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Sample SICDs

J. Daniel Smith edited this page Jan 18, 2022 · 17 revisions

Interferometric set of SICDs, high resolution, quad-pol, squinted, formed through Polar Format Algorithm (PFA):

TSX Sample Public Dataset from 1/28/2008 converted to SICD via Matlab SAR Toolbox:

Same TSX dataset above, cropped and split into multiple image segments to demonstrate SICD formatting for these two aspects. Cropped to 200 rows x 100 cols with start row of 123 and start col of 456, split into 8 image segments. FYI, this was performed using the following SIX utilities:

crop_sicd --start-row 123 --start-col 456 --num-rows 200 --num-cols 100 sicd_example_RMA_RGZERO_RE32F_IM32F.nitf cropped.nitf
round_trip_six --size 21527 --schema install/conf/schema/six cropped.nitf sicd_example_RMA_RGZERO_RE32F_IM32F_cropped_multiple_image_segments.nitf