Releases: mercycorps/toladata
3.0.0 Transporter
Automatic program creation from IDAA.
Programs are uneditable on all environments except for Demo.
Xanadu permissions for Demo.
This will be the last release on this repo, and this repo will no longer be maintained.
#2646 - EPIC: Program Upload - Backend
#2645 - EPIC: Program Upload - Frontend
#2886 - Django Admin: GAIT ID detail admin
#2884 - Allow null values in serializer for Program Profile fields
#2881 - Create a script for QA testing email notifications
#2880 - Django Admin: Remove date drill-down filter from Audit logs
#2879 - Django Admin: Create date and Edit date should be shown but not editable
#2878 - Django Admin: Server error search filtering Periodic Targets in Django Admin
#2876 - Management Command: Auto-create new countries
#2875 - Django Admin: Update Program form to create new program - Part 2
#2870 - Allow numpad decimal key for entering decimal values
#2842 - Additional logging for the program upload management command
#2841 - Duplicated IDAASector's and IDAAOutcomeTheme's can cause an error on the program upload
#2840 - Django Admin: TypeError when saving Programs in Django Admin
#2832 - Date picker does not show up on result form in QA
#2831 - Update to add participant count indicator
#2827 - [Django admin] Indicator results search broken
#2825 - Django Admin: Indicator results edit screen has excessive load
#2823 - Explore Email Configuration on Production
#2822 - Django Admin: Add Additional Tables to the Django Admin
#2821 - Update the management command create_qa_programs
#2820 - Program Admin Lite - for servers with manual program creation
#2819 - Management Command: Updated Program Dates Email Notification
#2810 - Write a script to check for duplicate GAIT IDs in IDAA
#2799 - Indicator Plan: Remove GAIT ID from title
#2792 - Changes to countries and sectors are incorrectly showing in the program status and history
#2788 - Preserve Xanadu country and programs in DEMO
#2784 - Write test for new Participant Count Logic
#2774 - Refactor Program table to handle new gaitids, fund codes and donor fields.
#2773 - Remove View program in GAIT on Program Page
#2772 - Program Upload: Program Admin Lite - Settings, Status & History tabs Updates
#2771 - Program Upload: Program Period Updates
#2770 - Program Upload: Program Admin Lite - Profile tab Updates
#2769 - Program Upload: Program Admin Lite Updates
#2767 - Management Command: Existing Program Updates
#2766 - Management Command: New Program Email Notification
#2765 - Management Command: New Program Upload
#2764 - Management Command: Discrepancy Report
#2763 - Management Command Features
#2673 - Upgrade javascript libraries
#1447 - Reset button doesn't appear for new CSOs but does for existing ones
#1445 - Reset button in Add User form resets everything except the Organization
#654 - Django Admin: Fix typos
2.4.7 Transporter
#2785 - Update Outcome Themes and Sector Disaggregations for PC Indicator
#2778 - Mask PC Indicator LOP Targets & Actuals on Indicator Results Table
#2777 - Life of Program and Program to date shows incorrect value when last reported actual is 0
#2775 - Change TolaData header from COVID-19 to Participant Count
#2663 - Enhance Participant Count Creation Script to handle additional FY Event Periods
- Management command to change periodic target custom sort
- Management command to add additional periodic targets to PC indicators for programs extending beyond the current fiscal year
- Creates all periodic targets for participant count indicators at program creation
- Periodic targets for PC indicators are adjusted when a program's period is updated
- Additional logic surrounding fiscal years
#2635 - Create an API Endpoint (CSV export) for Participant Count FY2022
#2625 - Explore instantiated views for speeding up larger queries
#2595 - Fix % Met calculations for Decreasing Indicators
2.4.6 Participant Count Enhancements and Django 3.2 Upgrade
#2737 - Update With Double Counting heading on Results Form
#2672 - Upgrade Django to 3.2
#2635 - Endpoint for participant count fiscal year results
#2663 - Added view only results form
- Bugfix for French date format
- Update QA script
- Fix for bugs related to button smashing
2.4.5 Participant Count Enhancements
Added translations, waiting spinner, error handling, and some improvements and bug fixes.
#2685 - Program Rollup Endpoint Edits
#2683 - Updates to Results Form from UAT
#2680 - Provide visible message when API errors on PC result form
#2679 - Save translation files
#2675 - Translate participant count disaggregation options
#2674 - Create participant count indicator under additional circumstances
2.4.4 Post Participant Count
A few small improvements and bug fixes.
