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3.0.0 Transporter

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@blakelong blakelong released this 01 Nov 20:10
· 2 commits to master since this release

Automatic program creation from IDAA.
Programs are uneditable on all environments except for Demo.
Xanadu permissions for Demo.

This will be the last release on this repo, and this repo will no longer be maintained.

#2646 - EPIC: Program Upload - Backend
#2645 - EPIC: Program Upload - Frontend
#2886 - Django Admin: GAIT ID detail admin
#2884 - Allow null values in serializer for Program Profile fields
#2881 - Create a script for QA testing email notifications
#2880 - Django Admin: Remove date drill-down filter from Audit logs
#2879 - Django Admin: Create date and Edit date should be shown but not editable
#2878 - Django Admin: Server error search filtering Periodic Targets in Django Admin
#2876 - Management Command: Auto-create new countries
#2875 - Django Admin: Update Program form to create new program - Part 2
#2870 - Allow numpad decimal key for entering decimal values
#2842 - Additional logging for the program upload management command
#2841 - Duplicated IDAASector's and IDAAOutcomeTheme's can cause an error on the program upload
#2840 - Django Admin: TypeError when saving Programs in Django Admin
#2832 - Date picker does not show up on result form in QA
#2831 - Update to add participant count indicator
#2827 - [Django admin] Indicator results search broken
#2825 - Django Admin: Indicator results edit screen has excessive load
#2823 - Explore Email Configuration on Production
#2822 - Django Admin: Add Additional Tables to the Django Admin
#2821 - Update the management command create_qa_programs
#2820 - Program Admin Lite - for servers with manual program creation
#2819 - Management Command: Updated Program Dates Email Notification
#2810 - Write a script to check for duplicate GAIT IDs in IDAA
#2799 - Indicator Plan: Remove GAIT ID from title
#2792 - Changes to countries and sectors are incorrectly showing in the program status and history
#2788 - Preserve Xanadu country and programs in DEMO
#2784 - Write test for new Participant Count Logic
#2774 - Refactor Program table to handle new gaitids, fund codes and donor fields.
#2773 - Remove View program in GAIT on Program Page
#2772 - Program Upload: Program Admin Lite - Settings, Status & History tabs Updates
#2771 - Program Upload: Program Period Updates
#2770 - Program Upload: Program Admin Lite - Profile tab Updates
#2769 - Program Upload: Program Admin Lite Updates
#2767 - Management Command: Existing Program Updates
#2766 - Management Command: New Program Email Notification
#2765 - Management Command: New Program Upload
#2764 - Management Command: Discrepancy Report
#2763 - Management Command Features
#2673 - Upgrade javascript libraries
#1447 - Reset button doesn't appear for new CSOs but does for existing ones
#1445 - Reset button in Add User form resets everything except the Organization
#654 - Django Admin: Fix typos