This repository contains a minimal, more recent tensorflow-2.x
implementation of the Francl and McDermott (2022) sound localization CNN model. The original tensorflow-1.x
implementation can be found in the BinauralLocalizationCNN repository.
- Clone this repository
- Download the trained model weights (checkpoint files for both implementations) and test stimuli from our Google Drive.
Package Version
---------------------------- ---------
h5py 3.9.0
keras 2.13.1
matplotlib 3.8.2
numpy 1.24.3
pandas 1.5.3
scipy 1.10.1
tensorflow 2.13.0
tensorflow-io 0.33.0
tqdm 4.65.0
- DEMO_tf2_model.ipynb :
- Minimal code example of building the model, loading trained weights, and evaluating on example sound stimuli
- compare_tf1_and_tf2_model_weights_and_outputs.ipynb :
- Code tests comparing model weights and outputs between the
model implementations
- Code tests comparing model weights and outputs between the
- and :
- Example code for how to train or evaluate the model at scale on
- Example code for how to train or evaluate the model at scale on
- models/tensorflow2 and models/tensorflow1 :
- Model directories containing config files for each of the 10 convolutional neural network architectures
- Model directories for the
implementation also include config files with cochlear model parameters and optimization hyperparameters - Trained model weights can be downloaded from our Google Drive
Mark R. Saddler (