#2687 - Updated help text on "Total Participant Actual Values" - "Double-counting a participant means to count one individual more than one time. For example, a participant who took part to two or more programs"
#2682 - Updates to Indicator Setup from UAT
#2678 - Delete pilot participant count indicators
#2677 - Write backend validation for PC result form
#2670 - Bulk import templates fail to load for Haiti
#2661 - Write tests for PC indicator create script
2.4.3 Participant Count
Added Participant Count Indicator.
Added Result Form for the Participant Count.
#2669 - Indicator complete wipes out uploaded indicator values
#2666 - Long translated strings overlap on pc result form
#2665 - Update pc result form element ids so they don't duplicate normal result modal ids
#2664 - Move the close modal button of the PC result form closer to the top right corner.
#2660 - Deployment notes
#2659 - Additional testing notes
#2658 - Create participant count disagg admin
#2657 - Write management script to add PC disaggregations and outcome themes
#2652 - Add Participant Count as an Standardized Indicator Type
#2651 - Create mechanism to automatically add Indicators to new Programs
#2650 - Add PC Indicator to existing Programs
#2649 - Create Indicator Set Up for Participant Count
#2647 - Create the Results Form for the Participant Count
#2644 - Update database for new program model
2.4.2 Non-summing indicators
Add non-summing indicators as an option for indicator is_cumulative types.
#2597 - Introduce non-summing cumulative indicator configuration option for number indicators
#2601 - Use new bulk imported Indictor field to identify bulk imported indicators
2.4.1 patch release
A few small improvements and bug fixes.
#2643 - Bulk update permission management command
#2642 - Superusers can't access country disaggs
#2608 - Document translation process and clean translation files
2.4.0 Swift Hatchling
First part of the Swift release series to speed up the process of getting data into TolaData. Plus some extra stuff.
- Added feature to allow for bulk import of indicators from a spreadsheet.
- Converted data reporting frequency and data collection frequency fields to M2M and remapped existing fields
- Translated selected dropdown menus
- Updated Python libraries
#2624 - Direction of change field on template accepts blanks
#2623 - Apply conditional number formats to baseline
#2617 - Strip carriage returns from bulk import Excel template
#2616 - Popover detachment
#2615 - Baseline of N/A not saved to template
#2613 - Explore and address the use of formulas in the Excel template
#2611 - Flag bulk imported indicators to differentiate from incomplete indicators saved the usual way
#2605 - Baseline issues related to copying and pasting
#2604 - Unexpected behavior with skipped row
#2603 - Can we make the template more copy-paste friendly?
#2602 - Seeing a fatal "server-related problem" error when I expect non-fatal template corrections
#2593 - Extra instructional message appearing under result level field
#2590 - Prevent colons from being used in RF tier names
#2580 - Icon swap on two buttons: Upload for Download
#2575 - Update Python libraries
#2573 - Misspelled option in Sector choices
#2559 - Send translations to translators
#2558 - Deployment notes
#2554 - Change logging needed for bulk import
#2553 - Standardize "Missing targets" message and link on program page
#2552 - I can visit program page before it has indicators via Logframe.
#2551 - Upload template and validate data -- some indicators not ready for import
#2550 - Interruption and potential-for-conflict handling in between stages of validation and completing bulk import
#2548 - Quickly complete sequence of indicators from program page using a streamlined version of indicator form
#2547 - Upload template and complete indicator import -- happy path
#2546 - Advanced Excel template configuration options
#2544 - Show a different Baseline tool tip in the Excel version and fix typo in the web version
#2543 - Generate Excel template when there are saved indicators
#2542 - Styling of Excel template
#2539 - Generate standard bulk indicator import Excel template (first time import, data only, no styling)
#2538 - Access bulk indicator import feature from the Program Page
#2537 - Discover bulk import feature while building results framework ("hey look at me" alert bar)
#2536 - Access import template from RF builder (import indicators button and popover)
#2467 - More translations for the translators
#2402 - Remove "Changes to indicator" field
#2401 - Streamline Frequency of data collection and Frequency of reporting menus
#2047 - Global: Untranslated options in selection menus
Patch release to fix bugs and add participant count pilot script
#2579 - Remove single quotes and the letter "b" from the Logframe Export
#2574 - Participant count script
#2572 - Indicator.level_order_display property contains invalid string method (string.lowercase)