Aug 10, 2023
A big thanks to the 8 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
Chart component improvements, add scrolling to pages in app sidebar, Windows fixes, UI fixes, test and app cleanup improvements.
- Fix cycle of SIGINT disposal event (#2472) @apedroferreira
- Clean up env watcher and build contexts on process exit (#2461) @Janpot
- Fix full page error overflow (#2460) @Janpot
- Fix app not starting in Windows (10) (#2442) @apedroferreira
- Remove ses (#2462) @Janpot
- Chart improvements from npm stats example update (#2400) @apedroferreira
- add scroll (#2459) @JerryWu1234
- Bring back grid remount to update columns (#2450) @Janpot
- Gracefully shut down Toolpad editor (#2443) @Janpot
- Fix new components not showing up when component folder doesn't exist (#2454) @Janpot
- Improve undo/redo test flakyness (#2455) @Janpot
- Improve setup time of tests (#2452) @Janpot
- Improve prisma example (#2441) @prakhargupta1
- Update ensure triage label workflow (#2444) @DanailH
- Remove some Next.js leftovers around monaco-editor (#2437) @Janpot
- Improve rest test flakyness (#2438) @Janpot
- Remove logging of RPC errors (#2410) @Janpot
- Scope MUI X license to builtin components only (#2427) @Janpot
- Clean up worker communication with devserver (#2418) @Janpot
- Add note about why we need usePolling (#2426) @Janpot
- Adjust timeout and import node-fetch in create-toolpad-app test (#2414) (#2419) @Kirera-Wainaina
- Increase localApp fixture timeout (#2416) @Janpot
- [docs] Follow Docs-infra default design (#2458) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Improve deployment instructions (#2440) @bharatkashyap
- [docs] Fix 404s (#2424) @bharatkashyap
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @apedroferreira, @bharatkashyap, @DanailH, @Janpot, @JerryWu1234, @Kirera-Wainaina, @oliviertassinari, @prakhargupta1