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Brian Gianforcaro edited this page Aug 22, 2020 · 6 revisions


Check if the current process is a helper process or a target process.


BOOL DetourIsHelperProcess(VOID);

Return value

Returns TRUE if this process is a helper process.

Returns FALSE if this process is a target process.


When creating a 32-bit target process from a 64-bit parent process or creating a 64-bit target process from a 32-bit parent process, the DetourCreateProcessWithDllEx API must create a temporary helper process. It loads a copy of the user-supplied DLL into the helper process using the rundll32.exe mechanism. The user-supplied DLL should call DetourIsHelperProcess within its DllMain function to determine if it has been loaded into a helper process or into a target process.

When a user-supplied DLL is loaded into a helper process, it must not detour any functions. Instead, it should perform no operations in DllMain. The user-supplied DLL must also export the DetourFinishHelperProcess API as its Ordinal 1 export function.

For more information, see Detouring 32-bit and 64-bit Processes.

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