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Brian Gianforcaro edited this page Aug 22, 2020 · 5 revisions


Pointer to function called once for each existing byway or opportunity to insert a new byway while editing an import table using the DetourBinaryEditImports API.


BOOL BinaryBywayCallback(
    _In_opt_                  PVOID pContext,
    _In_opt_                  LPCSTR pszFile,
    _Outptr_result_maybenull_ LPCSTR * ppszOutFile


pContext : Unmodified program specific context pointer that was passed as the pContext argument to DetourBinaryEditImports.

pszFile : Name of byway listed in current import table or NULL.

ppszOutFile : Pointer to output name of desired byway.

Return value

TRUE to continue editing import table or FALSE to abort.


PF_DETOUR_BINARY_BYWAY_CALLBACK is called once for each existing byway in the target binary and once before or after each file or byway listed in the existing import table. When called for an existing byway, pszFile will have a non-NULL value.

When PF_DETOUR_BINARY_BYWAY_CALLBACK is called before or after an existing file or byway, pszFile will be NULL. The callback function can use this opportunity to insert a new byway if desired.

Note: Each DLL inserted as a byway must export a function with ordinal #1. If the export table for the DLL does not export a function with ordinal #1, the target binary will fail to load correct.

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