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2.4.0 Swift Hatchling

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@sanjuroj sanjuroj released this 25 Aug 22:06
· 720 commits to master since this release

First part of the Swift release series to speed up the process of getting data into TolaData. Plus some extra stuff.

  • Added feature to allow for bulk import of indicators from a spreadsheet.
  • Converted data reporting frequency and data collection frequency fields to M2M and remapped existing fields
  • Translated selected dropdown menus
  • Updated Python libraries

#2624 - Direction of change field on template accepts blanks
#2623 - Apply conditional number formats to baseline
#2617 - Strip carriage returns from bulk import Excel template
#2616 - Popover detachment
#2615 - Baseline of N/A not saved to template
#2613 - Explore and address the use of formulas in the Excel template
#2611 - Flag bulk imported indicators to differentiate from incomplete indicators saved the usual way
#2605 - Baseline issues related to copying and pasting
#2604 - Unexpected behavior with skipped row
#2603 - Can we make the template more copy-paste friendly?
#2602 - Seeing a fatal "server-related problem" error when I expect non-fatal template corrections
#2593 - Extra instructional message appearing under result level field
#2590 - Prevent colons from being used in RF tier names
#2580 - Icon swap on two buttons: Upload for Download
#2575 - Update Python libraries
#2573 - Misspelled option in Sector choices
#2559 - Send translations to translators
#2558 - Deployment notes
#2554 - Change logging needed for bulk import
#2553 - Standardize "Missing targets" message and link on program page
#2552 - I can visit program page before it has indicators via Logframe.
#2551 - Upload template and validate data -- some indicators not ready for import
#2550 - Interruption and potential-for-conflict handling in between stages of validation and completing bulk import
#2548 - Quickly complete sequence of indicators from program page using a streamlined version of indicator form
#2547 - Upload template and complete indicator import -- happy path
#2546 - Advanced Excel template configuration options
#2544 - Show a different Baseline tool tip in the Excel version and fix typo in the web version
#2543 - Generate Excel template when there are saved indicators
#2542 - Styling of Excel template
#2539 - Generate standard bulk indicator import Excel template (first time import, data only, no styling)
#2538 - Access bulk indicator import feature from the Program Page
#2537 - Discover bulk import feature while building results framework ("hey look at me" alert bar)
#2536 - Access import template from RF builder (import indicators button and popover)
#2467 - More translations for the translators
#2402 - Remove "Changes to indicator" field
#2401 - Streamline Frequency of data collection and Frequency of reporting menus
#2047 - Global: Untranslated options in selection menus