PGM - is a tool for simple geodynamical 2D modelling written in Python and based mostly on a book "Introduction to Numerical Geodynamic Modelling" by T.Gerya. It uses combination of Finit difference method and marker in cell techique to solve set of momentum and continuity equations.
To define a problem you can use image in png format where manually assign materials to each color of the image by using model_constructor Gui tool.
To successfully run PGM you need Python 3.6 with numpy, scipy and matplotlib installed. PGM was tested on Ubuntu 16.06 and 17.10 To see a full list of requirements see requirements.txt
First, make sure you use Python 3.6 by running:
python -V
Clone repository:
git clone
cd pgm
Install requirements:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Not tested
Not tested
To run benchmark use:
python benchmarks/ /tmp/slab
That will run modelling that will store each step of modelling in /tmp/slab.