2.4.7 Transporter
#2785 - Update Outcome Themes and Sector Disaggregations for PC Indicator
#2778 - Mask PC Indicator LOP Targets & Actuals on Indicator Results Table
#2777 - Life of Program and Program to date shows incorrect value when last reported actual is 0
#2775 - Change TolaData header from COVID-19 to Participant Count
#2663 - Enhance Participant Count Creation Script to handle additional FY Event Periods
- Management command to change periodic target custom sort
- Management command to add additional periodic targets to PC indicators for programs extending beyond the current fiscal year
- Creates all periodic targets for participant count indicators at program creation
- Periodic targets for PC indicators are adjusted when a program's period is updated
- Additional logic surrounding fiscal years
#2635 - Create an API Endpoint (CSV export) for Participant Count FY2022
#2625 - Explore instantiated views for speeding up larger queries
#2595 - Fix % Met calculations for Decreasing Indicators