What's Changed
- [stable26] fix(isLegitimatedForUserId): Setup mountpoints to check file access by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41144
- [stable26] fix: Don't try to access null array by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41146
- [stable26] chore(deps): fix package-lock.json by @ShGKme in #41221
- [stable26] Fix download URL for versions by @artonge in #40946
- [stable26] fix(files): race condition on web files view change by @ShGKme in #41224
- [stable26] fix(session): Log why session renewal failed by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41239
- [stable26] fix(OCM): Make the public API only rely on OCP by @nickvergessen in #41151
- [stable26] fix(files_external): on case insensitive system, block case change by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41222
- [stable26] Return correct status if touch failed by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41237
- [stable26] fix(ldap): store last known user groups by @juliushaertl in #41107
- [stable26] optimize cache jail creation by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41325
- Bump sabre/http to 5.1.10 in stable26 by @come-nc in #41323
- [stable26] Fix type in BeforeMessageLoggedEvent by @susnux in #41357
- [stable26] fix: Validate that we have a proper distributed cache configured by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41372
- [stable26] fix(workflow): Fix "Call to a member function getUID() on null" with … by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41419
- [stable26] fix(log): Log exception class when message is empty by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41425
- [stable26] Catch Imaginary processing errors by @solracsf in #41233
- [stable26] fix(workflowengine): use andWhere() not second where() by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41433
- [stable26] fix(LDAP): prevent incomplete displaynames… by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41369
- [stable26] fix(backupcodes): Remove old notifications before creating a new remi… by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41452
- [stable26] fix(twofactor): avoid DB error on Twofactor (en/dis)abled event by @Altahrim in #41213
- [stable26] LDAP: Increase profile picture limit to 512 by @backportbot-nextcloud in #40921
- [stable26] Don't pass invalid streams to Imaginary by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41185
- [stable26] Lower log level about invalid session token by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41386
- [stable26] Show proper warning on 0 quota by @juliushaertl in #41264
- [stable26] fix: Delete ghost versions of non-existing files by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41297
- [stable26] fix(files): prevent redirect on heading column sort by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41517
- [stable26] fix(login): Fix JS error on login grant page by @backportbot-nextcloud in #41141
- [stable26] Finish password confirmation by @nickvergessen in #41522
- [stable26] Reverse X-Forwarded-For list to read the correct proxy remote address by @nickvergessen in #41528
- [stable26] add some support for rename on case insensitive local filesystems by @Altahrim in #41505
- [stable26] Update psalm-baseline.xml by @nextcloud-command in #41480
- 26.0.9 RC1 by @blizzz in #41431
Full Changelog: v26.0.8...v26.0.9rc1