* Neovim colorscheme based on your xresources color *
- Neovim 0.5
- xrdb
Vim Plug
Plug 'nekonako/xresources-nvim'
- lua
- lua inside vimscript
lua require('xresources')
- vimscript
colorscheme xresources
if you use light background, set neovim background to light.
- lua
vim.o.background = 'light'
- lua inside vimscript
lua vim.o.background = 'light'
- vimscript
set background=light
Properties | Xresources |
fg | foreground |
bg | background |
black | color0 |
red | color1 |
green | color2 |
yellow | color3 |
blue | color4 |
purple | color5 |
cyan | color6 |
white | color7 |
light_black | color8 |
light_red | color9 |
light_green | color10 |
light_yellow | color11 |
light_blue | color12 |
light_purple | color13 |
light_cyan | color14 |
light_white | color15 |
grey | background + 0xf0f10 |
grey1 | background + 0x363940 |
none | NONE |
Let say i want using xresources to my galaxyline configuration
local galaxyline = require('galaxyline')
local color = require('xresources')
local section = galaxyline.section
section.left[1] = {
FileName = {
provider = get_current_file_name,
condition = buffer_not_empty,
-- acessing properties --
highlight = {color.bg, color.purple},
separator = " ",
-- acessing properties --
separator_highlight = {color.gray, color.gray}
- use nvim-treesitter for better highlight
- my xresources color is originaly from uwu.vim
- my terminal is using alacritty
- font is pragmataPro