A note about my learning journey
- Table of content
setting/catatan/tutorial selama ini.
- Cannot resolve symbol
in CodepathTodo App
tutorial (Android) - Cannot resolve symbol 'R' in Android studio
- How to create empty constructor in data class kotlin
- Android Webview gives net::ERR_CACHE_MISS message
Angular2 - interpolated object is 'undefined' but console.log() works
Ionic v3 - Runtime Error Uncaught (in promise): removeView was not found or error inserViewt was destroy or ionic-team/ionic-framework#11443
Error build Android: Execution failed for task ':transformClassesWithDexForDebug'
Application error. The connection to the server was unsuccessful
then in foreach assign with new data in chartRef.options.series = newData;
- error
Template parse errors: 'home-square' is not a known element:
or case error like no 6 above
Fixing :
added component.module to your app.module then added in imports inside @ngModule
ionic cordova platform add android
not update package.json for platform. Solve by using commandcordova platform add android@6.3.0
or if you already have platform, remove first, then add again.
- enable profiling globally
- CodeIgniter 3.13 pagination url page number not working properly
- Composer with Codeigniter
- Elasticsearch fuzzy search query with specification
- (SOLVED) got an unexpected keyword argument 'data_only'
(Solved) Jangan lupa return app di tutorial ini http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/1.0/tutorial/factory/
flask.cli.NoAppException: Failed to find Flask application or factory in module
(SOLVED) check your class in routes. maybe you have type when you call that class in routes.
type object 'Tag' has no attribute 'as_view'
(SOLVED) (Flask-Migration) try to drop all table or run test, then try to migrate again.Error terjadi ketika jalankan migrate utk migration file, karena alembic_version yg di db local tidak update dengan file migrate yg ada. ERROR [root] Error: Can't locate revision identified by <revision_id>. Referensi https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32311366/alembic-util-command-error-cant-find-identifier
(SOLVED)(How to fix SQLAlchemy: SAWarning: DELETE statement on table expected to delete 1 row(s); 0 were matched )[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36002638/how-to-fix-sqlalchemy-sawarning-delete-statement-on-table-expected-to-delete-1/43181206]
- Event + Listener
- Add helpers di laravel
- Access laravel form external device
- Laravel command not found in manjaro
- Combine multiple sass files in one file
- Associate function return null
- Fix Laravel Datatable editColumn rendering as Text
- How to Pass Model Data Into Laravel datatable addColumn
- Trying to get property of non-object in ClientRepository.php (line 80)
- Fix Error form request validation in REST Api laravel return
This action is unauthorized.
- In postman headers, add
Accept : application/json
. - Then in your form request, change
to returntrue
- In postman headers, add
- assertDatabaseHas does not exist in laravel
- Auth - User must implement CanResetPassword interface
- yarn run hot "ENOENT: no such file or directory"
- Laravel.log could not be opened: failed to open stream: Permission denied
- Image wont load after upload image
- laravel-5 passing variable to JavaScript
- There is no existing directory at /storage/logs and its not buildable: Permission denied
- How to handle multiple file inputs with addMediaFromRequest?
- Laravel 6 proc_open
- Laravel mix: fontawesome webfonts not found when loads
Laravel mix: error in /app.scss missing missing '{']
. AddprocessCssUrls: false
in mix options. -(SOLVED) VM2912:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
- Create global nodejs module
- check global package list
npm list -g --depth=0
- AttributeError: '_UnboundLoad' object has no attribute 'joinedLoad'. Fix : fungsi joinedLoad tidak ada, adanya joinedload() dengan huruf L kecil.
- (SOLVED) SAWarning: DELETE statement on table
. This warning appears because you run multiple delete in same data.In my case, check fixtures. - Beware of JSON fields in sqlalchemy
- Install android studio
- NVM command not found in zsh
- Android device adb always unauthorized on linux/Mac
- Ruby command not found? solution:
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
- (SOLVED)Could not open file /var/lib/pacman/sync/extra.db: gzip decompression failed