AngularFaces is a JSF library making it easy to integrate AngularJS code.
BabbageFaces optimizes the JSF responses. In most cases JSF exchanges an unnecessary large portion of the DOM tree. BabbageFaces fixes this.
Announcement: The next version of AngularFaces will be based on a browser client written in Dart. This decision allows us to reduce the size of AJAX responses considerably. At the moment, development concentrates on the new Dart client (see our AngularPrime/Dart project). So don't be puzzled by the apparent lack of progress of AngularFaces. It's there, it's just in another repository.
Note on AngularFaces 2.0:
I had to use symbolic links to convince DartEditor and Eclipse WTP to work together in harmony. Symlinks allow you to edit a file in DartEditor - which is ideal for editing Dart file - and to deploy it in a web application run by Eclipse WTP (which is ideal to edit almost every other file in your JSF project).
Alternatively, you can use the file sync plugin of eclipse (or sync your files by any other means, such as a batch file).
The bottom line is AngularFaces 2.0 requires a symbolic link to the AngularDart project (which may reside in a different folder of your hard disk).
If you're a Windows user, it's a good idea to create the link in Eclipse (because Eclipse doesn't always respect symbolic links created on the file system). Currently, I'm using these links:
AngularFaces\AngularFaces_2.0\AngularFaces-2.0-examples\src\main\webapp\examples points to AngularPrime-Dart\web\angularFaces\examples.
Both folders should contain a subfolder called "demo1".
State of the art
Currently, AngularFaces 1.0 offers
- <a:body>. You need this component to activate AngularJS in a JSF page. (demo, description)
- <a:inputText>. This is an angularized and enhanced version of the standard PrimeFaces inputText component. It also draws a label and a <h:message> tag automatically. (demo, description)
- <a:selectBooleanCheckbox>. This is an angularized and enhancde version of the standard PrimeFaces checkbox component. It also draws a label and a <h:message> tag automatically. (demo, description)
- <a:selectOneMenu>. This is an angularized and enhanced version of the standard PrimeFaces drop-down menu component. It also draws a label and a <h:message> tag automatically. (demo, description)
- <a:commandButton>. This derivative of a PrimeFaces command button re-activates the AngularJS framework after an AJAX request. It's also disabled if one of the form's AngularJS validations is violated. It can call an AngularJS model function prior to the request, and you can provide a Javascript function preventing the server request conditionally. (demo 1, demo 2, description)
- <a:angularButton>. This button has nothing to do with JSF. Instead, it calls an AngularJS controller function. (demo, description)
- <a:dataTable> This is the component I'm currently working on. At present, it's able to display simple data tables with AngularJS support. The table may contain editable fields. (demo, description)
- <a:slider> The AngularFaces Slider component is a PrimeFaces Slider updating the Angular model when the slider is moved. It also reads the @Min and @Max annotations of the associated input field to get default values of the sliders range. Other than its PrimeFaces counterpart, a:slider can be combined with comboboxes provided they have numeric values. (demo, description)
On the Javascript side AngularFaces offers functions to re-initialize AngularJS after an AJAX or non-AJAX JSF request, to synchronize JSF components with the AngularJS model and to make it easier to read or write AngularJS model attributes from functions outside the AngularJS controller.
To learn more about AngularFaces, have a look at
There's also a tiny tutorial on and the nucleus of a showcase at
Note on running the Maven build file:
AngularFaces uses a developer build of PrimeFaces that has to be installed in your local Maven repository before any of the projects can be build. You do so by running the following command in the root project folder:
mvn install:install-file -DlocalRepositoryPath=AngularFaces-core/lib/ -DcreateChecksum=true -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=AngularFaces/lib/primefaces-4.1-S
NAPSHOT.jar -DgroupId=org.primefaces -DartifactId=primefaces -Dversion=4.1-SNAPSHOT
Legal disclaimer: This is an early version. Use at own risk.