IMPORTANT Compatibility Note
This version of Stop Motion OBJ supports Blender 2.92.x - 3.6.x. IT WILL NOT WORK FOR BLENDER 4.0.0+
Highly encouraged donation
On and Gumroad where the downloads are hosted, there's a minimum price of $5. However, since this is still an open-source project, there's nothing preventing you from copying the files from the repo and installing them yourself for free. The $5 price tag buys you some convenience since it's easier to install the addon using the .zip file, as well as my eternal thanks.
Stop Motion OBJ downloads are now hosted on There's also a mirror on link:
(mirror) Gumroad link:
New Features
Major features
- Fast OBJ and PLY import in Blender 3.3.0+
- Keyframed sequence progression
- Manual sequence creation (for stop motion animation)
- Smooth/Flat shading for Streaming Sequences
- Auto-export modified meshes
- Multiple sequence import
- .X3D and .WRL mesh sequences
Minor features
- Display mesh sequence source path in the Advanced panel
- Display sequence length in the Advanced panel
- Display the number of currently-cached meshes
- Merge duplicate materials