This is a legacy organisation associated with the Autonomous Systems Group at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in Germany.
Our new and up-to-date organisation is at
This is a legacy organisation associated with the Autonomous Systems Group at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in Germany.
Our new and up-to-date organisation is at
Package to detect motion of a grasped object (by a robot) based on information from tactile sensors
Forked from abperiasamy/rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux
rtl8812AU_8821AU linux kernel driver for AC1200 (801.11ac) Wireless Dual-Band USB Adapter
Forked from clearpathrobotics/occupancy_grid_utils
Forked from with Catkinizing changes. The package contains utilities for dealing with occupancy grids, represented as nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid objects, including…
Forked from Sushant-Chavan/coordination_oru
Online coordination for multiple robots based on the Meta-CSP Framework library
Libary with Simple Temporal Networks (STN) for representing robot tasks
Online coordination for multiple robots based on the Meta-CSP Framework library
rtl8812AU_8821AU linux kernel driver for AC1200 (801.11ac) Wireless Dual-Band USB Adapter
Forked from with Catkinizing changes. The package contains utilities for dealing with occupancy grids, represented as nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid objects, including coordinate conversions, shortest paths, ray tracing, and constructing from laser scans.
Package to detect motion of a grasped object (by a robot) based on information from tactile sensors