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Membership Rules

Andrew Lindsay edited this page Sep 28, 2020 · 4 revisions


Rules listed earlier in the list below trump all rules listed later in the list.

The directors discretion and decision trumps all rules.

  1. Be Safe.
  2. Do not attempt to fit your desired behaviour into these rules. Instead attempt to find a behaviour which complies with the Objectives of the Hackspace and the intent of the Rules.
  3. If, in the act of doing something, you would place an unwelcome burden of any kind on any individual or organisation, do not do that thing.
  4. If you have done something which, inadvertently, placed an unwelcome burden of any kind on any individual or organisation, do what you can to reverse the effects of that burden.
  5. If, in not doing something, you would place an unwelcome burden of any kind of any individual or organisation, make sure that you do that thing.
  6. Leave the Hackspace and its occupants in a better situation than you found them.


This section comprises some example rules/interpretations/extrapolations of the rules above.

Be Nice to People

#Rule 4, #Rule 5 and #Rule 6 can be summarised as "Be Nice to People". You should strive to do things which make the environment better for others, if you've done something (or failed to do something) in a community space which leaves others with a 'burden' (physical or mental) then you're not complying with the intent of the rules.


  1. Do not attempt to force your interpretation of these Rules onto another Member (#Rule 1).
  2. [Rules Lawyering] is inappropriate and against the community spirit of the Hackspace (#Rule 1, #Rule 3).
  3. People cannot and should not be hacked emotionally, mentally or physically (#Rule 4). Anything that makes people feel worse about themselves or their environment around them must be avoided. The following items are examples of unacceptable behaviours:
    1. Manipulation
    2. Bullying
    3. Condemnation
    4. Ridicule
    5. Teasing
    6. Negatively identifying an individual or group based on any characteristic, e.g. age, gender, background, personality, race, ethnicity, height.
  4. Remember that words written on paper or in email can and will be misinterpreted (#Rule 4). Phrase things carefully and ensure you remain positive.
  5. Try to avoid offering criticism of other people's work. Depending on the culture, background and personal situation of the recipient criticism can be received badly. Instead look to offer advice or alternative solutions without offering judgement on the solution already found.
  6. Find something positive to offer in everything you have to say (#Rule 4). If what you have to say is negative do not say it until you can find something positive to say.
  7. Seek to do things which reduce the burden on other members (#Rule 6, #Rule 7).
  8. Remember to give other users of the space peace and quiet when they are concentrating on things (#Rule 4). If you will generate noise, mess or swarf ensure that you have checked with other users before doing so (#Rule 4).

The workspaces

  1. Leave the Hackspace better organised than you found it (#Rule 6, #Rule 7).
  2. Leave the Hackspace cleaner than you found it (#Rule 6, #Rule 7).
  3. Everything you do in the space should be done in a manner to allow everyone else to continue using the space, for example:
  4. If using consumable items ensure that replenishment is occurring (#Rule 5, #Rule 6, #Rule 7).
  5. If you break something fix it or engage someone else to help you fix it (#Rule 5, #Rule 7).
  6. Clear space as soon as you have finished using it (#Rule 6).
  7. Remove your projects when leaving the space (#Rule 6, #Rule 7).
  8. Return tools to the correct location as soon as you have finished using them (#Rule 6).
  9. Report broken/lost/missing tools and arrange their repair or replenishment (#Rule 5, #Rule 6, #Rule 7).


Safety is YOUR responsibility. Junior members under your care are YOUR responsibility (#Rule 2, #Rule 6). Only use equipment where you fully understand all safety precautions, fully understand the safety mechanisms, have been appropriately trained and are competent to assess the safety implications (#Rule 2, #Rule 4).

Tools and Equipment

  1. Do not borrow tools/equipment or otherwise remove them from the premises (#Rule 4).
  2. Do not abuse tools/equipment for purposes which they were not designed for (#Rule 4). Hack your projects, not the tools.
  3. Return all tools/equipment to the correct location, noting if anything is lost, broken or missing (#Rule 6).
  4. If you do not know how to use a piece of equipment safely: Ask for assistance (#Rule 2, #Rule 6).


  1. Contribute what you can to the space and no more. Do not commit finances, time or equipment you cannot afford (#Rule 4, in the context of burdening yourself).
  2. Do not oblige other members to over commit (#Rule 4).
  3. When cancelling your membership please ensure that the Directors understand your reason for leaving so that the workspaces can be made better for all (#Rule 6).
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