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faq 77135905

Billy Charlton edited this page Sep 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

Does Matsim work with household profiles?

by Kai Nagel on 2016-08-09 18:06:10

(Proxying for Marcos Thadeu)

Another thing, does Matsim work with household profiles? I wanted to study the travel behavior of couples with kids in different stages. Do you know of any study using Matsim? 

Best wishes, 
Marcos Thadeu

Comments: 1

Re: Does Matsim work with household profiles?

by Johan W. Joubert on 2016-08-09 18:37:44


in South Africa we generate synthetic populations that are representative at both household and individual level. That said, I'm not aware of within-household planning work, other than the measure-only we do in the accessibility contribution. We are not there yet - It would be good to collaborate, but we have not done something yet.

Dominik Grether was the owner/maintainer of the Household container in MATSim, but I had a quick look at the code, it seems it is mainly used in the southAfrica playground (and tests).

good luck!


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