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Releases: networknt/light-4j


11 Aug 23:13
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1.6.41 (2022-08-11)

Merged pull requests:

  • Fix confusing service discovery result message #1334 (jsu216)
  • Add a time buffer before terminate the blocking query connection to C… #1323 (jsu216)


05 Aug 12:24
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1.6.40 (2022-08-05)

Merged pull requests:

  • Update log messages to make it easier for monitoring #1316 (jsu216)
  • Issue1304 - Add more debug and info messages #1309 (jsu216)
  • fixes #1304 Consul ServiceLookupThread connect to consul server get s… #1305 (stevehu)


27 Apr 01:15
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2.1.1 (2022-04-26)

Merged pull requests:

Upgrade Guidelines:

This is a release with some bug fixes and enhancements. It is backward compatible with the 2.1.0 release.


26 Apr 20:19
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1.6.39 (2022-04-26)

Merged pull requests:

  • fix for NPE if input is null for Mask methods (issue 1208) #1222 (miklish)


28 Feb 02:00
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2.1.0 (2022-02-27)

Merged pull requests:

Upgrade Guidelines:

The following middleware handlers have been changed in this release and the config file needs to be updated to leverage the new features.

  • config.yml

For this release, we have set the default value to true for allowDefaultValueEmpty so that an empty value can be used in the template for other config files.

# For some configuration files, we have left some properties without default values as there
# would be a negative impact on the application security. The following config will ensure that
# null will be used when the default value is empty without stopping the server during the start.
allowDefaultValueEmpty: true
  • limit.yml

The errorCode is newly added to allow the users to customize the error response if the request is dropped. By default, code 503 is returned.

# If the rate limit is exposed to the Internet to prevent DDoS attacks, it will return 503
# error code to trick the DDoS client/tool to stop the attacks as it considers the server
# is down. However, if the rate limit is used internally to throttle the client requests to
# protect a slow backend API, it will return 429 error code to indicate too many requests
# for the client to wait a grace period to resent the request. By default, 503 is returned.
errorCode: ${limit.errorCode:503}
  • sanitizer.yml

This file is changed a lot so that we can set up the encoders for both body and header separately.

# Sanitize request for cross-site scripting during runtime

# indicate if sanitizer is enabled or not
enabled: ${sanitizer.enabled:false}

# if it is enabled, the body needs to be sanitized
bodyEnabled: ${sanitizer.bodyEnabled:true}
# the encoder for the body. javascript, javascript-attribute, javascript-block or javascript-source
# There are other encoders that you can choose depending on your requirement. Please refer to site
bodyEncoder: ${sanitizer.bodyEncoder:javascript-source}
# pick up a list of keys to encode the values to limit the scope to only selected keys. You can
# choose this option if you want to only encode certain fields in the body. When this option is
# selected, you can not use the bodyAttributesToIgnore list.
bodyAttributesToEncode: ${sanitizer.bodyAttributesToEncode:}
# pick up a list of keys to ignore the values encoding to skip some of the values so that these
# values won't be encoded. You can choose this option if you want to encode everything except
# several values with a list of the keys. When this option is selected, you can not use the
# bodyAttributesToEncode list.
bodyAttributesToIgnore: ${sanitizer.bodyAttributesToIgnore:}

# if it is enabled, the header needs to be sanitized
headerEnabled: ${sanitizer.headerEnabled:true}
# the encoder for the header. javascript, javascript-attribute, javascript-block or javascript-source
# There are other encoders that you can choose depending on your requirement. Please refer to site
headerEncoder: ${sanitizer.headerEncoder:javascript-attribute}
# pick up a list of keys to encode the values to limit the scope to only selected keys. You can
# choose this option if you want to only encode certain fields in the body. When this option is
# selected, you can not use the headerAttributesToIgnore list.
headerAttributesToEncode: ${sanitizer.headerAttributesToEncode:}
# pick up a list of keys to ignore the values encoding to skip some of the values so that these
# values w...
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19 Feb 15:04
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1.6.38 (2022-02-19)

Merged pull requests:

  • fixes #1110 add Suppression annotation for TypeParameterUnusedInFormals #1111 (stevehu)


11 Nov 03:44
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1.6.37 (2021-11-10)

Merged pull requests:

Upgrade Guidelines:

This is a release with some bug fixes and enhancements. It is backward compatible with the 1.6.36 release. For all the changes for the entire platform, please refer to


19 Oct 19:32
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2.0.32 (2021-10-19)

Merged pull requests:

Upgrade Guidelines:

This is a release with some bug fixes and enhancements. It is backward compatible with the 2.0.31 release. For all the changes for the entire platform, please refer to


22 Sep 18:42
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2.0.31 (2021-09-22)

Merged pull requests:


24 Aug 03:44
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2.0.30 (2021-08-23)

Merged pull requests:

Upgrade Guidelines:

This is a release with some bug fixes and enhancements. It is backward compatible with the 2.0.29 release. For all the changes for the entire platform, please refer to