain.local/S/3299",
        "systemNumber": "00"
    "loadbalancing": {
      "url": "http://server2.mydomain.local:8000",
      "username": "developer",
      "password": "password",
      "client": "100",
      "sapGui": {
        "routerString": "/H/myrouter.mydomain.local/S/3299",
        "systemNumber": "00",
        "group": "MyGroup",
        "messageServer": "msgserver.mydomain.local",
        "messageServerPort": "3600"


secure connection

  • use an https uri to encrypt the communication with your server. http is not encrypted
  • https uses a server certificate
    • if the certificate is signed by a company specific CA you will need to provide the certificate with option customCA
    • You can extract that from your browser
    • if your server uses a self-signed certificate and you don't have a valid CA for it, you can use option allowSelfSigned
    • allowSelfSigned greatly reduces the connection security, please only use as a last resort

SapGui integraton

  • activated by pressing F5 while editing an abap object
  • every time will open a new session (uses a .sap file with a login ticket)
  • requires a little extra configuration:
    • if the host in the URL is a valid application server and the port number matches the system number, and you don't use a saprouter, specifying the client is enough
    • i.e. with uri we will assume:
      • sapGui.server =
      • sapGui.systemNumber = 11
    • if it doesn't, the sapGui section needs to be filled. Can be done 2 ways, based on the details in your saplogon:
      • without load balancing
        • sapGui.server the application server
        • sapGui.systemNumber the system number
      • with load balancing
        • the logon group
        • sapGui.messageServer the message server
        • sapGui.messageServerPort The message server port, usually 3600