This is a repository which has tutorials, scripts and notes for teaching machine learning and deep learning. This material can be used to teach machine learning to a general audience and/or working professionals.
This repository also has materials for outreach and teaching AI to the general public.
Prerequisities (for learning basic statistics)
Deep learning animation
Deep learning tutorial by Michael Nielsen
Deep learning book where each chapter is an executable notebook
Tutorial and courses on tensorflow and Google colab
Course on AI by Prof. Patrick Winston
Review paper on machine learning
Machine learning course for developers by Google Education
Picture of butterfly taken by my mother Kalyani Banerjee
Tensorflow in the browser
More AI in the browser and outreach materials
Materials for AI outreach for general public
Here are also some other teaching resources I have compiled/designed
Tensorflow hub
Art classification, generation and visualization
More teaching resources for machine learning
Teaching resources for hierarchical Bayesian models and Bayesian linear regression
Another deep learning book
More tensorflow resources
Rules of machine learning and data science
Structuring machine learning projects
Data science in a company
Backpropagation lectures by Andrej Karpathy and Andrew Ng
Beautiful explanation, game and video on neural networks
Communication skills
Business skills
Case studies
Business processes
How to speak by Prof. Patrick Winston
Bayesian methods and great tutorial on logistic regression
Reinforcement learning
Graph neural networks
Introduction to graph neural networks
DGL library
Very good tutorial on neural networks, autoencoder, softmax
Natural language processing
Basics of statistical learning from the Introduction to Statistical Learning (ISLR) text (videos and text)
Basics of statistics
AI podcast by Lex Freidman
Link for citation (if you like this work, please cite it as)
Soumya Banerjee. (2020, January 22). neelsoumya/butterfly_detector: Open source teaching materials for machine learning (Version v1.0). Zenodo.